Isaiah 37:33 Cross References - Matthew

33 Therfore thus sayeth the Lorde, concernynge the kynge of the Assyrians: He shall not come in to the cytye, and shall shote no arowe in to it, there shall no shilde hurte it, nether shall they graue aboute it.

2 Kings 19:32-35

32 Wherfore thus saith the Lorde, of the kinge of Assiria: he shall not come to this citie, nor shote arow into it, nor come before with shild nor cast any bancke agaynst it: 33 but shall go backe agayne the waye he came, and shall not come at his cytye sayth the Lorde. 34 For I wyll defende this cytye and saue it, for myne owne sake, and for Dauid my seruauntes sake. 35 And the selfe same nyght the Aungel of the Lorde went out & smote in the hoste of the Assirians an hundred four skore & fiue thousand. And when they were vp erly in the morning beholde, they were al dead corses.

Isaiah 8:7-10

7 Beholde, the Lorde shall brynge mightye and greate floudes of water vpon them: namely the kinge of the Assirians with all his power. Whyche shall poure oute his furiousnesse vpon euery man, and runne ouer all their banckes. 8 And shall breake in vpon Iuda, increasyng in power, tyll he get him by the throte. He shal fyl also the wydenesse of thy lande with hys broade wynges, O Emanuell. 9 Go together ye people, and gather you, herken to all ye of farre countreyes. Mustre you, & gather you: mustre you and gather you, 10 take your councel together, yet must youre councell come to nought: go in hand with all, yet shall it not prospere. Excepte Emanuel: (that is God) be with vs.

Isaiah 10:32-34

32 yet shall he remayne at Nob that daye. After that, shall he lyft vp his hande agaynst the mount of Sion, and against the hyll of Ierusalem. 33 But se the lorde God of hostes shall take awaye the proude from thence with feare. He shall hew doune the proude, and fel the hye minded. 34 The thornes of the wood shalbe roted out with yron, and Libanus shall haue a myghtye fall.

Isaiah 17:12

12 Wo be to the multitude of muche people, that rush in lyke the sea, and to the heape of folke, that runne ouer al lyke greate waters.

Isaiah 17:14

14 Thoughe they be fearfull at night, yet in the morninge it is gone with them. This is their porcyon, that do vs harme, and heritage of them, that robbe vs.

Isaiah 33:20

20 There shal Sion be sene, the head cytye of oure solempne feastes. There shal thyne eyes se Ierusalem that gloryous habytacyon: the tabernacle that neuer shal remoue, whose nayles shall neuer be taken oute worlde wythout ende, whose coardes euerychone shall neuer corrupte:

Ezekiel 21:22

22 But the sothsayenge shall poynte to the ryght syde vpon Ierusalem, that he maye set men of warre, to smyte it wyth a greate noyse, to crye out Alarum, to set batelrammes agaynst the gates, to graue vp dyches, and to make bulworckes.

Luke 19:43-44

43 For the dayes shall come vpon the, that thyne enemyes shal cast a banke aboute the, & compasse the round and kepe the on euerye syde, 44 and make the euen with the grounde, with children whiche are in the. And they shall not leaue in the one stone vpon another, because thou knowest not the tyme of thy visitacyon.

Cross Reference data is from, retrieved June 28, 2010, and licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution License.