36 Spronge the worde of God from you? Eyther came it vnto you onelye.
1 Corinthians 14:36 Cross References - Matthew
Isaiah 2:3
3 speakynge thus one to another: vp let vs go to the hyll of the Lorde, & to the house of the God of Iacob: that he maye shewe vs hys waye, and that we maye walcke in hys pathes. For the lawe shall come out of Syon and the worde of God from Ierusalem,
Micah 4:1-2
1 Bvt in the latter dayes it wyll come to passe, that the hyll of the Lordes house shallbe sett vp hyer then enye mountaynes or hylles: Yee the people shall prease vnto it,
2 and the multitude of the Gentyles shall haste them thyther, sayeng: Come lett vs go vp to the hyll of the Lorde, and to the house of the God of Iacob: that he maye teach vs hys wayes, & that we maye walke in hys parthes. For the lawe shall come out of Sion, and the worde of God from Ierusalem,
Zechariah 14:8
8 In that tyme shal the waters of lyfe runne out from Ierusalem: the half parte of them toward the east sea, & the other half toward the vttermost sea, & shal continue both somer & winter.
Acts 13:1-3
1 There were at Antioche in the congregacyon certayne Prophetes and teachers: as Barnabas and Symon called Niger, and Lucius of Cyrene, & Manahen. Herode the Tetrarkes noursfelowe. and Saule.
2 As they ministred to the Lorde and fasted, the holy ghost sayde: separate me Barnabas and Saule, for the worke where vnto I haue called them.
3 Then fasted they and prayed, and put theyr handes on them, & let them go.
Acts 15:35-36
Acts 16:9-10
Acts 17:1
1 As they made theyr iorney thorowe Amphipolis, and Appolonia, they came to Thessalonica, where was a synagoge of the Iewes.
Acts 17:10-11
10 And the brethren immediatly sente awaye Paule and Sylas by nyghte vnto Berrea. Whiche when they were come thyther, they entred into the synagoge of the Iewes.
11 These were the noblest of byrthe among them of Thessalonia whiche receyued the worde with al diligence of mynde, and searched the scriptures daylye whether those thynges were euen so.
Acts 17:15
15 And they that gyded Paule brought hym vnto Athens, and receyued a commaundement vnto Sylas & Timotheus for to come to hym at once and came theyr waye.
Acts 18:1-17
1 After that Paule departed from Athens, and came to Corinthum
2 and founde a certayne Iewe named Aquila, borne in Ponthus, latelye come from Italye wyth hys wyfe Priscilla (because that the Emperour Claudius had commaunded all Iewes to depart from Rome) and he drewe vnto them.
3 And because he was of the same craft, he abode with them and wroughte: theyr crafte was to make tentes.
4 And he preached in the Synagoge euerye Saboth daye and exhorted the Iewes and the gentyls.
5 When Silas and Timotheus were come from Macedonia, Paule was constrayned by the spirit to testify to the Iewes that Iesus was very Christ.
6 And when they sayde contrary and blasphemed, he shoke his raymente and sayed vnto them, youre bloude vpon youre owne heades, & frome henceforth I go blameles vnto the gentils.
7 And he departed thence, & entered into a certayne mannes house named iustus a worshypper of God, whose house ioyned harde to the synagoge.
8 How be it one Crispus the chiefe rular of the Synagoge beleued on the Lorde wyth al his houshold, & manye of the Corinthians gaue audience & beleued, and were baptised.
9 Then spake the Lorde to Paule in the nyght by a vision: be not afrayde, but speake, and hold not thy peace:
10 for I am with the, and no man shal inuad the that shal hurt the. For I haue much people in this citie.
11 And he continued there a yeare and sixe monethes, and taught them the word of God.
12 When Gallio was ruler of the countre of Achaia the Iewes made insurrection with one accorde agaynst Paule, & brought him to the iudgement seate
13 saiynge: this felowe councelleth men to worship God contrary to the lawe.
14 And as Paul was aboute to open hys mouthe. Gallio sayde vnto the Iewes: yf it were a matter of wronge, or an euyl dede (o ye Iewes) reason would that I should hear you:
15 but if it be a question of words or of names, or of your law, loke ye to it your selues. For I wil be no iudge in suche matters
16 and he draue them from the seate.
17 Then toke all the grekes Sostenes the chiefe ruler of the Synagoge, & smote hym before the iudges. seate. And Gallio cared for none of those thinges.
1 Corinthians 4:7
7 For who preferreth the? What haste thou, that thou hast not receyued? Yf thou haue receyued it ewhy reioyseste thou as thoughe thou haddeste not receiued it?
2 Corinthians 10:13-16
13 But we wyll not reioyce aboue measure: but accordynge to the quantitye of the measure, whiche God hath distrybuted vnto vs, a measure that reacheth euen vnto you.
14 For we stretche not oure selues beyonde measure, as thoughe we had not reacheth vnto you. For euen vnto you haue we come with the Gospell of Christe,
15 and we boste not oure selues out of measure in other mens labours. Yea, and we hope, when your fayth is increased amonge you, to be magnifyed accordynge to oure measure more largelye,
16 and to preache the Gospell in those regyons, whiche are beyonde you: and not to reioyce of that whiche is by another mans measure prepared already.
1 Thessalonians 1:8
8 For from you sounded out the worde of the Lord, not in Macedonia & in Achaia onelye: but your fayth also which ye haue vnto God, sprede her selfe abrode in all quarters, so greatlye that it neadeth not vs to speake any thynge at all.