Jeremiah 25:4 Cross References - Matthew

4 Though the Lorde hath sent his seruauntes, all the prophetes vnto you in season: Yet wolde ye not obeye, ye wolde not enclyne youre eares to heare.

2 Chronicles 36:15-16

15 And the Lord God of theyr fathers sent to them by his messengers, sendynge them be tymes: for he had compassyon on hys people & on his dwellynge place. 16 But they mocked the messengers of God & despised theyr wordes & mysse vsed his prophetes, vntyll the wrath of the Lord so arose agaynst hys people that it was past remeadie.

Jeremiah 7:24-26

24 But they were not obedyent, they inclined not theyr eares there vnto, but wente after theyr owne ymagynacyons and after the mocyons of theyr owne wycked herte, & so turned them selues awaye, and conuerted not vnto me. 25 And thys haue they done, from the tyme that youre fathers came oute of Egypte, vnto thys daye. Neuertheles, I sente vnto them my seruauntes all the Prophetes. I rose vp earlye & sente them worde, 26 yet wolde they not herken, nor offre me theyr eares, but were obstynate and worse then theyr fathers.

Jeremiah 11:7-10

7 For I haue diligently exorted youre fathers, euer sence the tyme that I broughte them oute of the land of Egipte, vnto this daye. I gaue them warnyng by tymes, sayenge: herken vnto my voyce: 8 Neuertheles, they wolde not obeye me nor enclyne theyr eares vnto me, but folowed the wicked ymaginacions of theyr owne hertes. And therfore haue I accused them as transgressours of all the wordes of this couenaunt, that I gaue them to kepe, whiche they (not with vnderstandynge) haue not kepte. 9 And the Lorde sayde vnto me: It is founde oute, that whole Israell and all these citesens of Ierusalem are gone backe. 10 They haue turned them selues to the blasphemyes of theyr forefathers, whiche had no luste to heare my worde. Euen lykewyse haue these also folowed straunge Goddes, and worshypped them. The house of Israell and Iuda haue broken my couenaunt, whiche I made wyth their fathers.

Jeremiah 13:10-11

10 This people is a wycked people, they wyll not heare my worde, they folowe the wicked ymagynacyons of their owne herte, & hange vpon straunge Goddes, them haue they serued & worshypped: & therfore they shalbe as this breche, that serueth for nothynge. 11 For as straytelye as a breche lyeth vpon a mans loynes, so strately dyd I bynde the whol house of Israell, and the whole house of Iuda vnto me, sayeth the Lorde: that they myght be my people: that they myght haue a gloryous name: that they myght be in honoure: but they wolde not obeye me.

Jeremiah 16:12

12 And ye with youre shamefull blasphemyes, haue exceaded the wyckednes of youre fathers. For euery one of you foloweth the frowarde and euell ymagynacyon of his owne herte, and is not obedient vnto me.

Jeremiah 17:23

23 How be it they obeyed me not, nether herkened they vnto me: but were obstynate & stubburne, & nether obeyed me, nor receyued my correccyon.

Jeremiah 18:12

12 But they saye: No more of this, we wyll folowe oure owne ymagynacyons, and do euery man accordyng to the wylfulnesse of his owne mynde.

Jeremiah 19:15

15 Thus sayeth the Lord of Hostes the God of Israell: Beholde, I will brynge vpon this cytie and vpon euery towne aboute it, all the plages that I haue deuysed agaynst them: for they haue bene obstinate, & wolde not obeye my warnynges.

Jeremiah 22:21

21 I gaue the warnynge, whyle thou wast yet in prosperyte. But thou saydest: I wyll not heare. And thys maner haste thou vsed from thy youth, that thou woldest neuer heare my voyce.

Jeremiah 25:3

3 From the .xiij. yeare of Iosiah the sonne of Amon kynge of Iuda, vnto this present daye (that is euen .xxiij. yeare) the worde of the Lorde hath bene commytted vnto me. And so I haue spoken to you, I haue rysen vp early I haue geuen you warnyng in season, but ye wolde not heare me.

Jeremiah 25:7

7 Neuertheles, ye wolde not heare me (sayeth the Lorde) but haue defyed me with the worckes of youre handes, to youre owne greate harme.

Jeremiah 26:5

5 and to heare the wordes of my seruauntes the Prophetes, whome I sente vnto you, rysynge vp tymelye, and styl sendyng: If ye wyll not folowe them (I saye)

Jeremiah 29:19

19 and that because they haue not bene obedyent vnto my commaundementes (sayeth the Lorde) whiche I sente vnto them by my seruauntes the prophetes. I stode vp earlye, and sent vnto them, but they wolde not heare, sayeth the Lorde.

Jeremiah 32:33

33 When I stode vp earlye, and taught them and instructe them, they turned their backes to me, and not their faces.

Jeremiah 35:14-15

14 The wordes which Ionadab the sonne of Rechab commaunded his sonnes, that they shoulde dryncke no wine, are fast and surely kepte: for vnto this day they drincke no wine, but obeye their fathers commaundemente. But as for me, I haue stand vp early, I haue spoken vnto you, and geuen you earnest warnynge, and yet haue ye not bene obedient vnto me. 15 Yea, I haue sent my seruauntes, al the prophetes vnto you, I rose vp early, and sent you worde, sayinge: O turne you, euery man from his wicked waye: amende your lyues, and go not after straunge Goddes, to worshyppe them, that ye may contynue in the land which I haue geuen vnto you & your fathers but ye would neither heare me, nor folow me.

Jeremiah 36:31

31 And I wil vyset the wickednes of him, of his sede, and of his seruauntes. Moreouer all the euyll that I haue promysed them (thoughe they hearde me not) wil I bringe vpon them, vpon the inhabytoures of Ierusalem, and vpon al Iuda.

Jeremiah 44:4-5

4 How be it, I sent vnto them my seruauntes al the prophetes: I rose vp earlye, I sent vnto them, and gaue them warninge: O do no such abhominable thinges, & thinges that I hate. 5 But they woulde not folow nor herken, to turne from their wyckednes, and to do no more sacrifice vnto straung Goddes.

Zechariah 7:11-12

11 Neuertheles they would not take hede, but turned their backes, & stopped their eares, that they should not heare: 12 yea, they made their hertes as an Adamant stone, least they should hear the law & wordes, whiche the Lorde of hostes sent in his holy spirite by the Prophetes afore tyme. Wherfore the Lorde of hostes was verye wroth at them.

Acts 7:51-52

51 Ye styfe necked, and of vncyrcumcysed hertes and eares, ye haue al wayes resisted the holye ghoste as your fathers dyd, so do ye. 52 Whyche of the prophetes haue not your fathers persecuted? And they haue slayne them, which shewed before of the comminge of the iuste whom ye haue nowe betrayed and mordred.

Hebrews 12:25

25 Se that ye despyse not hym, that speaketh. For yf they escaped not whiche refused hym, that spake on earth: muche more shall we not escape, yf we turne awaye from hym that speaketh from heauen:

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