Ecclesiastes 4:8 Cross References - Matthew

8 There is one man, no mo but him self alone, hauing neither childe nor brother: yet is there no ende of his carefull trauayle, hys eyes can not be satysfied with ryches, (yet doth he not remembre him selfe, & saye:) For whome do I take such trauayle? For whose pleasure do I thus consume away my lyfe? This is also a vayne & miserable thynge.

Genesis 2:18

18 And the Lorde God sayde: It is not good that man should be alone, I wyll make hym an helper to beare hym company.

Genesis 15:2-3

2 And Abram answered: Lorde Iehouah, what wylte thou gyue me: I go childeles, and the cater of myne house, thys Eleasar of Damasco hath a sonne. 3 And Abram sayed: Se, to me hast thou geuen no sede: lo, a lad borne in my house shall be mine heyre?

Psalms 39:6

6 Yea euery man walketh as it were a shadow, and disquieth him selfe in vayne: he heapeth vp ryches, and can not tell to whome he gathereth them.

Proverbs 27:20

20 Lyke as hell and destruccyon are neuer full, euen so the eyes of men canne neuer be satysfyed.

Ecclesiastes 1:8

8 All thinges are so harde, that no man can expresse them. The eye is not satisfied with sight, the eare is not filled with hearing.

Ecclesiastes 1:13

13 applied my mynde to seke out & search for the knowlege of all thinges that are done vnder heauen. Such trauayle and labour hath God geuen vnto the chyldren of men, too exercyse them selfes therein.

Ecclesiastes 2:23

23 but heauinesse, sorow and disquietnes al the daeis of his life? In so much that his herte can not rest in the night. Is not this also a vaine thing?

Ecclesiastes 4:9-12

9 Therfore two are better then one, for they may well enioy the profyt of their labour. 10 If one of them fall, hys companion helpeth hym vp agayn: But wo is hym that is alone, for if he fall, he hathe not another to helpe hym vp. 11 Agayn, when two slepe together, they are warme: but how can a body be warme alone? 12 One maye be ouercome, but two may make resistaunce: A three folde cable is not lightly broken.

Ecclesiastes 5:10

10 He that loueth money, will neuer be satisfied wyth money: and who so deliteth in ryches, shall haue no profit therof. Is not this also a vayn thyng?

Isaiah 5:8

8 Wo be vnto you that ioyne one house to another, & bring one land so nyghe vnto another, tyll ye can get no more grounde. Wyll ye dwel vpon the earth alone?

Isaiah 44:19-20

19 They pondre not in their myndes, for they haue nether knowledge ner vnderstandyng, to thyncke thus: I haue brent one pece in the fyre: I haue baked bred with the coles there of, I haue rosted flesh with all, & eaten it: shall I now of the resydue make an abhomynacyon, & fall downe before a rotten pece of wodd? 20 The kepyng of dust, and folishnesse of herte hath turned them asyde: so that none of them can haue a fre conscience to thyncke maye not I erre?

Isaiah 55:2

2 Wherfore do ye laye oute youre moneye, for the thing that fedeth not, and spende youre laboure aboute the thynge that satisfyed you not. But herken rather vnto me, & ye shall eate of the beste, & youre soule shall haue her pleasure in plentuousnes.

Isaiah 56:3-5

3 Then shall not the straunger, which cleaueth to the Lorde, saye: Alas the Lorde hath shut me cleane oute from his people. Nether shall the gelded man say: lo, I am a drye tre. 4 For thus sayth the Lorde, fyrste vnto the gelded that kepeth my Sabboth: Namelye: that holdeth greately of the thynge that pleaseth me, and kepeth my couenaunte: 5 Vnto them wyll I geue in my housholde and within my walles, a better herytage and name then yf they had bene called sonnes and doughters I wyll geue them an euerlastynge name, that shall not peryshe.

Habakkuk 2:5-9

5 Lyke as the wyne disceyueth the dronkarde, euen so the proud shall fayle and not endure. He openeth hys desyre wyde vp as the hell, & is as vnsacyale as death. All Heathen gathered he to hym, and heapeth vnto hym all people. 6 But shall not all these take vp a prouerbe agaynst hym, & mocke hym with a byworde & saye: Wo vnto hym that heapeth vp other mens goodes? Howe longe wyll he lade hym selfe with thicke claye? 7 O howe sodenly wyll they stand vp that shall byte, and awake, that shal teare the in peces? yea, thou shalt be their praye. 8 Seynge thou hast spoyled many Heathen, therfore shall the remuaunte of the people spoyle the: because of mens bloude, and for the wronge done in the lande, in the cytye and vnto all them that dwell therein. 9 Wo vnto hym, that couetouslye gathereth euyll gotten goodes into hys house: that he maye set hys neste an hye, to escape from the power of mysfortune.

Matthew 11:28

28 Come vnto me all ye that labour and are laden and I wyll ease you.

Luke 12:20

20 But God sayed vnto hym: Thou fole, thys nyghte wyll they fetche awaye thy soule agayne from the. Then whose shall these thinges be which thou haste prouyded?

1 John 2:16

16 For all that is in the world (as the luste of the fleshe, the lust of the eyes, and the pryde of goodes) is not of the father, but of the world.

Cross Reference data is from, retrieved June 28, 2010, and licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution License.