Acts 4:23 Cross References - Matthew

23 Assone as they were let go, they came to their fellowes, and shewed all that the hye priestes and elders had sayed to them.

Psalms 16:3

3 All my delytes is vpon the saynctes that are in the earth, and vpon suche lyke.

Psalms 42:4

4 Now when I thincke ther vpon, I poure out my hert by my self: for I would faine go hence wyth the multytude and passe ouer wt them vnto the house of God, in the voyce of prayse and thankes geuynge, amonge suche as kepe holy daye.

Psalms 119:63

63 I am a companyon of all them that feare the, and kepe thy commaundementes.

Proverbs 13:20

20 He that goeth in the company of wyse men, shalbe wyse: but who so is a companyon of foles, shalbe hurte.

Malachi 3:16

16 But they that feare God, saye thus one to another: the Lord consydereth and heareth it. Yea, it is before him a memoriall boke, wryten for such as feare the Lorde, & remembre his name.

Acts 1:13-14

13 And when they were come in, they went vp into a parler where abode bothe Peter, and Iames, Iohn and Andrew, Philip & Thomas, Bartlemew and Matthewe, Iames the sonne of Alpheus and Simon zelotes, and Iudas Iames sonne. 14 These all continued wyth one accorde in prayer and supplicacion with the women and Mary the mother of Iesu, and with hys brethren.

Acts 2:44-46

44 And all that beleued kept them selues together, and had all thinges commen, 45 and solde their possessions and goodes, and departed them to all men as euery man had nede. 46 And they contynued dayly wyth one accorde in the temple and brake bread in euerye house, and dyd eate their meate together, with gladnes and singlenes of her

Acts 12:11-12

11 And when Peter was come to hym selfe, he sayde. Nowe I knowe of a suretye, that the Lorde hath sent hys aungell, and hath delyuered me out of the hande of Herode, and from all the waytyng for of the people of the Iewes. 12 And as he consydered the thynge, he came to the house of Mary the mother of one Iohn which was called Marke also, where manye were gathered together in prayer.

Acts 16:40

40 And they went oute of the pryson, and entred into the housse, of Lydya, and when they had sene the brethren, they comforted them, and departed.

2 Corinthians 6:14-17

14 Sette your selues therfore at large, and beare not a straungers yoke with the vnbeleuers. For what feloweshyppe hath ryghtuousnes with vnryghtuousnes? What companye hath lyght with darkenes? 15 What concorde hath Christe with Belyall? Eyther what parte hath he that beleueth with an infydele? 16 Howe agreeth the temple of God with Images. And ye are the temple of that lyuynge God, as sayed God. I wyll dwell amonge them, and walke among them, and wyll be theyr God, and they shall be my people. 17 Wherfore come out from among them, and separate youre selues (sayeth the Lorde) and touche none vncleane thynge: so wyll I receyue you,

Cross Reference data is from, retrieved June 28, 2010, and licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution License.