Ezekiel 20:21 Cross References - Matthew

21 Notwythstandinge, their sonnes rebelled against me also: they walcked not in my statutes, they kepte not my lawes to fulfyll them (whiche he that doeth shall lyue in them) neyther halowed they my Sabboth dayes. Then I made me againe to poure out my indignacion ouer them, and to satisfye my wrath vpon them in the wildernesse.

Numbers 21:5

5 And the people spake against God and against Moses: wherfore hast thou brought vs oute of Egypte, for to dye in the wyldernes, for here is neither bread nor water, and our soules lotheth thys light bread.

Numbers 25:1-8

1 And Israel dwelt in Sittim, and the people beganne to commytte whoredome wyth the daughters of Moab, 2 whych called the people vnto the sacrifice of theyr Goddes. And the people ate & worshypped their Goddes, 3 and Israel coupled him selfe vnto Baal Peor. Then the Lorde was angry with Israel, 4 and sayed vnto Moses: take al the heades of the people, and hange them vp vnto the Lorde agaynste the sunne, that the wrathe of the Lorde maye turne away from Israel. 5 And Moses sayed vnto the iudges of Israel: go and slea those men that ioyned theym selues vnto Baal Peor. 6 And behold, one of the children of Israell came & broughte vnto hys brethren, a Madianitish wyfe euen in the syght of Moses & in the sighte of al the multitude of the children of Israel, as they were weppyng in the dore of the tabernacle of wytnes. 7 And when Phinehes the sonne of Eleazar the sonne of Aaron the prieste sawe it, he rose vp out of the company & toke a weapen in hys hand, 8 & went after the man of Israel into the hore house and thrust them thorow: both the man of Israel and also the woman euen thorowe the bealy of hyr. And the plage ceased from the children of Israel.

Deuteronomy 9:23-24

23 yea, and when the Lord sent you from Cades Barne saying: go vp & conquere the lande whych I haue geuen you, ye disobeyed the mouth of the Lord your God & neither beleued hym, nor herkened to hys voice. 24 Thus ye haue bene disobedient to the Lord, sence the daye that I knew you.

Deuteronomy 31:27

27 I for knowe thy stubburnes and thy styffe necke: beholde whyle I am yet a lyue wyth you thys daye, ye haue bene disobediente vnto the Lorde: & howe much more after my death?

2 Chronicles 34:21

21 go & enquire of the Lorde for me and for them that are lefte in Israel and Iuda, concernyng the wordes of the boke that is founde. For great is the wrath of the Lord that is fallen vpon vs, because oure fathers kept not the worde of the Lorde, to do after all that is written in this boke.

2 Chronicles 34:25

25 because they haue forsaken me and haue offered vnto other Gods to angre me with all maner worckes of theyre handes, therfore is my wrath set on fyre agaynst thys place & shall not be quenched.

Psalms 106:29-33

29 Thus they prouoked him vnto anger with their owne inuencyons, and the plage was great among them. 30 Then stode vp Phynehes and executed iustice, and so the plage ceased. 31 And that was counted vnto him for ryghtuousnesse, amonge all posterityes for euermore. 32 They angeryd hym also at the waters of strife, so that Moyses was punished for ther sakes. 33 Because they prouoked his spirite, and he told them plainly with his lippes.

Lamentations 4:11

11 Caph. The Lorde hath perfourmed hys heuy wrath: he hath poured out the furiousnes of hys dyspleasure. He hath kyndled a fyre in Sion, which hath consumed the foundacions therof.

Ezekiel 7:8

8 Therfore, I will shortly poure out my sore displeasure ouer the, and fulfyll my wrath vpon the. I will iudge the after thy wayes, and recompence the all thy abhominacyons.

Ezekiel 13:15

15 Thus wil I perfourme my wrath vpon thys wall, and vpon them that haue dawbed it with vntempered morter, and then wyll I saye vnto you: The wall is gone, and the dawbers are awaye.

Ezekiel 20:8

8 But they rebelled agaynst me, and would not folowe me, to cast awaye euery man the abhominacions of his eyes, & to forsake the Idoles of Egipte. Then I made to poure my indignacion ouer them, and to satisfye my wrath vpon them, yea euen in the myddest of the lande of Egipte.

Ezekiel 20:11

11 I gaue them my commaundementes, and shewed them my lawes, whiche who so kepeth, shall lyue in them.

Ezekiel 20:13

13 And yet the house of Israel rebelled agaynste me in the wildernesse, they woulde not walcke in my commaundementes, they haue cast awaye my lawes (whiche whoso kepeth, shoulde lyue in them) and my Sabboth dayes haue thy greatly vnhalowed. Then I made me to poure oute my indignacion vpon them, and to consume them in the wyldernesse.

Ezekiel 21:31

31 and pour my indignacion vpon the and will blowe vpon the in the fyre of my wrath, and delyuer the vnto cruell people, whych are learned to destroye.

Daniel 11:36

36 The kinge shal do what him lyst, he shal exalte and magnifye him selfe agaynste all, that is God. Yea he shall speake maruelous thinges against the God of al goddes, wherin he shall prospere, so longe till the wrathe be fulfilled, for the conclusyon is deuysed alredy.

Acts 13:18

18 and aboute the tyme of .xl. yeares suffred he theyr maners in the wyldernes.

Revelation 16:1

1 And I hearde a great voice out of the temple saying to the .vij. angels: go youre wayes, poure out your vialles of wrath vpon the earth.

Cross Reference data is from OpenBible.info, retrieved June 28, 2010, and licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution License.