22 Now vpon the rope were brasen knoppes, & euerye knoppe was fyue cubytes hye: & vpon the knoppes weere whopes, & pomgranates rounde about of cleane brasse.
Jeremiah 52:22 Cross References - Matthew
Exodus 28:14-22
14 and two cheynes of fine golde: lynkeworke and wrethed, and fasten the wrethed cheyns to the hokes.
15 And thou shale make the brestlappe of iudgement with brodered worke: euen after the worcke of the Ephod shalte thou make it: of gold, iacincte, sarlet, purple and twined bisse shalt thou make it.
16 For square it shalbe and double, an hande brede longe and an hande brede brode.
17 And thou shalt fyll it wyth .iiij. rowes of stones. In the fyrste rowe shalbe a Sardios, a Topas and Smaragdus.
18 The seconde rowe, a Rubye. Saphir and Diamonde.
19 The thyrde: Lygurios an Achat and Iaspis.
20 The fourth: a Turcas, Onix and Iaspis. And they shalbe set in golde in their inclosers,
21 And the stones shalbe grauen as signettes be grauen: wyth the names of the children of Israell euen wyth .xij. names euerye one wt hys name accordinge to the .xii. tribes
22 And thou shalt make vpon the brestappe two fastening cheyns of pure gold and wrethen worke. And thou shalt make, lyke wyse vpon, the brestlap two ringes of gold,
Exodus 28:25
25 And the .ii. endes of the .ij. cheyns thou shalte fasten in the .ij. rynges, and put them vpon the shoulders of the Ephode on the foresyde of it.
Exodus 39:15-18
15 And they made vpon the brestlappe, two fastenyng cheynes of wrethen worcke & pure golde.
16 And they made two hokes of golde & two golde rynges, & put the two ringes vpon the two corners of the brestlappe.
17 And they put the two chaynes of gold in the .ij. rynges, in the corners of the brestlappe.
18 And the two endes of the two chaynes they fastened in the two hokes, and put them on the shoulders of the Ephod vpon the fore front of it.
1 Kings 7:16-17
2 Kings 25:17
17 The heyghte of the one piller was .xviij. cubites, and the heade theron was brasse and thre cubites long wyth a wrethe & pomegranetes round aboute vpon the heade, all of brasse. And of the same fasshyon was the seconde pyller wt a wrethe.
2 Chronicles 3:15
15 And he made before the house two pyllers of .xxxv. cubytes long. And the heade that was aboue on the toppe of one of them was fyue cubytes.
2 Chronicles 4:12-13
12 the two pyllers with their scalpes of the two heades that were on the toppes of the pillers: and the two wrethes to couer the two scalpes of the heades that were on the toppes of the pillers,
13 and foure hundred pomegranates for the two wrethes, two rowes of pomegranates for euery wrethe, to couer the two scalpes of the heades that were on the pyllers.