Acts 7:11 Cross References - Matthew

11 Then came there a derth ouer all the land of Egypt and Canaan, and great affliction, that our fathers founde no sustenaunce.

Genesis 41:54-57

54 than came the .vij. yeres of derth, acordyng as Ioseph had sayd. And the derth was in all landes: but in the lande of Egypte was there yet foode. 55 When now all the lande of Egypt beganne to hunger, than cryed the people to Pharao for breade. And Pharao sayde vnto all Egypte: goo vnto Iosephe, and what he sayth to you that doo. 56 And when the dearthe was throw out all the lande, Ioseph opened all that was in the cyties and solde vnto the Egypcyans. And hunger waxed sore in the lande of Egypte: 57 And all countrees came to Egypte to Ioseph for to bye corne: bicause that the hunger was so sore in all the landes.

Genesis 42:5

5 And the sonnes of Israel came to bye corne among other that came, for there was derth also in the lande of Canaan.

Genesis 43:1

1 And the derth waxed sore in the lande.

Genesis 45:5-6

5 And nowe be not greued therwyth, nether let it seme a cruel thynge in your eyes, that ye sold me hyther. For god dyd send me before you to saue lyfe. 6 For thys is the seconde yere of derth in the lande, and fyue mo are behynd in which there shall nether be earyng nor heruest.

Genesis 45:11

11 There wyll I make prouisyon for the: for there remayne yet .v. yeres of derth, lest thou and thy housholde and all that thou hast perysh.

Genesis 47:13-15

13 There was no bread in all the lande, for the derth was exceadyng sore: so that the land of Egypt & the land of Canaan, were fameshyd by the reason of the derth. 14 And Ioseph brought together al the money that was found in that lande of Egypte and of Canaan, for the corne which they bought: & he layde vp the money in Pharaos house. 15 When money fayled in the lande of Egypte & of Canaan, all the Egypcians came vnto Ioseph and sayde: geue vs sustenaunce: wherfore suffrest thou vs to dye before the: for our money is spent.

Psalms 105:16

16 Moreouer he called for a dearth vpon the lande, and destroyed all the prouysyon of breade.

Cross Reference data is from, retrieved June 28, 2010, and licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution License.