1 Kings 22:25 Cross References - Matthew

25 And Micheah sayd: behold thou shalt se in that daye, when thou shalt go from chambre to chambre to hyde the.

Numbers 31:8

8 And they slewe the kynges of Madian amonge other that were slayne: Eui, Rehem, zur, Hur & Reba: fyue kynges of Madian. And they slew Balaam the sonne of Beor with the swerde.

1 Kings 20:30

30 And the reste fled to Aphek into the cytye. And there fel a walle vpon .xxvij. thousande of them that were lefte. And Benhadad fled and went into the cytye, from chambre to chambre.

Isaiah 9:14-16

14 Therfore the Lorde shal rote oute of Israel bothe head & tayle, braunch and twigge in one daye. 15 By the heade, is vnderstande the Senatoure and honorable man, and by the tayle, the Prophet that preacheth lyes. 16 For al they whiche enfourme the people that they be in a righte case, suche be disceyuers. Suche as men thyncke also to be perfecte amonge these, are but cast awaye.

Jeremiah 23:15

15 Therfore thus sayeth the Lorde of Hostes concernynge the prophetes: Beholde, I wyll fede them with wormwod, and make them dryncke the water of gall. For from the prophetes of Ierusalem is the sycknes and ypocrisye come in to all the lande.

Jeremiah 28:16-17

16 And therfore thus sayth the Lorde: beholde, I wyll sende the out of the land, & within a year thou shalte dye because thou haste falsely spoken agaynste the Lord. 17 So Hananiah the Prophete dyed the same yeare in the seuenth moneth.

Jeremiah 29:21-22

21 Thus hath the Lorde of hoostes the God of Israell spoken, of Ahab the sonne of Colaiah, and of Zedekiah the sonne of Maasiah, whiche prophecye lyes vnto you in my name: Beholde I wyll delyuer them into the hande of Nabuchodonozor the kynge of Babylon, that he maye slaye them before youre eyes. 22 And all the presonners of Iuda that are in Babylon, shall take vpon them thys terme of cursynge, and saye: Now God do vnto the, as he dyd vnto Zedekiah & Ahab, whome the kynge of Babylon rosted in the fyre,

Jeremiah 29:32

32 therfor thus the Lorde doeth certyfye you: Beholde, I wyll vpset Semeiah the Nehelamite, and hys sede: so that none of hys shall remayne amonge thys people, and none of them shall se the good, that I wyl do for thys people, saith the Lorde, For he hath preached falsely of the Lorde.

Amos 7:17

17 Wherfore thus sayeth the Lord: Thy wyfe shalbe defyled in the cytye, thy sonnes and daughters shall be slayne with the swearde, & thy lande shalbe measured out with the lyne. Thou thy selfe shalt dye in an vnclene lande, & Israel shalbe dryuen out of hys owne countre.

2 Peter 2:1

1 There were false prophetes among the people, euen as there shalbe false teachers amonge you, which priuilie shal bringe in damnable sectes, euen denyenge the Lorde that hath bought them and bringe vpon them selues swyft dampnacion,

Revelation 19:20

20 And the beast was taken, & with hym that false prophete that wrought miracles before him with which he deceyued them that receiued the beastes marke, & them that worshipped his Image These both were cast into a ponde of fyre burnyng with brimstone:

Cross Reference data is from OpenBible.info, retrieved June 28, 2010, and licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution License.