Galatians 6:9 Cross References - Matthew

9 Let vs not be werye, of wel doynge. For when the tyme is come, we shall reape withoute werynes.

Leviticus 26:4

4 then I wyll send you reyne in the ryght season & youre lande shall yelde hyr encrease and the trees of the fyeld shal gyue thyr fruite.

Deuteronomy 11:14

14 then he wyll giue rayne vnto youre lande in due ceason, both the first rayne & the later, and thou shalte gather in thy corne thy wyne and thyne oyle.

Psalms 104:27

27 They wayte all vpon the, that thou mayest geue them meate in due season.

Psalms 145:15

15 The eyes of all wayte vpon the, and thou geuest them their meate in due season.

Isaiah 40:30-31

30 Chyldren are weery and faynt, and the strongest men fall: 31 But vnto them that haue the Lorde before their eyes, shal strength be encreased, Aegles wynges shall growe vpon them: When they runne they shall not fal: and when they go, they shal not be weery.

Zephaniah 3:16

16 In that tyme it shall be sayed to Ierusalem: feare not, and to Syon: let not thyne handes be slacke,

Malachi 1:13

13 Now say ye: It is but laboure and trauail, and thus haue ye thought scorne at it (sayeth the Lorde of hostes) offeryng robbery, yea, the lame and the sicke. Ye haue brought me in a meatoffering, shoulde I accepte it of youre hande, sayeth the Lorde?

Matthew 10:22

22 and ye shal be hated of all men for my name. But he that endureth to the ende shalbe saued.

Matthew 24:13

13 But he that endureth to the ende, the same shall be safe.

Luke 18:1

1 And he put forth a similitude vnto them signifyeng that men ought alwaies to pray, & not to be werye,

Romans 2:7

7 that is to say, prayse, honoure and immortalytye, to them whyche continue in good doynge and seke eternall lyfe.

1 Corinthians 15:58

58 Therfore my deare brethren, be ye stedfast and vnmouable alwayes ryche in the workes of the Lorde, for as much as ye knowe, howe that your labour is not in vaine in the Lorde.

2 Corinthians 4:1

1 Therfore seynge that we haue suche an offyce, euen as mercye is come on vs, we faynte not:

2 Corinthians 4:16

16 Wherfor we are not weryed, but though oure outwarde man perysh: yet the inwarde man is renewed daye by daye.

Ephesians 3:13

13 Wherfore I desyre that ye faynte not because of my tribulations for your sakes, whiche is your prayse.

2 Thessalonians 3:13

13 Brethren be not werye in well doyng.

Hebrews 3:6

6 But Chryste as a sonne hath rule ouer the house, whose house are we, so that we holde faste the confidence and the reioysynge of that hope, vnto the ende.

Hebrews 3:14

14 We are partakers of Christe, yf we kepe sure vnto the ende the fyrste substaunce,

Hebrews 10:35-39

35 Caste not awaye therfore youre confidence whiche hath great reward to recompence. 36 For ye haue nede of pacyence, that after ye haue done the wyll of God, ye myght receyue the promes. 37 For yet a very lyttel whyle, and he that shall come wyll come, and wyll not tarye. 38 But the iuste shall lyue by fayth. And yf he wythdrawe hym selfe my soule shal haue no pleasure in him. 39 We are not whych wythdrawe our selues vnto dampnacyon, but partayne to faith, to the winnynge of the soule.

Hebrews 12:3

3 Consydre therfore how that he endureth such speakyng agaynst him of synners least ye should be weryed and faynte in youre myndes.

Hebrews 12:5

5 And ye haue forgotten consolacyon, which speaketh vnto you as vnto chyldren: my sonne despyse not the chastenynge of the Lorde, neyther faynte when thou arte rebuked of hym:

James 5:7

7 Be ye pacyente therfore brethren, vnto the commynge of the Lord. Behold the husbande man wayghteth for the precious frute of the earth & hath long pacience therevpon, vntyll he receyue (the early and the latter rayne.)

1 Peter 2:15

15 For so is the wyll of God, that ye put to sylence the ignorauncye of the folyshe men:

1 Peter 3:17

17 It is better (yf the wyll of God be so) that ye suffre for wel doyng, then for euil doinge.

1 Peter 4:19

19 Wherfore let them that suffer according to the wil of God, commit their soules to him with wel doing, as vnto a faythfull creator.

Revelation 2:3

3 and dydest washe thy selfe. And hast pacience, and for my names sake hast labored and hast not faynted:

Revelation 2:7

7 Let him that hath eares heare, what the spirite sayeth vnto the congregacions. To him that ouercommeth, wyl I geue to eate of the tree of lyfe, whyche is in the middes of the Paradyse of God.

Revelation 2:10-11

10 Feare none of those thynges, which thou shalt suffre. Behold, the deuil shal caste of you into pryson, to tempte you, and ye shal haue tribulacion .x. dayes. Be faythful vnto the death, & I wyl geue the a croune of life. 11 Let him that hath eares, heare what the spyryte sayth to the congregacyons. He that ouercommeth, shall not be hurte of the second death.

Revelation 2:17

17 Let him that hath eares, heare what the spyryte sayeth vnto the congregacyons. To hym that ouercommeth will I geue to eate Manna, that is hyd and wyll geue hym a whyte stone, and in the stone a new name wrytten, whiche no man knoweth sauynge he that receiueth it.

Revelation 2:26-29

26 and whosoeuer ouercommeth and kepeth my workes vnto the ende, to hym wyl I geue power ouer nacions, 27 and he shal rule them with a rodde of yron: and as the vessels of a potter, shall he breake them to sheuers. Euen as I receyued of my father, 28 so wyll I geue him, the morninge starre. 29 Let hym that hath eares, heare what the spyryte sayeth to the congregations.

Revelation 3:5-6

5 He that ouercommeth, shalbe clothed in whyte araye, and I wyll not put out hys name out of the boke of lyfe, and I wyll confesse his name before my father, and before his angels. 6 Let hym that hath eares, heare what the spyryte sayeth vnto the congregacions.

Revelation 3:12-13

12 Hym that ouercommeth, wyl I make a pyller in the temple of my God, and he shal go no more out. And I wyl wryte vpon him, the name of my God, and the name of the cytye of my God, newe Ierusalem, which commeth doune out of heauen from my God, & I wyl wryte vpon him my newe name. 13 Let him that hath eares, heare what the spirite sayeth vnto the congregacions.

Revelation 3:21-22

21 To hym that ouercommeth, wyl I graunt to sit with me in my seate euen as I ouercame and haue sitten wyth my father, in his seate. 22 Let him that hath eares, heare what the spyrite sayth vnto the congregacions.

Cross Reference data is from, retrieved June 28, 2010, and licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution License.