Job 12:2 Cross References - Matthew

2 Then (no doute) ye are the men alone, and wysdom shall perysh wyth you.

Job 6:24-25

24 Teach me and I wil holde my tonge: and yf I do erre, shewe me wherin. 25 Wherfore blame ye then the wordes, that are wel and truely spoken?

Job 8:8-10

8 Enquere of them that haue bene bofore the, search dylygently amonge thy forefathers: 9 Namelye, that we are but of yester daye, and consydre not, that oure dayes vpon earth are but a very shadowe. 10 They shall shewe the, they shall tell the, ye they wyll gladly confesse the same.

Job 11:2

2 Should not he that maketh many words, be answered? Shoulde he that bableth much, be commended therin?

Job 11:6

6 that he myght shewe the (out of his secrete wysdome) howe manyfolde his Lawe is: then shuldest thou knowe, that God had forgotten the, because of thy synnes.

Job 11:12

12 A vayne body exalteth hym selfe, & the sonne of man is lyke a wyld asses foale.

Job 15:2

2 Shulde a wyse man answer as the scyence of the winde, and fyll hys bely wyth the wynde of the easte?

Job 17:4

4 Thou haste withholden their hertes from vnderstandyng, therfore shall they not be sett vp on hye.

Job 17:10

10 As for you, turne you, & get you hence, for I can not se one wyse man amonge you.

Job 20:3

3 I haue suffyciently herde thy checkinge and reprose, therfore am I purposed to make aunswere after myne vnderstandinge.

Job 32:7-13

7 for I thought thus within my selfe. It becommeth olde men to speake, and the aged to teache wisedom. 8 Euery man (no doute) hath a mind but it is the inspiracion of the Almyghty that geueth vnderstandynge. 9 All men are not wise neyther dothe euery aged man vnderstande the thinge that is lawfull. 10 Therfore wyll I speake also (in so farre as I may be hearde) & wyl shew you myne opynion. 11 For when I had wayted till ye made an ende of your talking & hearde youre wysedome: what argumentes ye made in youre communycacyon: 12 yea when I had dylygentlye pondred what, ye sayde, I I founde not one of you that made any good argumente agaynst Iob, or that directly coud make answere vnto hys wordes: 13 lest ye shuld prayse youre selues, to haue founde oute wysdome: because it is God that hath caste hym oute, and no man.

Proverbs 28:11

11 The rych man thyncketh him selfe to be wyse, but the poore that hath vnderstandynge can perceaue him well ynough.

Isaiah 5:21

21 Wo be vnto them that are wyse in theyr owne syght, and thyncke them selues to haue vnderstandynge.

1 Corinthians 4:10

10 We are foles for Christes sake and ye are wise thorow Christe. We are weake, and ye are stronge. Ye are honorable, and we are despised.

1 Corinthians 6:5

5 Thys I saye to youre shame. Is there vtterlye no wyse man amonge you. What, not one at al, that can iudge betwene brother and brother,

Cross Reference data is from, retrieved June 28, 2010, and licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution License.