17 And he answered: God forbyd that I should do so, the man wt whom the cuppe is found, he shalbe my seruaunte: but go ye in peace vnto your father.
Genesis 44:17 Cross References - Matthew
Genesis 18:25
25 That be farre from the, that thou shuldest do after this maner, to sley the rightwes wt the wicked, & that the rightwes shuld be as the wicked: that be farre from the. Shulde not the iudge of all the worlde do acordynge to ryghte?
Genesis 26:29
29 that thou shouldest do vs no hurt, as we haue not touched the, and haue done vnto the nothynge but good, & sent the away in peace: for thou art nowe the blessed of the Lorde.
Genesis 37:32-33
Genesis 42:18
18 And Ioseph said vnto them the thyrd day: Thys do and lyue, for I feare God.
2 Samuel 23:3
3 The God of Israel spake vnto me, and the strength of Israel sayde, he that beareth rule ouer men, he that ruleth iustly in the feare of God.
Psalms 75:2
2 When I maye get a conuenyent tyme, I shall iudge accordyng vnto ryght.
Proverbs 17:15
15 The Lord hateth as wel hym that iustifyeth the vngodly, as him that condemneth the innocent,