16 And he syled twentye cubytes in the ende of the temple both floore & walles wyth Cedar, and dressed it within to be the quere and place most holye.
1 Kings 6:16 Cross References - Matthew
Exodus 25:21-22
21 And thou shalte putte the mercyseate aboue vpon the arke, and in the arke thou shalt put the witnesse which I wil geue the.
22 There I wyll mete the and will comon with the from vpon the mercyseate from betwene the two Cherbyns whiche are vpon the arke of wytnesse, of all thynge whych I wyll geue the in commaundemente vnto the chyldren of Israel.
Exodus 26:23
23 & two bordes mo for the two west corners of the habitacyon:
Exodus 26:33-34
Leviticus 16:2
2 speake vnto Aaron thy brother that he goo at all tymes in to the holy place, that is within the vayle that hangeth before the mercyseate which is vpon the arck that he dye not. For I wyl appeare in a clowde vpon the mercyseate.
1 Kings 6:5
5 And vnder the walles of the house he made galaryes rounde aboute, bothe rounde aboute the temple and also the quere. And so made sydes rounde aboute.
1 Kings 6:19-20
1 Kings 8:6
6 And so the priestes brought the arcke of the apoyntment of the Lorde vnto hys place: euen into the quere of the temple, and place moste holy, vnder the wynges of the Cherubes.
2 Chronicles 3:8
8 And he made the house moost holy, whose length was .xx. cubytes lyke to the breadeth of the house, and the breadeth thereof was also .xx. cubytes. And he ouerlayde it with the best goulde, that drue to the summe of .vi. hundred talentes.
Ezekiel 45:3
3 And from this measure, namelye of .xxv.M. meteroddes longe, and .x.M. brode, thou shalt measure, wherin the Sanctuary and the holyest of all maye stande.
Hebrews 9:3
3 But wythin the second vayle was there a tabernacle, whiche is called holyeste of all