Ezekiel 16:49 Cross References - Matthew

49 Beholde, the sinnes of thy sister Sodoma were these: Pryde, fulnesse of meate, aboundaunce and Idelnesse: these thynges had she and her doughters. Besydes that, they reached not their hande to the pore and nedy,

Genesis 13:10

10 And Lot lyft vp hys eyes, and beheld al the contry about Iordane, whych was a plentuous contry of water euery wher, before the Lorde destroyed Sodome & Gomorha, euen as the garden of the Lorde, & as the Land of Egypt tyll thou come to Zoar.

Genesis 18:20

20 And the Lord sayd? The crye of Sodome and Gomorra is great, and their synne is excedynge greuous.

Genesis 19:9

9 And they sayde: come hyther. And they sayde: camest thou not into soiourne, and wylt thou be nowe a iudge? we wyl suerly deale worse with the than wyth them. And as they preased sore vpon Lot and beganne to breake vp the doore,

Deuteronomy 32:15

15 And Israel waxed fat and kycked. Thou wast fat, thycke and smothe. And he let God goo that made him & despised the rocke that saued him.

Psalms 138:6

6 For though the Lorde be hye, yet hath he respecte vnto the lowly: as for the proude, he beholdeth theim a farre of.

Proverbs 16:5

5 The Lorde abhorreth all presumptuous & proude hertes, ther may neyther strength ner powere scape.

Proverbs 16:18

18 Presumptuousnes goth before destruction, & after aproud stomake ther foloweth a fall.

Proverbs 18:12

12 After pryde commeth destruccion, and honour after lowlines.

Proverbs 21:4

4 A presumptuous loke, a proude stomacke, and the lanterne of the vngodly is synne.

Proverbs 21:13

13 Who so stoppeth hys eare at the cryenge of the pore he shal cry him selfe and not be herd

Isaiah 3:9

9 The chaungynge of their countenaunce bewrayeth them, yea they declare theyr owne synnes them selues, as the Sodomites, and hyde them not. Wo be vnto theyr soules, for they shalbe heuely rewarded.

Isaiah 3:14-15

14 The Lorde shall come forth to reason wyth the Senatours and prynces of hys people, and shal saye thus vnto them: It is ye that haue burnt vp my vyneyarde, the robberye of the poore is in your house. 15 Wherfore do ye oppresse my people, and marre the faces of the innocentes? thus shall the God of Hostes reuyle them.

Isaiah 16:6

6 As for Moabs pride (shal they answere) it is well knowne. And all thoughe they be excellent, proude, arrogante and hye minded: yet is their strength nothing lyke.

Isaiah 22:13-14

13 But they to fulfil their lust and wilfulnes, slaughter oxen: they kyll shepe, they eate costly meate, and drincke wyne, let vs eate and drincke, to morow we shall dye. 14 Neuerthelesse when the Lorde of Hostes hearde of it, he sayde: yea, yf this wyckednes of yours shalbe remytted, ye must dye for it. This hathe the Lorde of Hostes spoken.

Ezekiel 18:7

7 he greueth no body, he geueth his detter his pledge agayn he taketh none other mans good by vyolence: he parteth his mete with the hongrye: he cloteth the naked:

Ezekiel 18:12

12 he greueth the poore & nedy: he robbeth and spoiled: he geueth not the detter his pledge againe he lyfteth vp his eyes vnto Idols, & medleth with abhominable thinges:

Ezekiel 18:16

16 he vexeth no man: he kepeth no mans pledge: he neyther spoyleth, nor robbeth anye man: he dealeth his meate with the hongrye: he clotheth the naked:

Ezekiel 28:2

2 Thou sonne of man, tell the Prince of Tyre. Thus saieth the lord god because thou haste a proude hert & hast said: I am a god: I haue my seate in the middest of the sea like a God, where as thou art but a man and not God, & yet standest in thine own conceyt, that thou art God.

Ezekiel 28:9

9 as they that be slayne. Let se, yf thou wylt saye then (before them that slaye the) I am God: where as thou arte but a man and not God, in the handes of them that slay the.

Ezekiel 28:17

17 Thy herte was proud in thy fayre beuty, & thorow thy beuty thou haste destroyed thy wysdom. I wil cast the doune to the ground, & that in the sight of kinges.

Ezekiel 29:3

3 Speake, & tel him: thus sayth the Lorde God: Beholde O Pharao thou kynge of Egypte, I wyll vpon the, thou greate dragon, that lyest in the waters: thou that sayest: the water is myne. I haue made it my selfe.

