8 And the seuenthe day of the fyfth moneth which was in the nintenth yeare of king Nabuchodonozor kynge of Babylon, came Nabusaradan seruaunte of the kinge of Babilon, and chefe Marshal, vnto Ierusalem:
2 Kings 25:8 Cross References - Matthew
2 Kings 24:12
12 And Iehoacin the kynge of Iuda came oute to the kinge of Babilon, with his mother, his seruaunte, hys Lordes, and hys chambrelaynes. And the king of Babilon toke him, in the eyght yeare of his raygne.
2 Kings 25:27
27 Notwithstandinge yet the .xxxiiij. yere after Iehoacin Kynge of Iuda was caryed awaye, the .xxvij. daye of the twelueth monethe, dyd Euilmerodah Kynge of Babilon lifte vp the head of Iehoacin Kynge of Iuda out of the presone house,
Jeremiah 39:8-14
8 Moreouer, the Caldees brent vp the kinges palace, with the other houses of the people, and brake doune the walles of Ierusalem.
9 As for the remnaunt of the people that were in the citie, and suche as were come to helpe them (whatsoeuer was left of the comen sort) Nabuzaradan the chefe captayne caried them to Babilon.
10 But Nabuzaradan the chefe captayne, let the rascal people (and those that had nothinge) dwel still in the lande of Iuda, and gaue them vineyardes and corne feldes at the same tym
11 Nabuchodonosor also the king of Babilon gaue Nabuzaradan the chefe captayne a charge, concernyng Ieremy, saying:
12 take & cherysh him, and make muche of him: se thou do him no harme, but intreate him after his owne desyre.
13 So Nabuzaradan the chefe captayne, Nabusasban the chefe chamberlayne, Nergalsarezer the treasurer, and all the kinge of Babilons Lordes, sent for Ieremy,
14 and caused him be set out of the fore entrye of the preson, and committed him vnto Godoliah the sonne of Ahikam the sonne of Saphan: that he should carie him home, & so he dwelt among the people.
Jeremiah 40:1-4
1 This is the maner how the lord intreated Ieremy, when Nabuzaradan the chefe captaine had let him go fre from Ramah, whither he had led him bounde amonge all the presonners, that were caried from Ierusalem & Iuda vnto Babilon.
2 The chefe captayn called for Ieremy, & said vnto him: The Lorde thy God spake myghtely before of the misery vpon this place.
3 Now the Lorde hath sent it, & perfourmed it as he had promised: For ye haue sinned agaynst the Lorde, & haue not bene obedient vnto hys voyce, therefore commeth this plage vpon you.
4 Beholde, I louse the boundes from thy handes this daye: yf thou wilt now go with me vnto Babilon, vp then: for I wyll se to the, and prouyde for the. But yf thou wilt not go wyth me to Babilon, then remayne here. Beholde all the lande is at thy wil, loke where thou thinkest conuenient and good for the to abyde, there dwell.
Jeremiah 52:12-16
12 Now the tenth daye of the fyfth Moneth in the .ix. yeare of Nabuchodonosor kynge of Babylon, Nabusaradan the chefe captayne & the kynge of Babylons seruantes came vnto Ierusalem,
13 & brent vp the house of the Lorde. He brent vp also the kynges palaces, all the houses & all the gorgeous buildinges in Ierusalem.
14 And the whole Hoost of the Caldees that were with the chefe Captayne, brake downe all the walles of Ierusalem rounde aboute.
15 As for the poore people and soch folcke as yet was left in the cytie, which also were fallen to the Kynge of Babylon, yee and what people as yet remayned: Nabuzaradan the chefe Captayne caryed them awaye presoners.
16 But the poore people of the countre, dyd Nabuzaradan the chefe Captayne leaue in the lande, to occupye the vyneyardes & feldes.
Lamentations 4:12
12 Lamed. Nether the kinges of the earth, ner all the inhabitours of the worlde, wolde haue beleued that the enemie & aduersarye shulde haue come in at the gates of the cytie of Hierusalem.
Zechariah 8:19
19 Thus sayeth the lord of Hostes: The fast of the fourth moueth, the fast of the fyfth, the fast of the seuenthe, & the faste of the tenth, shalbe ioye and gladnesse, and prosperous hye feastes vnto the house of Iuda: Only loue the treuth and peace.