8 For thus saith the Lorde: my thoughtes are not youre thoughtes, & youre wayes are not my wayes,
Isaiah 55:8 Cross References - Matthew
2 Samuel 7:19
19 And is thys a small thyng in thy syght Lorde Iehouah, but that thou shuldest speake also of the seruauntes house for a greate while to come? is this a lawe amonge men Lorde Iehouah?
Psalms 25:10
10 All the wayes of the Lord are verye mercy and faythfulnes, vnto suche as kepe hys testament and couenaunte.
Psalms 40:5
5 O Lorde my God, greate are thy wonderous worckes whiche thou haste done: and in thy thoughtes toward vs there maye none be likened vnto the. I wold declare them, and speake of them: but they are so manye, that they can not be tolde.
Psalms 92:5
5 O Lorde, how glorious are thy workes, thy thoughtes are very depe.
Proverbs 21:8
8 The waies of the froward are straunge, but the worckes of him that is cleane, are ryght
Proverbs 25:3
3 The heauen is hye, the earth is depe, the kings hert is vnsearcheable.
Isaiah 53:6
6 As for vs, we go all astraye (lyke shepe) euery one turneth hys owne waye. But thorow hym, the Lorde pardoneth all oure synnes.
Jeremiah 3:1
1 Comenly, when a man putteth awaye his wife, and she goeth from him, and marieth with another, then the question is: should he resorte vnto her any more after that? Is not this felde then defiled and vnclean? But as for the thou hast played the harlot with many louers, yet turne againe to me, sayeth the Lorde.
Ezekiel 18:29
29 And yet sayeth the house of Israell: Tush the waye of the Lorde is not equall. Are my wayes vnryght, O ye house of Israel: Are not youre wayes rather vnequal?
Daniel 4:37
37 Then dyd I Nabuchodonosor loue, magnifye and prayse the kynge of heauen: for all hys worckes are true, and hys wayes righte. As for those that go on proudely, he is able to brynge them doune.
Hosea 14:9
9 Who so is wyse, shall vnderstande thys: & he that is ryght instructe, wyll regarde it. For the wayes of the Lorde are ryghteous, suche as be Godlye wil walcke in them: As for the wicked, they wyll stomble therin.