Acts 18:12 Cross References - Matthew

12 When Gallio was ruler of the countre of Achaia the Iewes made insurrection with one accorde agaynst Paule, & brought him to the iudgement seate

Matthew 27:19

19 When he was set doune to geue iudgement hys wyfe sent to hym saying: haue thou nothing to do with that iust man. For I haue suffered manye thynges thys daye in a dreame about hym.

John 19:13

13 When Pylate heard that saiyng: he brought Iesus forth, and sate doune to geue sentence in a place called the pauement: but in the Hebrue tong Gabbatha.

Acts 13:7

7 whiche was with the ruler of the countrey one Sergius Paulus a prudent man. The same ruler called vnto hym Barnabas and Saule, and desyred to heare the word of God.

Acts 13:12

12 Then the rular when he saw what had happened, beleued, and wondered at the doctryne of the Lorde.

Acts 13:50

50 But the, Iewes moued the worshypfull and honorable women, & the chiefe men of the citie, and raysed persecucion agaynste Paule and Barnabas, & expelled them out of theyr costes.

Acts 14:2

2 But the vnbeleuynge Iewes stered vp, and vnquieted the myndes of the gentyls agaynst the brethren.

Acts 14:19

19 Thyther came certayne Iewes from Antioche and Iconium, and obtayned the peoples consent, and stoned Paul, and drewe him out of the citie, supposyng he had bene dead.

Acts 17:5

5 But the Iewes which beleued not, hauing indignacyon, toke vnto them euyl men which were vagabondes, and gathered a companie, and set all the citie on a rore, and made asaulte vnto the house of Iason, and sought to bryng them out to the people.

Acts 17:13

13 When the Iewes of Thessalonia had knowledge that the worde of GOD was preached of Paul at Berrea, they came and moued the people there.

Acts 18:16-17

16 and he draue them from the seate. 17 Then toke all the grekes Sostenes the chiefe ruler of the Synagoge, & smote hym before the iudges. seate. And Gallio cared for none of those thinges.

Acts 18:27

27 And when he was disposed to goe into Acaia, the brethren wrote exhortynge the disciples to receyue hym. After he was come thethere, he holpe them muche whych hadde beleued thorowe grace.

Acts 21:27-36

27 And as the seuen dayes shoulde haue ben ended, the Iewes which were of Asia when they sawe hym in the temple, they moued all the people, and layed handes on hym, 28 criyng: Ye men of Israell, healpe. Thys is the man that teacheth all men euerye where agaynste the people and the lawe, and this place. More ouer also he hath brought Grekes into the temple, & hath polluted thys holy place. 29 For they sawe one Trophimus an Ephesyan with him in the cytie. Hym they supposed Paule had brought into the temple. 30 And all the citie was moued, and the people swarmed together. And they toke Paule, and drue hym out of the temple, and forthwith the dores were shut to. 31 As they wente aboute to kyll hym, tydinges came vnto the hye captayne of the souldyers, that all Ierusalem was moued. 32 Whiche immediatlye toke souldyers and vndercaptaynes, and ran doune vnto them. When they sawe the vpper captayne and the souldyers, they left smittynge of Paule. 33 Then the captayne came neare, and toke hym: and commaunded hym to be bounde with two chaynes, and demaunded what he was, and what he had done. 34 And one cryed thys, another that, among the people, And when he coulde not know the certaintye for the rage, he commaunded hym to be caryed into the castle. 35 And when he came vnto a grece, it fortuned that he was borne of the souldyers, for the violence of the people. 36 For the multitude of the people folowed after cryenge awaye with hym.

Acts 25:10

10 Then saied Paule: I stand at Cesars iudgement seate, where I oughte to be iudged. To the Iewes haue I no harme done, as thou verye wel knowest.

Romans 15:26

26 For it hath pleased them of Macedonia and Achaia to make a certayne distribution vpon the pore saynctes, whiche are at Hierusalem.

Romans 16:5

5 Lykewyse grete all the companye that is in her house. Salute my welbeloued Epenetos, whiche is the fyrst frute amonge them of Achaia.

1 Corinthians 16:15

15 Brethren (ye know the house of Stephana, howe that they are the fyrste fruites of Achaia, and that they haue appoynted them selues to minister vnto the sainctes)

2 Corinthians 1:1

1 Paule an Apostle of Iesu Christ by the wyll of God, and brother Timotheus. Vnto the congregation of God, whithe is at Corinthum, with all the sainctes, which are in all Achaia.

2 Corinthians 9:2

2 for I knowe your redynes of mynde whereof I boste my selfe vnto them of Macedonia, and saye that Achaia was prepared a yeare a go, and youre feruentnes hath prouoked manye.

2 Corinthians 11:10

10 Yf the trueth of Christe be in me, thys reioysynge shall not be taken from me in the regyons of Achaia.

1 Thessalonians 1:7-8

7 so that ye were an ensample to al that beleue in Macedonia and Achaia. 8 For from you sounded out the worde of the Lord, not in Macedonia & in Achaia onelye: but your fayth also which ye haue vnto God, sprede her selfe abrode in all quarters, so greatlye that it neadeth not vs to speake any thynge at all.

James 2:6

6 But ye haue despysed the pore. Are not the ryche they whiche oppresse you: and they which drawe you before iudges?

Cross Reference data is from, retrieved June 28, 2010, and licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution License.