11 And Isaiah the Prophete called to the Lorde, and he brought the shadowe ten degrees backewarde, by whyche it had gone doune, in the dyal of Ahaz.
2 Kings 20:11 Cross References - Matthew
Exodus 14:15
15 The Lorde sayde vnto Moses: wherfore cryest thou vnto me? speake vnto the chyldren of Israel that they goo forwarde.
Joshua 10:12-14
12 Then spake Iosua vnto the Lorde, the daye when the Lorde delyuered the Amorites before the chyldren of Israel, and he sayde in the sight of al Israel: Sunne stande thou still vpon Gabaon, & thou Mone, in the valeye of Aialon.
13 And the sonne abode, and the mone stode styll, vntyll the people had aduenged them selues vpon their enemyes. Is not thys written in the boke of the ryghtwes, howe that the sunne abode in the middes of heauen, and hasted not to go doune by the space of a whole daye.
14 And there was no daye lyke that, before it, or after it, that the Lorde obeyed the voyce of a man, and al because the Lorde fought for Israel.
1 Kings 17:20-21
20 and called vnto the Lorde and sayde: O Lord my God, hast thou bene so euyl vnto the wedowe wyth whome I soiourne, that thou hast slayne her sonne?
21 And he stretched him selfe vpon the lad thre tymes, and called vnto the Lorde and sayde: O Lorde my God, let the laddes soule come vnto hym agayne.
1 Kings 18:36-38
36 And when offeringe time was come, Eliah the prophete went to and sayde: Lord God of Abraham, Isaac and of Israel, let it be knowen thys daye, that thou art the God in Israel, and that I am thy seruaunt, and that I do al these thinges at thy commaundement.
37 Heare me O lorde, heare me, that this people may know, that thou lord, art the God, and that thou hast turned their hertes backward.
38 And there fell fire from the Lorde, and consumed the sacryfice & the wood and the stones & the dust, & lycked vp the water that was in the gutter.
2 Chronicles 32:24
24 In those dayes Hezekiah was sycke vnto the deeth and besought the Lorde: whiche answered him and shewed hym a wonderful miracle:
2 Chronicles 32:31
31 But when the Ambassadoures of the Lordes of Babylon were sent to hym to enquyre of the wondre that chaunsed in the land, God lefte hym: to tempte hym, that all that was in hys herte myght be knowen.
Isaiah 38:8
8 Beholde, I will returne the shadowe of Ahaz dial, that now is layed out wyth the Sunne & brynge it ten degrees backe warde. So the Sunne turned ten degree backward, the which he was descended a fore.
Acts 9:40
40 And Peter put them al forth and kneled doune, and praied and turned him to the bodye, and saied: Tabitha, aryse. And she opened her eyes, and when she sawe Peter she sat vp.