9 My herte breaketh in my bodye because of the false prophetes, all my bones shake: I am become lyke a droncken man (that by the reason of wyne can take no reste) for verye feare of the Lorde, and of hys holy wordes:
Jeremiah 23:9 Cross References - Matthew
2 Kings 22:19-20
19 Because thyne hert dyd melt, and thou mekedest thy selfe before me the Lorde, when thou heardest what I spake agaynst thys place, and the enhabiters of the same, howe that it shoulde be destroyed and made acursed, and tarest thy clothes and weptest before me: of that also I haue hearde sayth the Lorde.
20 And therfore se, I wyll receyue the vnto thy fathers & wyll fet the vnto thy graue in peace, thyne eyes shall se none of the euyl whych I wyll bryng vpon thys place. And they brought the Kyng worde agayne.
Psalms 60:3
3 Thou hast shewed thy people heuy thinges, thou hast geuen vs a drynke of wyne, that we slombre with all.
Isaiah 6:5
5 Then I sayde: O wo is me. For I was astonished: that I (which am a man of vncleane lippes and dwell amonge people that hath vncleane lyppes also) shulde se the kynge and the Lorde of hostes wyth myne eyes.
Isaiah 28:1
1 Wo be to the croune of pryde, to the droncken Ephraemytes, & to the faydynge floure, to the glorye of hys pompe, that is vpon the toppe of the plenteous valleye: whiche men be ouerladen with wine.
Isaiah 29:9
9 But ye shalbe at youre wyttes ende, ye shall be abashed, ye shall stackre, and rele to & fro. Ye shalbe droncken, but not of wyne. Ye shall fall, but not thorowe dronckennes.
Isaiah 51:21
21 And therfore thou myserable & droncken (howbe it not with wyne) Heare this:
Jeremiah 5:31
31 The Prophetes teache falsely, and the priestes folowe them, and my people hath pleasure therein. What wyll come thereof at the laste.
Jeremiah 9:1
1 O who wil geue my heade water ynough, and a wel of teares for myne eyes: that I may wepe night and day, for the slaughter of my people?
Jeremiah 14:17-18
17 This shalt thou saye also vnto them: Myne eyes shall wepe without ceassynge daye and night. For my people shalbe destroyed wyth great harme, and shall perysh wyth a great plage.
18 For yf I go in to the felde, lo, it lyeth all full of slayne men. If I come in to the cytye, lo, they be all fameshed of honger. Yee their prophetes also and prestes shall be led in to an vnknowne lande.
Jeremiah 25:15-18
15 For thus hath the Lord God of Israel spoken vnto me: Take this wyne cuppe of indignacion fro my hande, that thou mayeste cause al the people, to whom I sende the, for to drincke of it:
16 that when they haue drouncken therof, they may be mad, and out of their wyttes, when the swearde commeth, that I wyll sende amonge them.
17 Then toke I the cuppe from the Lordes hande, and made all the people dryncke therof, vnto whom the Lorde had sent me.
18 But fyrst the cytie of Ierusalem, and all the cytyes of Iuda, theyr kinges and princes to make them desolate, waste, despised & cursed according as it is come to passe this day.
Lamentations 3:15
15 He hath fylled me with bytternesse, and geuen me wormwod to dryncke.
Ezekiel 9:4
4 and the Lorde sayde vnto hym: Go thy waye thorow the cytie of Ierusalem, and set thys marcke Than vpon the foreheades of them, that mourne & are sory for all the abhomynacyons, that be done therin.
Ezekiel 9:6
6 kyl and destroye bothe olde men and yonge, maydens, chyldren, and wyues. But as for those, that haue thys marcke Than vpon them: se that ye touche them not, & begynne at my sanctuarye. Then they began at the elders, whiche were in the temple,
Daniel 8:27
27 Vpon this was I Daniel very fainte, so that I lay sicke certayne dayes: but when I rose vp, I wente aboute the kinges busynes, and marueled at the vision, neuertheles no man knewe of it.
Habakkuk 3:16
16 When I heare thys, my bodye is vexed, my lyppes tremble at the voyce therof, my bones corruppe, I am afrayed where I stande. O that I myght rest in the day of trouble, that I myght go vp vnto oure people, whiche are alredye prepared.
Romans 7:9
9 I ones liued without lawe. But when the commaundemente came, synne reuyued, & I was deade.