1 Timothy 2:6 Cross References - Matthew

6 which gaue hym self a raunsome for al men, that it shoulde be testifyed at hys tyme,

Job 33:24

24 then the Lorde is mercyfull vnto hym, & sayeth: He shalbe delyuered, that he fall not doune to destruccyon, for I am suffycyentlye reconcyled.

Isaiah 53:6

6 As for vs, we go all astraye (lyke shepe) euery one turneth hys owne waye. But thorow hym, the Lorde pardoneth all oure synnes.

Matthew 20:28

28 euen as the sonne of man came not to be minnistred vnto, but to minister, and to geue his life for the redempcion of many.

Mark 10:45

45 For euen the sonne of man came not to be mynystred vnto, but to minister & to geue hys lyfe for the redempcyon of many.

John 6:51

51 I am that lyuinge bread: which came doune from heauen. If any man eate of this bread, he shall lyue for euer. And the bread that I wyll geue is my flesh, which I will geue for the life of the worlde.

John 10:15

15 As my father knoweth me, euen so knowe I my father. And I geue my lyfe for the shepe:

Romans 5:6

6 For when we were yet weake accordyng to the tyme: Christ died for vs whiche were vngodly.

Romans 16:26

26 but nowe is opened by the scriptures of prophesye, at the commaundemente of the euerlastynge God, to stere vp obedience to the fayth publyshed among all nacions:

1 Corinthians 1:6

6 euen as the testimony of Iesus Christ was confyrmed in you,

2 Corinthians 5:14-15

14 For the loue of Christ constrayneth vs, because we thus iudge, yf one be dead, for all that then are all dead, 15 and that he dyed for all, that they which lyue, shoulde not hence forth lyue vnto them selues, but vnto hym, whiche dyed for them, and rose agayne.

2 Corinthians 5:21

21 for he hath made hym to be synne for vs, whiche knewe no synne, that we by hys meanes should be that ryghtuousnes whiche before God is allowed.

Galatians 4:4

4 But when the tyme was full come, God sente hys sonne made of a woman, and made bonde vnto the lawe,

Ephesians 1:7

7 By whome we haue redemption thorowe hys bloude, euen the forgeuenes of synnes accordyng to the ryches of hys grace

Ephesians 1:9-10

9 And hath opened vnto vs the misterye of hys wyll accordyng to hys pleasure and purposed the same in hym selfe 10 to haue it declared, when the tyme were full come, that all thynges, bothe the thynges whiche are in heauen, & also thynges whiche are in earth shoulde be gathered together euen in Christ:

Ephesians 1:17

17 that the God of oure Lord Iesus Christ, and the father of glorye myghte geue vnto you the spyryte of wysdome, and open to you the knoweledge of hym selfe,

Ephesians 3:5

5 Which mysterye in tymes passed was not opened to the sonnes of men, as it is now declared vnto his holye Apostles and Prophetes by the spyrite

Ephesians 5:2

2 and walke in loue euen as Christe loued vs, and gaue hym selfe for vs, an offeringe, and a sacrifice of a swete sauoure to God.

2 Thessalonians 1:10

10 when he shall come to be gloryfyed in hys saynctes, and to be made marueylous in all them that beleue: because oure testimonye that we had vnto you, was beleued euen the same daye that we preached it.

1 Timothy 6:15

15 whiche appearynge (when the tyme is come) he shal shew that is blessed and myghtye onelye, kynge of kynges, & Lord of Lordes,

2 Timothy 1:8

8 Be not ashamed to testifye oure Lorde, neyther be ashamed of me, whiche am bounde for hys sake: but suffre aduersitye also wyth the Gospell thorowe the power of God,

Titus 1:3

3 but hath opened hys worde, at the tyme appoynted thorowe preachynge which preachynge is commytted vnto me by the commaundement of God oure sauyoure.

Titus 2:14

14 whiche gaue hym selfe for vs, to redeme vs from al vnryghtuousnes and to pourge vs a peculyar people vnto him selfe, feruently geuen vnto good workes.

Hebrews 9:12

12 neyther by the bloude of gotes and calues, but by hys owne bloude he entred once for al into the holye place, and founde eternal redempcyon.

1 Peter 1:18-19

18 For as muche as ye know howe that ye were not redemed wyth corruptyble syluer and golde, from youre vayne conuersacyon whiche ye receyued by the tradicyons of the fathers: 19 but wyth the precyous bloud of christ as of a lambe vndefyled, and wythout spotte,

1 Peter 2:24

24 which hys owne selfe bare oure synnes in hys body on the tree, that we shoulde be delyuered from synne, and shoulde lyue in ryghtuousnes. By whose strypes ye were healed.

1 Peter 3:18

18 For as much as Christ hath ones suffered for sinners, the iuste for the vniuste, for to bringe vs to God, and was kylled, as perteininge to the fleshe: but was quickened in the spirite.

1 John 2:1-2

1 My lytle chyldren, these thinges wryte I vnto you, that ye sinne not, yf anye man synne, yet we haue an aduocate with the father, Iesus Christe, whiche is rightuouse, 2 and he it is that obtayned grace for our sinnes, not for oure sinnes onelye, but also for the synnes of al the worlde.

1 John 4:10

10 Herin is loue, not that we loued God, but that he loued vs, & sente his sonne to make agrement for our synnes.

1 John 5:11-12

11 And thys is that recorde, howe that God hath geuen vnto vs eternal lyfe, and this lyfe is in his sonne. 12 He that hath the sonne, hath lyfe: and he that hath not the sonne of God, hath not lyfe.

Revelation 1:5

5 and from Iesus Christ, whiche is a faythfull wytnes, and fyrst begotten of the dead, and Lorde ouer the kynges of the earth. Vnto him, that loued vs and washed vs from synnes in his owne bloude,

Revelation 5:9

9 and they songe a new songe saiyng: thou art worthy to take the boke, and to open the seales therof: for thou wast kylled, & hast redemed vs by thy bloud out of al kynredes, and tonges, and people, and nacions

Cross Reference data is from OpenBible.info, retrieved June 28, 2010, and licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution License.