15 & shalth come from thy place out of the north partes: thou & moch people with the, whych ryde vpon horses, wherof there is a greate multytude & an innumerable sorte.
Ezekiel 38:15 Cross References - Matthew
Ezekiel 38:4
4 and wil turne the about, and put a bytte in thy chawes: I will bringe the forth & all thine hoost, both horse and horsemen whiche be all weapened of the beste fashion: a great people, that handle altogether speares, shyldes, and swerdes:
Ezekiel 38:6
6 Gomer and al his hoostes: the house of Thogorma out of the north quarters, and all his hoostes, yea, & muche people with the.
Ezekiel 39:2
2 and turne the aboute, & carie the forth, and leade the from the north partes, and bringe the vp to the mountaynes of Israell.
Daniel 11:40
40 In the latter tyme shall the kinge of the south stryue with him: & the king of the north in like maner shall come agaynste him wyth charettes, horsemen and wyth a greate nauy of shippes. He shall come into the landes, destroye and go thorowe,
Joel 3:2
2 I shal gather al people together, & brynge them in the valleye of Iosaphat: and there wyl I reason with them: because of my people & herytage of Israel, whom they haue scatred aboute in the nacyons, and parted my lande,
Zephaniah 3:8
8 Therfore ye shall wayte vpon me (sayeth the Lord) vntil the tyme that I stand vp: for I am determed, to gather the people & to bring the kingedoms together, that I may poure oute myne anger, yea, al my wrothfull displeasure vpon them. For all the worlde shalbe consumed wyth the fyre of my gelousy.
Zechariah 12:2-4
2 Beholde I will make Ierusalem a cuppe of surfet, vnto al the people that are round aboute her: Yea, Iuda him self also shalbe in the sege agaynste Ierusalem.
3 At the same tyme wil I make Ierusalem, an heauye stone for al people, so that al such as lift it vp shalbe toarne & rente, & all the people of the earth shalbe gathered together against it.
4 In that day, sayeth the Lorde, I will make all horses abashed, & those that ryde vpon them to be out of their wittes. I wyll open myne eyes vpon the house of Iuda, & smite all the horses of the people with blindnesse.
Zechariah 14:2-3
2 for I will gather together al the heathen, to fighte agaynste Ierusalem, so that the city shalbe woune, the houses spoyled, & the wemen defiled. The half of the city shal go away into captiuite, & the residue of the people shal not be caried out of the cyty.
3 After that shal the lord go forthe to fyght agaynste those heathen, as men vse to fight in the daye of batell.
Revelation 16:14
14 For they are the spirites of deuils working miracles to go out vnto the kinges of the earth, & to the whole worlde to gather them to the batayle of the greate daye of God almighty.
Revelation 16:16
16 And he gathered them together into a place, called in the Hebrue tonge Armagedon.
Revelation 20:8
8 & shal go out to deceiue the people which are in the four quarters of the earthe Gog & Magog, to gether them together to battayle, whose nomber is as the sande of the sea,