3 though they hyde them selues vpon the toppe of Carmell, yet shall I seke them out, and brynge them from thence: Though they crepe downe from my syght into the depe of the sea, I shall commaunde the serpente, euen there to byte them.
Amos 9:3 Cross References - Matthew
Job 34:22
22 There is no darcknes nor thicke shadow, that can hyde the wycked doers from hym.
Psalms 139:9-11
Isaiah 27:1
1 Then the Lorde with his heauye, great, & longe swerd shall vyset Leuyathan that inuyncible serpent: euen Leuiathan that croked serpent & shall slaye the whalfysh in the sea.
Jeremiah 16:16
16 Beholde (sayeth the Lorde) I wyll sende out many fyshers to take them, & after that wyll I sende out manye hunters to hunte them out, from all mountaynes and hylles & out of the caues of stones.
Jeremiah 23:23-24
Amos 1:2
2 And he sayde: The Lorde shall roare oute of Syon, and shewe hys voyce from Ierusalem: so that the pastures of the shepherdes shalbe in a myserable case, and the tope of Charmell dryed vp.