Daniel 4:30

30 and sayde: Thys is the greate cytye of Babilon, which I my selfe (wyth my power & strengthe) haue made a kynges courte, for the honour of my magestye.

Daniel 4:37

37 Then dyd I Nabuchodonosor loue, magnifye and prayse the kynge of heauen: for all hys worckes are true, and hys wayes righte. As for those that go on proudely, he is able to brynge them doune.

Daniel 5:23

23 but hast magnyfyed thy selfe aboue the Lorde of heauen, so that the vessels of hys house were broughte before the, that thou, and thy Lordes, with thy quene and concubynes, myght drincke wyne thereoute: And hast praysed the Idoles of syluer and golde, copper and yron, of wode and stone: As for the God in whose hande consysteth thy breth and all thy wayes: thou haste not loaued hym.

Amos 5:11-12

11 For so muche then as ye oppresse the poore, & robbe him of his best sustenaunce: therfore, where as ye haue buylded houses of square stone, ye shall not dwel in them. Maruelous pleasaunt vyneyardes shal ye plante, but the wyne of them shall ye not drynck: and why? 12 as for the multitude of your wickednesses and your stout synnes, I know them ryghte well. Euemyes are ye of the ryghtuous, ye take rewardes, ye oppresse the poore in iudgement.

Amos 6:3-6

3 Ye are taken out for the euyll daye, euen ye that syt in the stole of wilfulnesse: 4 Ye that lye vpon beddes of Iuerye, and vse your wantonnesse vpon your rouches: ye that eate the beste lambes of the flocke, and the fattest calues of the droaue: 5 ye that singe to the lute, & in playenge of instrumentes compare youre selues vnto Dauid: 6 ye that drincke wyne oute of goblettes, and annoynte youre selues with the best oyle, but no man is sorye for Iosephs hurte.

Amos 8:4-6

4 Heare this, O ye that oppresse the poore, and destroye the nedy in the lande, saying: 5 When wil the new moneth be gone, that we maye sell vytale, & the Sabboth, that we maye haue scarcenesse of corne: to make the busshell lesse, and the Sycle greater? 6 We shal set vp false waightes that we maye gett the poore vnder vs wyth their money, and the nedy also for shues: yee let vs sell the chaffe for corne.

Obadiah 1:3

3 The pryde of thyne herte hath lyft the vp, thou that dwellest in the stronge holdes of stone, & haste made the an hye seate: Thou sayest in thyne hert: who shall cast me downe to the grounde?

Micah 3:2-4

2 But ye hate the good, and loue the euell: ye plucke of mennes skynnes, and the flesh from their bones: 3 ye eate the flesh of my people, and slay of their skynne: ye breake their bones, ye choppe them in peces as it were in to a cauldron, and as flesh into a pot. 4 Now the tyme shall come, that when they call vnto the Lorde, he shall not heare them, but hyde hys face from them, because that thorowe their owne Imaginacyons they haue dealte so wyckedly.

Luke 12:16-20

16 And he put forth a simylitude vnto them, sayinge. The grounde of a certayne ryche man brought forth frutes plenteouslye, 17 and he thoughte in hym selfe sayinge: what shall I do? because I haue no roume where to bestowe my frutes? 18 And he sayed: Thys will I do. I wyl destroy my barnes, and buylde greater, and therein wyll I gather all my frutes, and my goodes, 19 and I wyll saye to my soule: Soule thou hast muche goodes layde vp in store for many yeares: take thyne ease, eate, drinke, and be mery. 20 But God sayed vnto hym: Thou fole, thys nyghte wyll they fetche awaye thy soule agayne from the. Then whose shall these thinges be which thou haste prouyded?

Luke 16:19-21

19 There was a certayne ryche man, whiche was clothed in purple and fyne bysse, & fared delyciously euery daye, 20 And there was a certayne begger named Lazarus, whiche laye at hys gate full of sores, 21 desierynge to be refresshed with the cromes which fell from the riche mans bourde. Neuerthelesse the dogges came and lycked hys sores.

Luke 17:28

28 Lykewyse also, as it chaunsed in the dayes of Lot. They ate, they dranke they bought, they solde, they planted, they buylte.

Luke 21:34

34 Take hede to your selues, lest youre hertes be ouercome with surfetinge and dronkenes and cares of this worlde: and that that day come not on you vnwares.

1 Peter 5:5

5 Lykewyse ye yonger submit youre selues vnto the elder. Submit youre selues euerye man, one to another, knyt youre selues together in lowlines of mynde. For God resisteth the proude & geueth grace to humble.

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