Acts 17:17 Cross References - Matthew

17 Then he disputed in the synagoge with the Iewes, and with the deuoute persones and in the market daylye with them that came vnto hym.

Proverbs 1:20-22

20 Wisdome crieth without, & putteth forth her voyce in the stretes. 21 She calleth before the congregacion in the open gates, & sheweth her wordes thorow the citie, saying: 22 O ye chyldren, how longe will ye loue chyldyshnesse? how long wil the, scorners delite in scorning & the vnwise be enemies vnto knowlege?

Proverbs 8:1-4

1 Doth not wysdome crye? doeth not vnderstanding put forth her voyce? 2 Standeth she not in the hye places in the stretes & ways 3 doth she not crie before the whole citie, and in the gates where men go out & in? 4 It is you, O ye men (saieth she) whom I cal? Vnto you (O ye chyldren of men) lyft I vp my voyce.

Proverbs 8:34

34 Blessed is the man that heareth me, watchynge dayly at my gates, & geuynge attendaunce at the postes of my dores.

Jeremiah 6:11

11 And therfore I am so ful of thyne indignacyon (O Lorde) that I maye suffre no longer. Shede oute thy wrath vpon the children that are withoute, and vpon all younge men. Yea the man must be taken presoner with the wife, and the aged with the crepel.

Matthew 5:1-2

1 When he sawe the people, he went vp into a mountaine, and when he was set his disciples came to him, 2 and he opened his mouth, and taught them sayinge,

Mark 16:15

15 And he sayed to them: Go ye into all the worlde, and preache the glad tydynges to all creatures,

Luke 12:3

3 For whatsoeuer ye haue spoken in darknes: that same shall be hearde in lyghte. And that whiche ye haue spoken in the eare, euen in secrete places, shall be preached euen on the toppe of the housses.

Acts 8:2

2 Then deuout men dressed Stephan, & made great lamentation ouer hym.

Acts 9:20

20 And straight way he preached Christ in the Synagoges, howe that he was the sonne of God.

Acts 10:2

2 a deuout man, & one that feared God wt al his houshold whiche gaue much almes to the people, and prayed God alway.

Acts 13:16

16 Then Paule stode vp, and beckened wyth the hande, and sayde: Men of Israell, and ye that feare God, geue audience.

Acts 14:1-4

1 And it fortuned in Iconium, that they went both together into the synagoge of the Iewes, and so spake that a greate multitude bothe of the Iewes, and also of the grekes beleued. 2 But the vnbeleuynge Iewes stered vp, and vnquieted the myndes of the gentyls agaynst the brethren. 3 Long tyme abode they there, and quyt them selues boldely with the helpe of the Lorde, which gaue testimonye vnto the worde of hys grace, & caused signes and wondres to be done by theyr handes. 4 The people of the citie were deuyded: and parte helde with the Iewes, and parte wt the Apostles.

Acts 17:2-4

2 And Paule as his maner was, went in vnto them, and thre Saboth dayes declared oute of the scripture vnto them, 3 openynge and aledgynge that Christe muste nedes haue suffered and rysen agayne from death, and that thys Iesus was Christe, whom (sayed he) I preache to you. 4 And some of them beleued and came, and compayned with Paul and Sylas: also of the honorable Grekes a greate multytude, and of the chief women not a fewe.

2 Timothy 3:2

2 For the men shall be louers of theyr owne selues coueteous, bosters, proude, cursed speakers, dysobedyent to father and mother, vnthankefull, vnholye,

2 Timothy 3:5

5 hauynge a simylytude of Godly lyuynge, but haue denyed the power thereof: and suche abhorre.

Cross Reference data is from, retrieved June 28, 2010, and licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution License.