29 And Ioseph made redye his charet and went to mete Israhel hys father vnto Gosan, and presented hym selfe vnto hym, and fell on hys necke and wepte vpon hys necke a good whyle.
Genesis 46:29 Cross References - Matthew
Genesis 33:4
4 Esau ranne to mete hym & enbraced hym and fell on his necke & kissed hym, and they wepte.
Genesis 41:43
43 & set him vpon the best charet that he had saue one. And they cryed before hym Abrech, & that Pharao had made him ruelar ouer al the land of Egypte.
Genesis 45:14-15
Genesis 45:19
19 And commaunded also. This do ye: take charretes wt you out of the lande of Egypte, for youre children and for your wyfes: and bryng your father and come.
Genesis 45:21
21 And the chyldren of Israel dyd euen so, And Ioseph gaue them charettes at the commaundement of Pharao, & gaue them vitayle also to spende by the way.
Luke 15:20
20 And he arose and wente to his father. And when he was yet a great way of, hys father sawe hym, and had compassyon and ran and fell on hys necke, & kyssed hym.
Acts 20:37
37 And they wept al aboundauntly, and fell on Paules necke, & kyssed him