9 Then spake the Lorde to Paule in the nyght by a vision: be not afrayde, but speake, and hold not thy peace:
Acts 18:9 Cross References - Matthew
Isaiah 58:1
1 And therfore crye now, as loude as thou canst. Leaue not of, lyft vp thy voyce like a trompet, and shewe my people their offences, and the house of Iacob their synnes.
Jeremiah 1:17
17 And therfore gyrde vp thy loines, arise, and tell them al, that I geue the in commaundement. Feare them not, I will not haue the to be afrayed of them.
Ezekiel 2:6-8
6 Therfore (thou sonne of man) feare them not, nether be afrayed of their wordes: for they shall rebell agaynst the, and despyse the. Yee thou shalt dwell amonge scorpions: but feare not their wordes, be not abashed at their lokes, for it is a frowarde housholde.
7 Se that thou speake my wordes vnto them, whether they be obedyent or not, for they are obstynate.
8 Therfore, thou sonne of men, obey thou all thynges, that I saye vnto the, and be not thou styfnecked, lyke as they are a styfnecked housholde. Open thy mouth and eate that I geue the.
Ezekiel 3:9-11
9 so that thy foreheade shalbe harder then an Adamaunte or flynt stone: that thou mayeste feare them the lesse, and be lesse afrayed of them, for they are a frowarde housholde.
10 He sayde moreouer vnto me: thou sonne of man, take dylygent hede wyth thyne eares, to the wordes that I speake vnto the, fasten them in thyne herte:
11 and go to the presoners of thy people, speake vnto them, and saye on this maner: Thus the Lorde God hath spoken: whether ye heare, or heare not.
Jonah 3:2
2 vp, and get the to Niniue that great cytye, & preache vnto them the preachinge whyche I bade the.
Micah 3:8
8 As for me, I am full of strength, and of the sprete of the Lorde, full of iudment and boldnesse: to shewe the house of Iacob their wyckednesse, and the house of Israell their synne.
Acts 16:9
9 And a visyon appeared to Paule in the nyght. There stode a man of Macedonia, and prayed hym, saiynge: come into Macedonia, and helpe vs.
Acts 22:18
18 and sawe hym, saiyng vnto me: Make hast, and get the quickly out of Ierusalem: for they wyll not receyue the wytnes that thou bearest of me.
Acts 23:11
11 The nyght folowynge, God stode by hym and sayed: be of good cheare Paule: for as thou haste testifyed of me in Ierusalem, so must thou beare wytnes at Rome.
Acts 27:23-25
23 For there stode by me this nyght the aungell of God. Whose I am, and whom I serue,
24 sayinge. Feare not Paule, for thou muste be broughte before Cesar. And lo, God hath geuen vnto the all that sayle wyth the.
25 Wherfore Syrs be of good cheare: for I beleue God, that so it shal be euen as it was tolde me.
2 Corinthians 12:1-3
1 It is not expedyent for me (no doubte) to reioyce. Neuerthelesse I wyll come to visions and reuelations of the Lorde.
2 I knowe a man in Christe aboue .xiiij. yeares agone (whether he were in the bodye I cannot tell, or whether he were oute of the bodye I cannot tell, God knoweth) whiche was taken vp into the third heauen.
3 And I knowe the same man (whether in the bodye, or oute of the bodye, I cannot tell, God knoweth)
Ephesians 6:19-20
1 Thessalonians 2:2
2 but euen after that we had suffred before, and were shamefullye entreated at Philippos (as ye wel know) then were we bolde in our God to speake vnto you the Gospel of God wyth muche stryuynge.