Exodus 10:10 Cross References - Matthew

10 And he sayd vnto them: let it be so? The Lorde be wyth you, should I lette you goo, and your chyldren also? Take hede, for ye haue some myschiefe in hande,

Exodus 12:30-31

30 Than Pharao arose the same nyght & al hys seruauntes and al the Egypcians: & there was a great crieng thorow out Egypte, for there was no house where there was not one deed. 31 And he called vnto Moses and Aaron by nyghte sayinge: Ryse vp, & get you out from amonge my people: both ye & also the children of Israel, & go & serue the Lorde as ye haue sayd.

Exodus 13:21

21 And the Lord went before them by daye in a pyler of a clowde to leade them the waye: and by nyghte in a pyler of fyre to geue them lyght: that they myght goo both by day and nyght.

2 Chronicles 32:15

15 Wherfore now lett not Hezekiah deceyue you ether perswade you of thys fashyon, nor yet beleue hym. For as no God amonge so manye nacyons and kyngdomes, was able to rydde hys people out of myne hande & the hande of my fathers: euen so moche lesse shall youre God kepe you oute of myne hande.

Lamentations 3:37

37 Mem. What is he then that sayeth: there shuld somethynge be done without the Lordes commaundement:

Cross Reference data is from OpenBible.info, retrieved June 28, 2010, and licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution License.