Isaiah 5:2 Cross References - Matthew

2 This he hedged, this he walled rounde about, & planted with goodly grapes. In the myddest of it buylded he a toure, & made a wyne presse therein. And afterwarde when he loked that it shulde bringe him grapes, it broughte forthe thornes.

Exodus 33:16

16 for how shall it be knowne nowe that both I and thy people haue founde fauoure in thy syghte, but in that thou goest wyth vs: that both I and thy people haue a preemynence before all the people that are vpon the face of the erth.

Numbers 23:9

9 from the toppes of the rockes I se hym, & from the hylles I behold him: loo, the people shal dwel by him selfe and shal not be rekened among other nations.

Deuteronomy 32:6

6 Doest thou so rewarde the Lord? O foleish nation and vnwise, Is not he thy father and thyne owner? hath he not made the & ordeyned the?

Deuteronomy 32:8-9

8 When the most hyghest gaue the nations an enheritaunce, & deuided the sonnes of Adam, he put the borders of the nations, fast by the multitude of the children of Israell. 9 For the Lordes part is hys folke, & Iacob is the portion of hys enheritaunce.

Deuteronomy 32:32-33

32 But theyr vynes are of the vynes of Sodome, & of the feldes of Gomorra. Theyr grapes are grapes of gall, and theyr clusters be bitter. 33 Theyr wyne is the poyson of dragons, and the cruel gall of aspes.

Judges 16:4

4 And after that he loued a woman, vpon the ryuer of Sorek, called Dalilah,

Nehemiah 13:15

15 At the same tyme sawe I some tredynge wynepresses on the Saboth, and bryngynge in clusters, and asses laden wyth wyne, grapes, fygges, and bryngynge al maner of burthens vnto Ierusalem, vpon the Saboth day. And I rebuked them earnestlye the same daye that they solde the vytayles.

Psalms 44:1-3

1 To the chaunter an instruccyon of the sonnes of Corah. We haue herde with our eares (O God) our fathers haue told vs, what thou hast don in their tyme of olde 2 Howe thou hast dryuen out the Heythen wyth thy hand, and planted them in: how thou hast destroyed the nacions and cast them out. 3 For they gat not the lande in possessyon thorowe their owne swearde, neyther was it their owne arme that helped them. But thy ryght hande, thyne arme and the lyght of thy countenaunce, because thou haddest a fauoure vnto them.

Isaiah 1:2-4

2 Heare O heauen, herken O earth, for the Lord speaketh: I haue norysshed & brought vp chyldren, and they are fallen awaye from me. 3 An oxe knoweth hys Lorde, & an Asse his masters stall: but Israel knoweth nothynge, my people hath no vnderstanding. 4 Alas for thys synfull people, whiche are ouerladen with blasphemyes, a frowarde generacyon, wicked chyldren. They haue forsaken the Lorde, they haue prouoked the holy one of Israell vnto anger, and are gone backwarde.

Isaiah 1:8

8 Moreouer the doughter of Syon is lefte alone lyke a cotage in a vyneyard like a watche house in tyme of warre, lyke a beseged cytye.

Isaiah 1:21-23

21 Howe happeneth it then that the ryghtuous cytye (whiche was full of equyte) is be come vnfaythful as an whore? ryghteousnes dwelt in it, but now murthur. 22 Thy syluer is turned to drosse, and thy wyne mixte wyth water. 23 Thy prynces are traytours and companyons of theues. They loue gyftes altogether, & folowe rewardes. As for the fatherles, they helpe hym not to hys ryght, nether wyll they let the wydowes causes come before them.

Isaiah 5:7

7 As for the vyneyarde of the Lorde of Hostes it is the house of Israel, & whole Iuda hys fayre plantynge. Of these he loked for equyte, but se there is wronge: for rightuousnesse, lo, It is but miserye.

Isaiah 63:2-3

2 Wherfore then is thy clothinge reade, and thy rayment lyke his that treadeth in the wyne presse? 3 I haue troden the presse my self alone, and of al people, there was not one with me. Thus haue I troden doune myne enemyes in my wrath, and set my fete vpon them in my indignacyon. And their bloude sprange vpon my clothes, and so haue I stayned al my raiment.

