2 Kings 21:15 Cross References - Matthew

15 euen because they haue done wyckedly and haue angred me, sence the time theyr fathers came out of Egypte vnto thys daye.

Deuteronomy 9:21

21 And I toke your synne, the calfe whyche ye had made & burnt him wt fyre & stamped him & ground him a good, euen vnto smal dust. And I cast the dust therof into the broke that descended out of the mount.

Deuteronomy 31:27

27 I for knowe thy stubburnes and thy styffe necke: beholde whyle I am yet a lyue wyth you thys daye, ye haue bene disobediente vnto the Lorde: & howe much more after my death?

Deuteronomy 31:29

29 For I am sure that after my death, they wil vtterly marre them selues, and turne from the way which I commaunded you, & tribulation wyl come vpon you in the later daies, when ye haue wrought wyckednes in the syght of the Lorde to prouoke hym wyth the worckes of your handes.

Judges 2:11-13

11 And then the chyldren of Israel dyd wyckedlye in the syght of the Lorde, and serued Baalim, 12 & forsoke the Lorde God of theyr fathers, whiche brought them out of the land of Egypt, and folowed straunge Goddes, euen of the Goddes of the nacyons that were rounde aboute them, and bowed them selues vnto them, and angred the Lorde. 13 And so they forsoke the Lorde, and serued Baal and Astharoth.

Psalms 106:34-40

34 Nether destroied they the Heathen, as the Lorde commaunded them. 35 But were mingled among the Heathen, and lerned their workes. 36 In so much that they worshipped their images, which turned to their owne decay. 37 Yea they offred their sons and their daughters vnto deuels. 38 And shed the innocent bloud of their sonnes and of their daughters, whom they offered vnto the ymages of Canaan, so that the land was defiled with bloud. 39 Thus were they stayned with their owne workes, and went a whoring with their owne inuencyons. 40 Therfore was the wrath of the Lord kindled agaynst hys people, in so much that he abhorred his owne enheritaunce.

Ezekiel 16:15-22

15 But thou haste put confidence in thyne owne beutye, & played the harlot, when thou haddest gotten the a name. Thou haste commytted whordome, wyth all that wente by the, & hast fulfilled theyr desyres: 16 yea thou hast taken thy garmentes of dyuerse colours, & deckte thyne aulters therwith, where vpon thou myghtest fulfyll thyne whoredome, of suche a fashyon, as neuer was done, nor shalbe. 17 The goodly ornamentes & Iewels whiche I gaue the of myne owne golde and syluer, hast thou taken, and made the mens ymages thereof, and commytted whordome with al. 18 Thy garmentes of dyuerse coloures haste thou taken, and deckte them ther wyth: myne oyle and incense hast thou set before them. 19 My meate whiche I gaue the, as symnels, oyle & honye (to fede the withall) that haste thou set before them, for a swete sauoure. And thys came also to passe, saieth the Lord God. 20 Thou haste taken thyne owne sonnes & doughters, whom thou hast begotten vnto me, and these haste thou offered vp vnto them, to be theyr meate. Is this but a smal whordome of thine (thinckest thou) 21 that thou slayest my children and geuest them ouer, to be brent vnto them? 22 And yet in all thy abhominacyons & whordome, thou hast not remembred the dayes of thy youth, howe naked and bare thou wast at that tyme, and troden doune in thyne owne bloude.

Ezekiel 20:4

4 I wyll geue you no answere. Wilt thou not reproue them (thou sonne of man) wilt thou not reproue them? Shew them the abhomynacions of their forefathers,

Ezekiel 20:13

13 And yet the house of Israel rebelled agaynste me in the wildernesse, they woulde not walcke in my commaundementes, they haue cast awaye my lawes (whiche whoso kepeth, shoulde lyue in them) and my Sabboth dayes haue thy greatly vnhalowed. Then I made me to poure oute my indignacion vpon them, and to consume them in the wyldernesse.

