Acts 28:26 Cross References - Matthew

26 and saye: wyth youre eares shall ye heare, & shall not vnderstande: and wyth youre eies shal ye se and shall not perceiue.

Deuteronomy 29:4

4 & yet the Lord hath not geuen you an herte to perceyue, nor eyes to se, nor eares to heere vnto thys daye.

Psalms 81:11-12

11 But my people wolde not heare my voice and Israel wolde not obey me. 12 So I gaue them vp vnto their owne hertes luste, and let them folowe theyr owne ymaginacions.

Isaiah 6:9-10

9 And so he sayde: go, and tell thys people: ye shall heare in dede, but ye shall not vnderstande, ye shall playnelye se, & not perceyue. 10 Harden the hart of thys people, stoppe theyr eares, and shutte theyr eyes, that they se not with theyr eyes, heare not wyth theyr eares, and vnderstande not wyth theyr hertes, and conuerte and be healed.

Isaiah 29:10

10 For the Lorde shall geue you an harde slepynge spryte, and holde doune youre eyes: namelye youre Prophetes and heades which shuld se, them shall he couer.

Isaiah 29:14

14 therfore will I also shewe vnto thys people a maruelous, terryble, and great thing (Namelye thys:) I wyll destroye the wysdom of theyr wyse, & the vnderstandynge of theyr learned men shall peryshe.

Isaiah 42:19-20

19 But who is blinder, then my seruaunt? Or so deaf, as my messaungers, whom I sent vnto them? For who is so blinde as my people, & they that haue the rule of them? 20 They are lyke, as yf thou vnderstodest moch, & keptest nothyng: or yf one herde well, but were not obedient.

Isaiah 66:4

4 Therfore wyll I also haue pleasure in laughing him to scorne, & the thing that they feare wyll I brynge vpon them. For when I called, no man gaue answere: when I spake, they woulde not heare. But dyd wickednesse before myne eyes, and chose the thynges that displease me.

Jeremiah 5:21

21 Heare thys (thou folyshe and vndiscrete people) ye haue eyes, but ye se not: eares haue ye, but ye heare not.

Ezekiel 3:6-7

6 Not to many nacyons, which haue dyuerse speaches & harde languages, whose wordes thou vnderstandest not: Neuerthelesse: yf I sent the to those people, they wolde folowe the: 7 But the house of Israel wyll not folowe the, for they wyll not folowe me: yee all the house of Israell haue styf foreheades and harde hertes.

Ezekiel 12:2

2 Thou sonne of man, thou dwellest in the myddest of a frowarde housholde: whiche haue eyes to se, and yet se not: eares haue they to hear, & yet heare thei not, for they are an obstinate housholde.

Matthew 13:14-15

14 And in them is fulfilled the Prophesye of Esayas, whych prophesie sayth: with the eares ye shal heare, and shal not vnderstande, and with the eyes ye shal se, and shall not perceyue. 15 For this people hertes are waxed grosse, and their eares were dull of hearynge, and their eyes haue they closed, lest they should se with their eyes, and heare with their eares, and shoulde vnderstand with their hertes, & should tourne that I myght heale them.

Mark 4:12

12 that when they se, they shall se, and not dyscerne, and when they heare, they shal heare, and not vnderstand leste at any tyme they shoulde tourne: & theyr synnes shoulde be forgeuen them,

Mark 8:17-18

17 And when Iesus knew that, he sayd vnto them: why take ye thought because ye haue no bread perceyue ye not yet, neyther vnderstande? Haue ye your hertes yet blynded? 18 Haue ye eyes and se not? and haue ye eares and heare not? Do ye not remember?

Luke 8:10

10 And he sayed vnto you is it geuen to knowe the secretes of the kingdome of God: but to other in symylytudes, that when they se, they shoulde not vnderstande.

Luke 24:25

25 And he sayed vnto them: O fooles and slowe of hert to beleue all that the Prophetes haue spoken.

Luke 24:45

45 Then opened he their wittes, that they myght vnderstande the scriptures,

John 12:38-40

38 that the saiynge of Esayas the Prophete myght be fulfylled, that he spake. Lorde, who shall beleue our saiyng? And to whome is the arme of the Lorde opened? 39 Therfore coulde they not beleue, because that Esayas sayth agayne: 40 he hath blynded theyr eyes and hardened theyr hertes, that they shoulde not se with theyr eyes, and vnderstand with theyr hertes, and shoulde be conuerted, and I shoulde heale them.

Romans 11:8-10

8 accordynge as it is wrytten. God hath geuen them the spirite of vnquyetnes: eyes that they should not se, and eares that they shoulde not heare euen vnto thys daye. 9 And Dauyd sayth: Let theyr table be made a snare to take them wyth all, and an occasyon to fall, and a reward vnto them. 10 Let theyr eyes be blynded that they se not: and euer bowe doune theyr backes.

2 Corinthians 4:4-6

4 in whome the God of thys worlde hath blynded the myndes of them which beleue not, leste the lyght of the gloryous gospell of Christe which is the ymage of God shoulde shyne vnto them. 5 For we preache not oure selues, but Christ Iesus to be the Lorde, and oure selues youre seuauntes for Iesus sake. 6 For it is God that commaunded the lighte to shyne out of darknes, whiche hath shyned in oure hertes, for to geue the lyghte of the knoweledge of the glorye of God, in the face of Iesus Christe.

Cross Reference data is from, retrieved June 28, 2010, and licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution License.