11 And the kinge went againe and sent to hym another captayn ouer fyfty with his fyfty, which answered & sayde vnto him: O man of God, thus sayth the kyng, make hast & come doune.
2 Kings 1:11 Cross References - Matthew
Numbers 16:41
41 And on the morrowe all the multitude of the chyldren of Israell murmured agaynste Moses and Aaron sayinge: ye haue kylled the people of the Lorde.
1 Samuel 6:9
9 And marke yf he go vp by the way that leadeth vnto his owne coaste, to Bethsames, then it is he that dyd vs thys great euyl. But & yf he do not, then it is not hys hande that smote vs, but it was a chaunce that hapened vs.
1 Samuel 22:17-19
17 Then sayde the kynge vnto his fote men that stode about hym: turne and sley the priestes of the Lorde, bothe because their hand is with Dauid, and because they knewe when Dauid fled & shewed it not to me. But the seruauntes of the kynge woulde not moue their handes, to runne vpon the priestes of the Lorde.
18 Then saide the kinge to Doeg: turne thou and smyte the pryestes. And Doeg the Edomite turned and ranne vpon the priestes and slue that same daye foure skore and fyue persones that dyd weare eche man a lynnen Ephod.
19 And Nob the citie of the pryestes he smote with the edge of the swerde, bothe man and woman, chylde and suckelynge, with oxe asse and shepe.
Proverbs 29:12
12 If a prynce delyte iu lyes, all his seruauntes are vngodly.
Isaiah 26:11
11 Lorde, they wyll not se thyne hye hande, but they shall se it, and be confounded: when thou shalte deuoure them with the wrathe of the people, & wyth the fyre of thyue enemyes.
Isaiah 32:7
7 These are the perlous weapons of the couetous, these be hys shamefull councels: that he maye begyle the poore with disceatfull workes, yea euen there as he shuld geue sentence with the poore.
Jeremiah 5:3
3 Where as thou (O Lorde) lokest only vpon faythe and truthe. Thou hast scourged them, but they toke no repentaunce: thou hast correcte them for amendement, but they refused thy correccion. They made their faces harder then a stone, and woulde not amende.
Matthew 2:16
16 Then Herode perceauing that he was mocked of the wyse men, was excedinge wroth, & sent forth and slue al the children that were in Bethleem, and in all the costes therof, as many as were two yere olde and vnder according to the time which he had diligently searched out of the wise men.
Luke 22:63-64
John 18:5-12
5 They aunswered hym: Iesus of Nazareth. Iesus sayed vnto them: I am he. Iudas also which betrayed hym, stode wt them.
6 But assone as he had sayd vnto them: I am he, they went backwardes, and fell to the grounde.
7 And he asked them agayne: whome seke ye? They aunswered: Iesus of Nazareth.
8 Iesus aunswered: I sayde vnto you: I am he. Yf ye seke me, let these go theyr waye.
9 That the saiynge myght be fulfylled which he spake: of them which thou gauest me, haue I not loste one.
10 Simon Peter hadde a swerde, & drue it, and smote the hye Pryestes seruaunte, and cut of hys ryght eare. The seruauntes name was Malchus.
11 Then sayed Iesus vnto Peter: put vp thy swerde into the sheath: shall I not drinke of the cup whiche my father hathe geuen me?
12 Then the company and the captaine and the ministers of the Iewes, toke Iesus & bounde hym,
Acts 4:16-17
16 saiynge: what shall we do to these men? For a manifeste signe is done by them, and is openlye knowen to all them that dwell in Hierusalem, and we can not denie it.
17 But that it be noised no further among the people, let vs threaten and charge them that they speake henceforth to no man in this name.