40 And when Ahab was sayde to rest with hys fathers, Ohoziah hys soune raygned in hys steade.
1 Kings 22:40 Cross References - Matthew
Deuteronomy 31:16
16 And the Lord sayed vnto Moses: beholde, thou must slepe wyth thy fathers, and thys people wyll go a whoring after straunge Goddes of the land whither they go, and wyl forsake me and breake the appoyntment which I haue made with them.
2 Samuel 7:12
12 And when thy dayes be fulfilled and thou layde to rest wyth thy fathers, then I wyll set vp thy sede after the, which shall proceade out of thy bodye, and will stablysh his kingdome.
1 Kings 2:10
10 And so Dauid rested with his fathers, & was buryed in the cytye of Dauid.
1 Kings 11:21
21 And when Hadad hearde saye in Egypt that Dauid was layde to slepe with hys fathers, and that Ioab the captayne of the host was dead also, he sayd to Pharao: let me departe, that I may go to myne owne countrey.
1 Kings 14:31
31 And Rehoboam layd hym to rest wyth hys fathers, & was buryed with hys fathers in the cyty of Dauid. And hys mothers name was Naamah an Ammonyte. And Abiam hys sonne raygned in hys Rome.
1 Kings 22:51
51 (2
2 Kings 1:2
2 And Ohoziah fell thorowe a lattese wyndowe out of an vpper chambre that he had in Samaria, & fell sycke. Then he sent messengers sayinge vnto them: go & enquyre of Beelzebub the God of Akaron, whether I shal recouer of this disease.
2 Kings 1:17
17 And so he dyed according to the worde of the lord which Eliah spake, and Iehoram was made king in his stede, the second yeare of Iehoram sonne of Iehosaphat kynge of Iuda, because he had no sonne.
2 Chronicles 20:35
35 After this, Iehosaphat king of Iuda ioyned hym selfe with Ohoziah kynge of Israel whiche was a wycked doar.