2 Kings 22:17 Cross References - Matthew

17 because they haue forsaken me, and haue burntofferynges vnto other Goddes, to angre me with all the workes of their handes. Therfore is my wrath kendled agaynst thys place, and shall not be quenched.

Exodus 32:34

34 But go & bryng the people vnto the land which I sayd vnto the: behold, myne angel shall go before the. Neuerthelater in the daye when I vyset. I wyll vyset their synne vpon them.

Deuteronomy 29:24-28

24 And then shal al nacions also say: wherfore hath the Lorde done of this facion vnto this lande? O how fearse is this great wrath? 25 And men shal saye: because they lefte the testament of the Lorde God of their fathers which he made with them, when he brought them out of the land of Egypt. 26 And they went & serued straunge goddes & worshipped them: goddes which they knew not and which had geuen them nought. 27 And therfore the wrath of the Lorde waxed whote vpon that lande to bryng vpon it all the curses that are written in this boke. 28 And the Lorde cast them out of their lande in angre, wrath and greate furyousnesse, and cast them in to a straunge land, as it is come to passe this day.

Deuteronomy 32:15-19

15 And Israel waxed fat and kycked. Thou wast fat, thycke and smothe. And he let God goo that made him & despised the rocke that saued him. 16 They angred him with straunge Goddes, and with abhominations prouoked him, 17 They offered vnto felde deuils and not to God, & to Gods whych they knewe not, & to newe Gods that came newly vp which theyr fathers feared not. 18 Of the rocke that begate the, thou arte vnmyndfull & hast forgote God that made the. 19 And when the Lord sawe it, he was angry bicause of the prouokyng of hys sonnes and daughters.

Deuteronomy 32:22

22 For fyre is kindeled in my wrath, and shal burne vnto the bottome of hell. And shall consume the earth wyth hyr encrease, & set a fyre the bottomes of the mountaines.

Judges 2:12-14

12 & forsoke the Lorde God of theyr fathers, whiche brought them out of the land of Egypt, and folowed straunge Goddes, euen of the Goddes of the nacyons that were rounde aboute them, and bowed them selues vnto them, and angred the Lorde. 13 And so they forsoke the Lorde, and serued Baal and Astharoth. 14 Wherfore the Lorde waxed angry with Israel, & delyuered them into the handes of raueners to spoyle them, and solde them into the handes of theyr enemyes rounde about them, so that they had no power any longer to stande before theyr enemyes.

Judges 3:7-8

7 And so the chyldren of Israell dyd wyckedlye in the syght of the Lord and forgate the Lorde theyr God and serued Baalim & Aseroth. 8 Therfore the Lorde was angrye wyth Israel, and deliuered them into the handes of Chusan Rasathaim Kynge of Mesopotamia. So that the chyldren of Israel serued Chusan Rasathaim .viij. yeares.

Judges 10:6-7

6 And the chyldren of Israel wrought wyckednesse yet agayne, in the syght of the Lorde & serued Baalim & Astharoth, & the Goddes of Syria, & the Goddes of Sidon, the Goddes of Moab, the Goddes of the chyldren of Ammon, & the Goddes of the Philystines, & forsoke the Lord & serued him not. 7 And the Lord was wroth wyth Israell, & solde them into the handes of the Philistines, and into the handes of the chyldren of Ammon:

Judges 10:10-14

10 Then the chyldren of Israel cryed vnto the Lorde, sayinge: we haue synned agaynste the: for we haue forsaken oure owne God, and haue serued Baalim. 11 And the Lorde sayde vnto the chyldren of Israel: dyd not the Egypcyans, the Amorytes, the chyldren of Ammon, the Phylystynes, 12 the Sidonites, the Ameleckytes, & the Maonites, oppresse you? And ye cryed to me, & I delyuered you out of theyr handes. 13 And for all that ye haue forsaken me, and serue straunge Goddes, wherfore I wyl help you no more. 14 But go, and crye vnto the Goddes which ye haue chosen, and let them saue you in the tyme of youre trybulacyon.

1 Kings 9:6-9

6 But and yf ye and youre chyldren shall turne away from after me, and shall not kepe myne ordynaunces whiche I haue set before you, but shall go, & serue other Goddes and bowe youre selues vnto them: 7 then I wyll weede Israel oute of the lande whiche I haue geuen them. And this house which I haue halowed for my name, I wyll put out of my syghte, And Israell shall be a prouerbe and a fable vnto all nacyons. 8 And hys house which is so hye, al that passeth by it, shalbe astonyed, & shall hysse, & saye: why hath the Lord dealt on hys maner with this land & wyth thys house? 9 And it shalbe aunswered them, because they forsoke the Lord theyr God which broughte theyr fathers out of the lande of Egipt, & haue taken holde vpon other Goddes and haue stouped vnto hym, & serued them: therfore hath the Lord brought vpon them al thys euil.

2 Kings 21:22

22 And he forsoke the Lorde God of his fathers and walked not in the waye of the Lorde.

2 Chronicles 36:16

16 But they mocked the messengers of God & despised theyr wordes & mysse vsed his prophetes, vntyll the wrath of the Lord so arose agaynst hys people that it was past remeadie.

Nehemiah 9:26-27

26 Neuerthelesse they were disobedient, & rebelled against the, and caste thy lawe behynde their backes, and slewe thy Prophetes (which exhorted them so earnestlye, that they shulde conuerte vnto the) and dyd greate blasphemyes. 27 Therfore gauest thou them ouer into the hande of theyr enemyes that vexed them. And in the tyme of theyr trouble they cried vnto the, and thou hardest them from heauen and thorowe thy greate mercye thou gaueste them sauyours, which helped them oute of the hande of theyr enemyes.