Jeremiah 2:21

21 where as I planted the out of noble grapes & good rotes. How art thou turned then into a bitter, vnfrutefull, and straunge grape?

Hosea 10:1

1 Israel was a goodly vyne, but he hath brought forth vnprofytable frute: yea, the more frute he had, the mo aulters he made: the more good I dyd to their lande, the more frendshyppe shewed they to their Images.

Micah 4:8

8 And vnto the (O thou tower of Eder, thou strong holde of the doughther Sion) vnto the shall it come: euen the lordshype and kyngdome of the daughter Ierusalem.

Matthew 21:19

19 and spyed a fygge tree in the waye, and came to it, and found nothynge thereon, but leaues onely, and sayed to it, neuer frute growe on the hence forwardes. And anone the figge tre wyddered away

Matthew 21:34

34 And when the tyme of the frute drewe neare, he sente hys seruauntes to the husbandmen to receyue the fruytes of it.

Mark 11:13

13 and spied a fygge tree a farre of hauing leaues: and wente to se whether he myghte fynde any thynge theron. But when he came therto, he founde nothyng but leaues: for the tyme of fygges was not yet.

Mark 12:2

2 And when the tyme was come, he sente to the tenauntes a seruaunte, that he myghte receyue of the tenauntes of the frute of the vyneyarde.

Luke 13:6-7

6 He put forth this similitude: A certayne man had a fygge tree planted in hys vyneyarde, & he came and sought frute theron, and founde none. 7 Then sayde he to the dresser of hys vyneyard: Beholde thys thre yeare haue I come and sought frute in thys fygge tre, and fynde none, cut it doune: why comvreth it the grounde.

Luke 20:10-18

10 And when the tyme was come, he sente a seruaunt to hys tenauntes that they shoulde geue hym of the fruytes of the vyneyarde. And the tenauntes dyd beate hym, & sent him awaye empty. 11 And agayne he sent yet another seruaunt. And they dyd beate him, & foule entreated hym also, & sent hym awaye emptye. 12 Moreouer, he sent the third to, & hym they wounded, and cast out. 13 Then sayde the Lorde of the vineyarde: what shall I do? I wil sende my deare sonne, hym peraduenture they wyll reuerence, when they se hym. 14 But when the fermers sawe hym, they thoughte in them selues sayinge: thys is the hyre, come let vs kyl him, that the inheritaunce maye be oures. 15 And they cast hym out of the vineyarde, & kylled him. Now what shall the Lorde of the vyneyarde do vnto them? 16 He wyll come and destroye those fermers, and wyl let out his vineyarde to other: When they heard that, they sayde: God forbyd. 17 And he behelde them, and sayde: what meaneth this then that is wryten. The stone that the buylders refused, the same is made the head corner stone? 18 Whosoeuer stomble at that stone shalbe broken: but on whomesoeuer it fal vpon it wyll grynde hym to powder.

Romans 9:4

4 whiche are the Israelites. To whom pertayneth the adoption, and the glory, and the couenauntes, & the lawe that was geuen, & the seruice of God, & the promises:

1 Corinthians 9:7

7 who goeth a warfare anye time at hys owne cost? Who planteth a vineiarde, and eateth not of the fruite? Who fedeth a flocke and eateth not of the mylke?

Revelation 14:18-20

18 And another angel came out from the aulter, whiche had power of fyre, and cryed wyth a loude crye to him that had the sharpe sykle, & sayed: thruste in thy sharpe sykle, and gather the clusters of the earth for her grapes are rip. 19 And the angel thruste in his sykle on the earth, and cut doune the grapes of the vineyarde of the earth, and caste them into the great wynfat of the wrath of God, 20 and the wynfat was troden wythout the cyty, and bloud came out of the fat, euen vnto the horsse brydelles by the space of a thousand and .vi. hundred furlonges.

Cross Reference data is from, retrieved June 28, 2010, and licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution License.