15 And I turned away and came downe from the hyll (& the hyll burnt with fire) & had the two tables of the appointment in my handes
Deuteronomy 9:15 Cross References - Matthew
Exodus 9:23
23 And Moses stretched out his rodd vnto heauen, & the Lorde thondered and hayled, so that the fyre ran a longe vpon the ground And the Lord so hayled in the land of Egypt,
Exodus 19:18
18 And mounte Sinai was altogether on a smoke: because the Lorde descended doune vpon it in fyre. And the smoke therof ascended vp, as it had bene the smoke of a kylle, & all the mount was exceadyng fearfull.
Exodus 32:14-35
14 And the Lord refrained him selfe from the euil whych he sayed he wold do vnto his people.
15 And Moses turned hys backe and wente downe from the hyl, and the .ij. tables of witnesse in his hand: which were written on both the leaues
16 and were the worcke of God, and the wrytynge was the writynge of God grauen vpon the tables.
17 And when Iosua herde the noyse of the people as they shouted, he said vnto Moses: there is a noyse of warre in the hoste.
18 And he sayde: it is not the crye of them that haue the masterye, nor of them that haue the worse; but I doo heare the noyse of syngynge.
19 And as soone as he came nie vnto the host and sawe the calfe and the daunsynge, hys wrath waxed hote, and he cast the tables out of his hande, and brake them euen at the hylle fote.
20 And he toke the calfe whyche they had made and burned it wyth fyre, and stampte it vnto powder and strawed it in the water & made the children of Israel drynke.
21 And than Moses sayde vnto Aaron: what dyd thys people vnto the that thou haste broughte so great a synne vpon them.
22 And Aaron sayde: let not the wrath of my Lorde waxe fearse, thou knowest the people that they are euen sett on myschefe:
23 they sayde vnto me: make vs a God to go before vs, for we wote not what is become of Moses the felow that brought vs out of the land of Egypte.
24 And I sayde vnto them: let them that haue golde, take and brynge it me: and I cast it into the fyre, and there of came oute thys calfe.
25 When Moses sawe that the people were naked (for Aaron had made them naked vnto their shame when they made insurrection)
26 he went & stode in the gate of the hoste & sayde: If any man pertayne vnto the Lord, let him come to me. And all the sonnes of Leui gathered them selues together and came vnto him.
27 And he sayd vnto them, thus sayeth the Lorde of Israel put euery man his swerde by hys syde, and go in and out from gate to gate thorow out the hoste: & slee euery man his brother, euery man his frende and euery man his neighbour.
28 And the chyldren of Leui dyd as Moses had sayde. And there were slayne of the people the same daye, aboute thre thousande men.
29 Then Moyses said: fyl your handes vnto the Lord thys day, euery man vpon hys sonne & vpon his brother: to brynge vpon you a blessyng this day.
30 And on the morowe, Moyses sayde vnto the people: Ye haue sinned a great synne. But now I wyll goo vp vnto the Lorde, to wytt whether I can make an attonement for your synne.
31 And Moses went agayne vnto the Lorde & sayd: Oh, thys people haue synned a great synne & haue made them a god of gold:
32 Yet forgeue them their synne I praye the: If not wype me out of thy boke which thou hast written.
33 And the Lorde sayde vnto Moses: I wyl put hym out of my boke that hath sinned agaynst me.
34 But go & bryng the people vnto the land which I sayd vnto the: behold, myne angel shall go before the. Neuerthelater in the daye when I vyset. I wyll vyset their synne vpon them.
35 And the Lord plaged the people, because they made the calf whych Aaron made.
Deuteronomy 4:11
11 ye came and stode also vnder the hyll, and the hyll burnte with fyre euen vnto the mydes of heauen, and there was darckenes cloudes and myste.
Deuteronomy 5:23
23 But as sone as ye heard the voyce out of the darcknes, and sawe the hyl burne wyth fyre, ye came vnto me all the heades of your tribes and your elders:
Hebrews 12:18
18 For ye are not come vnto the mounte that can be touched, and vnto burnynge fyre, nor yet to mist and darkenes, and tempest of wether,