Ezekiel 20:21

21 Notwythstandinge, their sonnes rebelled against me also: they walcked not in my statutes, they kepte not my lawes to fulfyll them (whiche he that doeth shall lyue in them) neyther halowed they my Sabboth dayes. Then I made me againe to poure out my indignacion ouer them, and to satisfye my wrath vpon them in the wildernesse.

Ezekiel 20:30

30 Wherfore, speake vnto the house of Israel: Thus sayeth the Lorde God: yea are euen as vnclene as youre forefathers, and committe whordome also with their abhominacions.

Ezekiel 23:3

3 these (when they were younge) beganne to playe the harlottes in Egipte. There were their brestes brosed, and the pappes of their mayden head destroyed.

Ezekiel 23:8-21

8 Neyther ceassed she from the fornicacyon, that she vsed wyth the Egyptians, for in her youth they laye wt her, they brosed the brestes of her maydenheade, and poored their whordome vpon her. 9 Wherfore I deliuered her into the handes of her louers euen the Assirians, whom she so loued. 10 These discouered her shame, toke her sonnes and doughters, and slue her with the swerde. An euyll name gat she of all people, and they punyshed her. 11 Her sister Oholibah sawe this, & destroyed her selfe with inordinate loue, more then she, & exceaded her syster in whordome: 12 she loued the Assirians (which also lay wt her) namelye the princes & greate lordes, that were clothed with all maner of gorgyous apparell, all lustye horsemen and faire younge personnes. 13 Then I sawe, that they bothe were defiled a like. 14 But she increased still in whordome: for when she sawe men paynted vpon the wall, the ymages of the Caldees set forthe wyth freshe colours, 15 with fayre gyrdles aboute them and goodly bonnettes vpon their heades, lokinge all like Princes (after the maner of the Babilonians and Caldees in their owne lande where they be borne) 16 immediatly, as sone as she sawe them, she brent in loue vpon them, & sent messaungers for them into the lande of the Caldees. 17 Now when the Babilonians came to her they laye with her, and defiled her with their whordome, and so was she polluted wyth them. And when her lust was abated from them: 18 her whordome and shame was dyscouered & sene: then my herte forsoke her, lyke as my herte was gone from her syster also. 19 Neuerthelesse she vsed her whordome euer the longer the more, and remembred the dayes of her youth, wherin she hath played the harlot in the lande of Egipte: 20 she brent in lust vpon them, whose flesh was like the fleshe of Asses & their sede like the sede of horses. 21 Thus thou hast renued the filthinesse of thy youth, when thy louers brosed thy pappes, & marred thy brestes in Egipte.

Daniel 9:5-11

5 We haue synned, we haue offended, we haue ben disobedient and gone back: yea we haue departed from all thy preceptes and iudgementes. 6 We woulde neuer folowe thy seruauntes the Prophetes, that spake in thy name to our kinges and princes, to oure forefathers, and to all the people of the lande. 7 O Lorde, ryghteousnesse belongeth vnto the, vnto vs pertayneth nothynge but open shame, as it is come to passe this day vnto euery man of Iuda and to them that dwell at Ierusalem: Yea, vnto all Israell, whether they be farre or nye thorow out all landes: wherin thou haste strowed them, because of the offences that they had done agaynst the. 8 Yea O Lorde, vnto vs, to our kinges and princes, to oure forefathers: euen to vs all, that haue offended the, belongeth open shame. 9 But vnto the, O Lorde oure God, pertayneth mercye and forgeuenesse. As for vs, we are gone backe from him, 10 and haue not obeyed the voyce of the Lorde oure God, to walke in his lawes, which he layed before vs by his seruauntes the prophetes: 11 yea all Israel haue transgressed, & gone back from thy law, so that they haue not herckened vnto thy voyce. Wherfore the cursse & othe, that is written in the lawe of Moses the seruaunte of God (agaynst whom we haue offended) is poured vpon vs.

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