32 Who shall then maynteyne the messages of the Gentyles? But the Lorde stablisheth Sion, and the poore of my people shall put their truste in hym.
Isaiah 14:32 Cross References - Matthew
2 Samuel 8:10
10 he sent Ioram hys sonne vnto king Dauid to salute hym wyth peace & to blesse hym because he had fought against Adadezer and beaten hym, for Thoi kepte warre wyth Adadezer, which sonne brought vessels of syluer, golde, and of brasse wyth him.
2 Kings 20:12-19
12 The same ceason Berodach Baladan the sonne of Baladan king of Babylon sent letters and presentes vnto Hezekiah, for he heard how that Hezekiah was sycke.
13 And Hezekiah harkened vnto them, and shewed them al that was in the spycery house, and hys syluer and goulde & odoures & precyouse oyntmentes & hys armorye and all that was founde in hys treasure, there was nothing in his house or in al his reaulme, that he shewed them not.
14 Then came Isaiah the Prophete vnto kyng Hezekiah, and sayde to him: What saye these men, and from whence come they to the? And Hezekiah sayde: they be come from a farre countrey, euen from Babylon.
15 And he sayd: what haue they sene in thyne house? And Hezekiah sayd: al that is in my house, haue they sene: there is nothinge amonge my treasure that I haue not shewed them.
16 And Isaiah sayde to Hezekiah: heare the worde of the Lorde.
17 Beholde the day shall come, that all that is in thyne house and that thy fathers haue layde vp in store vnto this day, shalbe caryed to Babilon, and nothing shalbe lefte sayth the lord.
18 And of thy sonne that proceaded oute of the, whiche thou begattest, shall there be caryed away, and shalbe made chambrelaines in the palace of the kynge of Babilon.
19 And Hezekiah sayde to Isaiah: welcome be the worde of the Lorde whiche thou hast spoken: so that peace and truthe be kept in my dayes.
Psalms 87:1
1 A Psalme and songe of the sonnes of Corah Her foundatyons are vpon the holye hylles:
Psalms 87:5
5 And of Sion it shalbe reported, that he was borne in her, euen the most hyest whych hath buylded her.
Psalms 102:16
16 For the Lorde shall buylde vp Sion, and shall apeare in hys glory.
Psalms 102:28
28 The chyldren of thy seruauntes shall continue, and their sede shall prospere in thy sighte.
Psalms 132:13-14
Proverbs 18:10
10 The name of the Lord is a strong castel, the righteous flieth vnto it, and shalbe saued.
Isaiah 4:6
6 And Ierusalem shall be a tabernacle for a shadowe because of hete in the daye tyme, a place and refuge where a man may kepe him for wether and rayne.
Isaiah 11:4
4 but wyth ryghteousnesse shall he iudge the poore, and with holynes shal he refourme the symple of the worlde. He shall smyte the worlde wyth the staffe of hys mouthe, & with the breathe of his mouth shall he slay the wicked.
Isaiah 12:6
6 Crye oute, and be glad, thou that dwellest in Sion, for greate is thy prince, the holy one of Israell.
Isaiah 25:4
4 For thou art the poore mans helpe, a strength for the neadful in his necessyte. Thou art a defence against euyll wether, a shadow agaynst the hete. But vnto the presumptuous, thou art lyke a stronge whyrle wynde, that casteth doune
Isaiah 28:16
16 Therfore sayth the Lorde God: Beholde, I wyll laye a stone in Syon a great stone, a costly corner stone for a sure foundacyon: that who so putteth hys truste in hym, shall not be confounded.
Isaiah 37:9
9 For there came a rumoure, that Tharhakah kynge of Ethiopia was come forth to warre agaynst hym. And when the Kynge of Assyria hearde that, he sent other messaungers to Kynge Hezekiah with this commaundement:
Isaiah 37:32
32 For the escaped shall go out of Ierusalem, and the remaunte from the mount Syon. And this shall the gelousy of the Lorde of hostes bringe to passe.
Isaiah 39:1
1 At the same tyme Merodach Baladam, Baladams sonne Kynge of Babylon, sent lettres and presentes to Hezekiah. For he vnderstode how that he had bene sick, and was recouered agayne.
Isaiah 44:28
28 I saye to Cyrus: thou art myne herd man: so that he shall fulfill all thinges after my will. I saye to Ierusalem: be thou buylded, & to the temple: be thou fast grounded.
Isaiah 54:11
11 Beholde thou pore, vexed and despysed: I will make thy walles of precious stones, & thy foundacyon of Saphires,
Zephaniah 3:12
12 In the also will I leaue a small poore simple people, which shal trust in the name of the Lorde.
Zechariah 11:7
7 I my self fedde the slaughter shepe (a pore flocke verely) & toke vnto me two staues: the one I called louinge mekenesse, the other I called wo, & so I kepte the shepe.
Zechariah 11:11
11 And so it was broken in that daye. Then the poore simple shepe that had a respecte vnto me, knewe therby, that it was the word of the lord.
Matthew 16:18
18 And I saye also vnto the that thou arte Peeter: and vpon thys rocke I wil buylde my congregacion. And the gates of hell shall not preuayle against it.
Matthew 24:15-16
Hebrews 12:22
22 But ye are come vnto the mounte Syon, and to the cytye of the lyuyng God, the celestiall Ierusalem: and to an innumerable syghte of Angels,
James 2:5
5 Harken my deare beloued brethren. Hath not God chosen the pore of thys world, which are ryche in faythe, and heyres of the kyngedome whiche he promysed to them that loue hym?