25 And the Lorde magnyfyed Salomon on hye, in the syghte of all Israel, and gaue hym so gloryouse a kyngedome as none of all that were kynges before in Israell had.
1 Chronicles 29:25 Cross References - Matthew
Joshua 3:7
7 And the Lorde sayd vnto Iosua: This day wyll I begynne to magnifye the, in the syghte of Israell, that they maye knowe howe that as I was wyth Moses, so wyll I be wyth the.
Joshua 4:14
14 That daye the Lord magnyfyed Iosua in the syght of all Israell, and they feared hym, as they feared Moses all dayes of hys lyfe.
1 Kings 3:13
13 And therto I haue geuen the, that thou askedst not, bothe rychesse and honoure: so that there shalbe no kynge lyke the all the dayes.
2 Chronicles 1:1
1 And Salomon the sonne of Dauid waxed stronge in hys kyngedome, and the Lorde his God was with hym, and magnifyed him on hye.
2 Chronicles 1:12
12 wisdome and knowledge shalbe geuen the, and I wyll geue the treasure, rychesse, & glorye also, that amonge the kynges before the or after the, none was or shalbe lyke the.
Job 7:17
17 What is man, that thou hast hym in soch reputacyon, and settest somoch by hym?
Ecclesiastes 2:9
9 Shortly, I was greater and in more worshippe, then all my predecessours in Ierusalem. For wysdome remained with me
Daniel 5:18-19
18 O kynge, God the hyest gaue vnto Nabuchodonosor thy father, the dignite of a kynge with worshippe and honoure,
19 so that al people, kynredes and tunge stode in awe & feare of him, by reason of the hye estate, that he had lente him. For why, he slewe whom he wold: he smote, whom it pleased hym. Agayne, whom he wolde, he set vp: and whome he lyst, he put doune.
Acts 19:17
17 And this was knowen to al the Iewes and Grekes also, which dwelt at Ephesus, and feare came on them al, and they magnified the name of the Lord Iesus.
Hebrews 2:9
9 Neuertheles we yet se not all thinges subdued, but him that was made lesse then the Angelles, we se that it was Iesus, whiche is crowned with glory and honoure for the suffering of death, that he by the grace of God, should taste of death for al men.