Jeremiah 46:25 Cross References - Matthew

25 Moreouer thus sayeth the Lorde of Hostes the God of Israel: Beholde I will vyset that restlesse people of Alexandria, Pharao, and Egipte, yea bothe their Goddes & their kinges, euen Pharao, and all them that put their trust in him.

Exodus 12:12

12 for I wyl go aboute in the lande of Egypte thys same nyght, and wyl smyte al the fyrste borne in the lande of Egypte, both of man & beast, and vpon all the Goddes of Egypte wyl I the Lorde do execution.

Isaiah 19:1

1 This is the heauy burthen vpon Egipt: Beholde, the Lord wyll ryde vpon a swyft cloude, & come into Egipt. And the Goddes of Egypte shall tremble at hys comminge, and the herte of Egypt shal quake within her.

Isaiah 20:5-6

5 They shalbe also at their wittes ende, and ashamed one of another: the Egipcians of the Morians, and the Morians of the Egipcians, at the syght of their glorye. 6 Moreouer they that dwell in the Iles shall se euen the same daye: behold, this is our hope to whom we fled to seke helpe, that we might be delyuered from the kynge of the Assirians. How wil we escape?

Isaiah 30:2-3

2 They go doune into Egypte (and aske me no councell) to seke helpe at the power of Pharao, and comforte in the shadowe of the Egypcians. 3 But Pharaos helpe shalbe youre confusyon, & the comfort in the Egypcyans shadowe shalbe your owne shame.

Isaiah 31:1-3

1 Wo be vnto them that go doune into Egypte for help, and trust in horses, & comforte themselues in charettes, because they be many, & in horse men because they be lusty & strong. But they regarde not the holy one of Israel, and they aske no question at the Lorde. 2 Where as he neuertheles plageth the wicked, and yet goeth not from hys word when he steppeth forthe, and taketh the victory agaynste the housholde of the frowarde, & agaynste the helpe of euyll doars. 3 Nowe the Egypcyans are men, and not God, and theyr horses fleshe and not sprete. And as soone as the Lorde stretched oute his hande, then shall the helper fall, and he that shuld haue ben helped, and shall all together be destroyed.

Jeremiah 17:5-6

5 Thus sayeth the Lorde: Cursed be the man that putteth his trust in man, & that taketh flesh for hys arme: and he, whose herte departeth from the Lorde. 6 He shall be lyke the heeth, that groweth in the wildernes. As for the good thing that is for to come, he shal not se it: but dwell in a drye place of the wildernes, in a salt and vnoccupied lande.

Jeremiah 42:14-16

14 but will saye thus, we wil not dwell here, but go into Egypte: where we shall neyther se warre, heare the noyse of batel, nor suffre honger, there wil we dwel. 15 Wherfore heare now the worde of the Lord O ye remnaunt of Iuda. Thus sayeth the Lorde of Hostes the God of Israel: Yf ye be wholy purposed to go into Egipte, and to be there as straungers, 16 the swerde that ye feare, shall ouertake you in Egipte: and the honger wherof ye be here afrayed shall hange vpon you into Egipte, and there ye shall dye.

Jeremiah 43:12-13

12 He shal set fyre vpon the tempels of the Egipcians Goddes, and burne them vp, & take them selues presoners. Moreouer he shall araye him selfe with the lande of Egipte, lyke as a sheperde putteth on his cote, and shal departe his waye from thence in peace. 13 The pylers also of the temple of the sunne that is in Egipte: shall he breake in peaces, and burne the tempels of the Egypcians Goddes.

Ezekiel 30:13-16

13 And thus sayth the Lorde God: I wyll destroye the Idols, and bryng the ymages of Noph to an ende. There shal no more be a Prince of Egypte, and a fearfulnes wyl I sende into the Egypcyans lande. 14 As for Pathures, I wyl make it desolate, & kindle a fire in Zoan. Alexandria wyll I punysh 15 and poure my wrothful indignacion vpon Sin, whiche is the strengthe of Egypte. All the substaunce of Alexandria will I destroye, 16 and kyndle a fyre in Egypte. Sin shalbe in greate heauynesse, Alexandria shalbe roted oute, and Noph shall haue daylye sorowe.

Ezekiel 32:9-12

9 I will trouble the hertes of many people, when I brynge thy destruccyon amonge the Heathen & countrees, whom thou knowest not. 10 Yea I wyl make many people with their kynges so afrayed thorowe the, that theyr hearre shal stand vp, when I shake my sweard at theyr faces Sodenly shall they be astonnyed, euerye man in hym selfe, at the day of thy fall. 11 For thus sayeth the Lorde God: the kynge of Babylons swearde shall come vpon the, 12 with the sweardes of the worthyes wyll I smyte doune thy people. Al they that be mightye amonge the Gentyles, shall waste the proude pompe of Egypte, and brynge doune all her people.

Ezekiel 39:6-7

6 In to Magog, and amonge those that syt so carelesse in the Iles: will I sende a fyre, & they shall know, that I am the Lorde. 7 I wyll make also the name of my holynesse to be knowne amonge my people of Israell: and I wyll not let my holy name be euell spoken of enymore: but the very Heathen also shal knowe, that I am the Lorde, the holye one of Israell

Nahum 3:8-9

8 Art thou better then the greate cytie of Alexandria? that lay in the waters, and had the waters rounde about it: whiche was strongly fensed and walled with the sea? 9 Ethiopia and Egypt were her strength and that excedynge greate aboue measure. Aphrica and Lybia were her helpers,

Zephaniah 2:11

11 The lorde shall be gryme vpon them, & destroy al the goddes in the lande. And al the Iles of the heathen shal worshippe him, euery man in hys place.

Cross Reference data is from, retrieved June 28, 2010, and licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution License.