Ezekiel 39:17 Cross References - Matthew

17 And thou sonne of man: thus sayth the Lorde God: Speake vnto all the foules and euery byrde, yee and to all the wylde beastes of the felde: heape you together and come, gather you rounde aboute vpon my slaughter, that I haue slayne for you: euen a greate slaughter vpon the mountaynes of Israell: eate flesh, and drincke bloude.

Genesis 31:54

54 Then Iacob did sacrifice vpon the mounte, and called hys brethren to eate bread. And they ate breade & taried al nyght in the hyll.

1 Samuel 9:13

13 When ye be come into the citie, so shall you fynd hym, yer he go vp to the hil to eate: for the people wyll not eate vntyll he come, because he must blesse the offeryng. And then eate they that be bidden to the feaste. Nowe therfore get you vp for euen now shal ye fynd hym.

1 Samuel 16:3

3 And call Isai to the offerynge, and I wil shew the what thou shalt do. And thou shalt anoynt hym whom I saye vnto the.

1 Samuel 17:46

46 This day shal the Lorde delyuer the into my hande, and I shall smyte the and take thyne head from the, and I will geue the karcases of the hoste of the Philistines this day vnto the foules of the ayre and to the beastes of the earth, and al the worlde shal knowe, that there is a God in Israel.

Isaiah 18:6

6 And thus they were layde waste, for the foules of the mountaynes, and for the beastes of the earthe together. So that the foules sat there vpon, and the beastes of the earth wyntered there.

Isaiah 34:6

6 And the Lordes swearde shalbe full of bloude, and be rustye wyth the fatnesse & bloude of lambes & gootes, wyth the fatnesse of the kydneys of wethers. For the Lorde shall kyl a greate offringe in Bosra, and in the lande of Idumea.

Isaiah 56:9

9 Al the beastes of the felde, and al the beastes of the wood shal come to deuoure hym.

Jeremiah 12:9

9 Myne heretage is vnto me, as a speckled byrde, a byrde of dyuerse coloures is vpon it. Go hence, and gathere all the beastes of the felde together, that they maye eate it vp.

Jeremiah 46:10

10 So shall this daye be vnto the Lorde God of Hostes, a day of vengeaunce, that he maye avenge him of his enemies. The swearde shall deuoure, it shalbe satisfyed and bathed in their bloud For the Lorde God of Hostes shall haue a slayne offeringe towarde the North, by the water of Euphrates.

Ezekiel 39:4

4 Thou wyth all thyne heape, and all the people that is wyth the, muste, fall vpon the mountaynes of Israell. Then wyll I geue the vnto the foules & wylde beastes of the felde, to be deuoured:

Zephaniah 1:7

7 Be styll at the presence of the Lorde God, for the daye of the Lorde is at hande: yea the Lorde hath prepareth a slayne offerynge, and called hys gestes therto.

Revelation 19:17-18

17 And I sawe an angel stand in the sunne & he cryed wyth a loud voyce, saiyng to al the foules that flye by the myndes of heauen come & gather youre selues together vnto the supper of the great God, 18 that ye may eate the flesh of kinges, & of hye captaynes, & the fleshe of myghty men, and the flesh of horsses, & of them that sit on them, & the flesh of all free men & bonde men, & of small & great.

Cross Reference data is from OpenBible.info, retrieved June 28, 2010, and licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution License.