Psalms 106:35-42

35 But were mingled among the Heathen, and lerned their workes. 36 In so much that they worshipped their images, which turned to their owne decay. 37 Yea they offred their sons and their daughters vnto deuels. 38 And shed the innocent bloud of their sonnes and of their daughters, whom they offered vnto the ymages of Canaan, so that the land was defiled with bloud. 39 Thus were they stayned with their owne workes, and went a whoring with their owne inuencyons. 40 Therfore was the wrath of the Lord kindled agaynst hys people, in so much that he abhorred his owne enheritaunce. 41 And gaue them ouer into the hand of the Heathen, and they that hated them, were lordes ouer them. 42 Their enemyes oppressed them, and had them in subieccion.

Psalms 115:4-8

4 Their ymages are but syluer and gold, euen the worke of mens handes. 5 They haue mouthes, and speake not: eies haue they, but they se not. 6 Thei haue eares, and heare not: noses haue they, but they smell not. 7 They haue handes, and handle not, fete haue they, but they cannot goo, neyther can they speake thorow their throte. 8 They that made them, are lyke vnto them and so are all suche as put theyr truste in them.

Isaiah 2:8-9

8 Immediatlye was it full of Idols also, euen workes of youre owne handes, which ye youre selues haue fashyoned, & your syngers haue made. 9 There kneleth the man there falleth the man doune before them, so that thou canste not brynge hym a waye from thence.

Isaiah 33:14

14 The synners at Syon are afrayd a sodane fearfulnesse is come vpon the ypocrytes. What is he among vs (saye they) that will dwell by that consumynge fyre whyche of vs maye abyde that euerlastinge heate?

Isaiah 44:17-20

17 And of the resydue he maketh hym a God, and an Idole for hym selfe. He kneleth before it, he worshyppeth it, he prayeth vnto it, and sayeth: deliuer me, for thou art my God. 18 Yet men nether considre ner vnderstande, because their eyes are stopped, that they can not se: and their hertes, that they cannot perceyue. 19 They pondre not in their myndes, for they haue nether knowledge ner vnderstandyng, to thyncke thus: I haue brent one pece in the fyre: I haue baked bred with the coles there of, I haue rosted flesh with all, & eaten it: shall I now of the resydue make an abhomynacyon, & fall downe before a rotten pece of wodd? 20 The kepyng of dust, and folishnesse of herte hath turned them asyde: so that none of them can haue a fre conscience to thyncke maye not I erre?

Isaiah 46:5-8

5 Whom wyll ye make me lyke, in fashion or ymage, that I maye be lyke him? 6 Ye fooles (no doute) wyll take out syluer & golde oute of youre purses, and weye it, and hyre a gold smith to make a God of it, that men maye knele downe & worshippe it. 7 Yet muste he be taken on mens shoulders & borne, & set in hys place that he maye stande and not moue. Alas that men shulde crye vnto hym, which geueth no answere: and delyuereth not the man that calleth vpon hym, from hys trouble. 8 Consydre this well, & be ashamed Go in to youre owne selues (O ye runnagates.)

Jeremiah 2:11-13

11 whether the Gentiles them selues deale so fastly and vntruly with their goddes (whiche yet are no Goddes in dede.) But my people hath geuen ouer their hye honoure, for a thinge that maye not helpe them. 12 Be astonished (O ye heauens) be afrayde and abashed at such thinge, sayeth the Lorde. 13 For my people hath done two euyls. They haue forsaken me the well of the water of life and dygged them pyttes, yea vyle & broken pittes, that holde no water.

Jeremiah 2:27-28

27 For they saye to a stocke: thou art my father, and to a stone: thou hast be gotten me, yea they haue turned their backe vpon me, & not their face. But in the tyme of their trouble, when they saye: stande vp, and helpe vs, 28 I shal answere them: Where are now thy Goddes, that thou hast made the? byd them stande vp, & helpe the in the time of nede? For loke how many cityes thou hast (O Iuda) so many Goddes hast thou also.

Jeremiah 7:20

20 And therfore thus saith the Lorde God: beholde, my wrath and my indignacyon shalbe poured out vpon this place, vpon men & catel vpon the trees in the felde & all frute of the lande, and it shall burne so, that no man maye quenche it.

Jeremiah 17:27

27 But yf ye wyll not be obedyent vnto me, to halow the Sabboth, so that ye will beare youre burthens thorow the gates of Ierusalem vpon the Sabboth: Then shall I set fyre vpon the gates of Ierusalem, and it shall burne vp the houses of Ierusalem, and no man shall be able to quench it.

Ezekiel 20:47-48

47 and say to the the wood toward the south: Heare the worde of the Lorde: thus sayeth the Lorde God: Beholde, I wil kindle a fire in the, that shal consume the grene trees with the drye. No man shal be able to quenche hys flamme, but al that loketh from the south to the north, shalbe brent therin: 48 & al flesh shal se, that I the Lord haue kindled it, so that no man maye quenche it.

Micah 5:13

13 Thyne Idols and thyne Images will I destroye out of the so that thou shalt nomore bowe thy selfe vnto the worckes of thyne owne handes.

Zephaniah 1:18

18 Nether theyr syluer nor theyr golde shalbe able to delyuered them in the wrothfull daye of the Lorde, but the whole lande shalbe consumed thorow the fyre of his gelousy: for he shall soone make cleane ryddaunce of all them that dwell in the lande.

1 Thessalonians 2:16

16 and forbid vs to preache vnto the Gentyls, that they might be saued to fulfyll theyr synnes alwaye. For the wrathe of God is come on them, euen to the vtmost.

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