22 For Moyses sayd vnto the fathers: A Prophete shall the Lorde youre God raise vp vnto you, euen of youre brethren lyke vnto me: hym shall ye heare in all thynges, whatsoeuer he shall saye vnto you.
Acts 3:22 Cross References - Matthew
Deuteronomy 18:15-19
15 The Lord thy God wyl sterre vp a Prophete amonge you: euen of thy brethren lyke vnto me: & vnto him ye shal herken
16 according to al that thou desyredest of the Lord thy God in Horeb in the daye when the people were gathered sayinge: Let me heare the voyce of my Lorde God no more, nor se thys greate fire any more, that I dye not.
17 And the Lord sayde vnto me: they haue wel spoken,
18 I wyl rayse them vp a prophet from among their brethren lyke vnto the & wyll put my wordes into his mouth & he shal speake vnto them al that I shal commaunde him.
19 And whosoeuer will not herken vnto the wordes whych he shall speake in my name, I wil requyre it of hym.
Isaiah 55:3-4
Matthew 17:4-5
4 Then aunswered Peter and sayd to Iesus: master here is good beyng for vs. If thou wilt, let vs make here thre tabernacles, one for the, & one for Moses, and one for Helyas.
5 Whyle he yet speake, beholde a bryght cloude shadowed theim. And beholde there came a voyce out of the cloude, sayinge: this is my deare sonne, in whome I delite heare hym.
Mark 9:4-7
4 And there apeared vnto them Helyas with Moyses, & they talke with Iesu.
5 And Peter aunswered and sayde to Iesu: Master here is a good beyng for vs, let vs make thre tabernacles, one for the, one for Moyses, and an other for Helyas.
6 And yet he wyste not what he sayde, for they were afrayde.
7 And there was a cloude that shadowed them. And a voyce came out of the cloud saying: This is my deare sonne, heare hym.
Luke 9:30-35
30 And beholde, two men talked with him, and they were Moyses & Helias,
31 which appeared gloriouslye, and spake of his departinge, which he shoulde ende at Ierusalem,
32 Peter & they that were with him were heauy with slepe. And when they awoke, they sawe his glory, and two men standinge wyth hym.
33 And it chaunsed as they departed from him, Peter sayd vnto him: Maister, it is good beynge here for vs. Let vs make thre tabernacles, one for the, and one for Moyses, & one for Helyas, & wist not what the sayde.
34 Whyle he thus spake, ther came a cloude & shadowed them, and they feared when they were come vnder the cloude.
35 And ther came a voice out of the cloude saiynge. This is my deare sonne, heare hym.
Luke 13:33
33 Neuertheles, I must walke to daye and to morowe and the daye folowynge. For it can not be, that a prophet perysh any other wher, saue at Hierusalem
Luke 24:19
19 To whom he sayde: what thinges? And they sayde vnto him: of Iesus of Nazareth which was a Prophete, mighty in dede and worde before God, and all the people.
John 1:17
17 For the lawe was geuen by Moyses, but grace and truthe came by Iesus Christ.
John 5:24
24 Verely, verely I say vnto you he that heareth my wordes, and beleueth on him that sent me, hath euerlasting lyfe, & shal not come into damnacion: but is escaped from death vnto lyfe.
John 5:39-47
39 Searche the sciptures, for in them ye thinke ye haue eternall lyfe: and they are they which testifye of me.
40 And yet wyll ye not come to me that ye might haue lyfe.
41 I receyue not prayse of men.
42 But I knowe you, that ye haue not the loue of God in you.
43 I am come in my fathers name, and ye receyue me not. If another shall come in his owne name, him wyll ye receyue.
44 Howe can ye beleue which receyue honoure one of another, and seke not the honoure that commeth of God onlye?
45 Do not thinke that I wyll accuse you to my father. There is one that accuseth you euen Moyses in whom ye truste.
46 For had ye beleued Moises ye would haue beleued me for, he wrote of me.
47 But seynge ye beleue not hys writting: how should ye beleue my wordes?
John 8:12
12 Then spake Iesus agayne vnto them, saiynge. I am the lyghte of the worlde. He that foloweth me, shall not walke in darkenes: but shall haue the lyghte of lyfe.
John 12:46
46 I am come a lyght into the worlde, that whosoeuer beleueth on me, shoulde not byde in darknes.
Acts 7:37
37 This is that Moises which said vnto the children of Israell: A Prophet shall the Lorde your God rayse vp vnto you of youre brethren, lyke vnto me, him shal ye heare.
Romans 8:3
3 For what the lawe coulde not do in as much as it was weake because of the fleshe: that performed God, and sente hys sonne in the similitude of synfull fleshe,
Romans 9:5
5 whose also are the fathers & they of whom (as concerninge the flesh) Christe came, whiche is God ouer al thynges blessed for euer. Amen.
Galatians 4:4
4 But when the tyme was full come, God sente hys sonne made of a woman, and made bonde vnto the lawe,
Hebrews 1:1-2
Hebrews 2:1
1 Wherfor we ought to geue the more heede to the thynges which we haue heard, lest we perishe.
Hebrews 2:9-17
9 Neuertheles we yet se not all thinges subdued, but him that was made lesse then the Angelles, we se that it was Iesus, whiche is crowned with glory and honoure for the suffering of death, that he by the grace of God, should taste of death for al men.
10 For it became him, for whom are al thynges and by whom are al thinges, after that he had brought many sonnes vnto glory, that he should make the Lorde of their saluacyon perfect thorowe sufferinge.
11 For he that sanctifieth, and they which are sanctified, are all of one: For whiche causes sake, he is not ashamed to cal them brethren
12 sayinge: I wyll declare thy name vnto my brethren and in the middes of the congregacion wil I praise the.
13 And again: I wil put my truste in him. And agayne: beholde here am I and the chyldren, which God hath geuen me.
14 For as muche then as the children were partetakers of fleshe and bloude, he also him selfe lyke wyse toke part wyth them, for to put doune thorowe death, that is to saye the deuyll,
15 and that he mighte delyuer them, which thorowe feare of death weare all theyr lyfe tyme in daunger of boundage.
16 For he in no place taketh on him the angels, but the seade of Abraham taketh he on hym.
17 Wherfore in al thinges it became him to be made like vnto his brethren, that he myghte be mercyfull and a faythful hye prieste in thinges concerninge God, for to pourge the people synnes.
Hebrews 5:9
9 and was made perfect, and the cause of eternall saluacyon vnto all them that obey him,
Revelation 1:1
1 The Reuelacyon of Iesus Christe which God gaue vnto hym, for to shew vnto his seruauntes thinges whiche muste shortely come to passe. And he sent and shewed by hys angel vnto hys seruaunt Iohn