3 But God sayd to me: thou shalt not buylde an house for my name, because thou arte a man of warre, & hast shed bloude.
1 Chronicles 28:3 Cross References - Matthew
2 Samuel 7:5-13
5 go and tell my seruaunt Dauid, thus sayth the Lord: shalt thou go buylde me an house to dwell in?
6 For I haue not dwelt in anye house sence the tyme I brought the chyldren of Israel out of Egypte vnto thys daye: but haue walked in a tent and in a tabernacle.
7 In anye waye where I wente among all the chyldren of Israel, spake I one word wyth any of the trybes of Israel which I commaunded to fede my people Israel saying: why buylde ye not me an house of Cedar tree?
8 Now therfore so saye vnto my seruaunt Dauid, thus sayth the Lord of Hostes I toke the out of a shepeherdes cote from folowyng shepe to be a ruler ouer my people Israel.
9 And I was wyth the in all that thou wentest to, & haue destroyed all thyne enemyes out of thy syght, and haue made the a great name, lyke vnto the name of the great men of the world.
10 And I wyl appoynte a place for my people Israel, and wyll plant it and they shall contynue in one place and shall moue no more, neyther shall wycked people trouble them anye more as they dyd at the begynnynge,
11 & sence the tyme I commaunded Iudges to be ouer my people Israel, & I wyll geue the reste from all thyne enemyes. And the Lorde telleth the, that he wyl buylde the an housholde.
12 And when thy dayes be fulfilled and thou layde to rest wyth thy fathers, then I wyll set vp thy sede after the, which shall proceade out of thy bodye, and will stablysh his kingdome.
13 And he shal buylde an house for my name, & I wyll stablyshe the seate of hys kyngdome for euer:
1 Kings 5:3
3 thou knowest of Dauid my father, howe he could not build an house vnto the name of the Lorde his god for warre which he had on euery syde, vntyll the Lorde had put them vnder hys fote.
1 Chronicles 17:4
4 go & tel Dauid my seruaunte, thus saith the Lorde: thou shalt not buylde me an house to dwell in.
1 Chronicles 22:8
8 But the worde of the Lorde came to me sayinge: thou hast shed muche bloude, and hast made many battelles. Thou shalt not buylt an house for my name, for thou hast shed muche bloude to the earthe in my syght.
2 Chronicles 6:8-9
8 But the Lorde sayde to Dauid my father: for as muche as it was in thyne herte, to buylde an house for my name, thou dyddest well that thou haddest it in thine herte.
9 Notwithstandyng thou shalt not build the house, but thy sonne whiche shall Issue oute of thy loynes, he shall buyld an house for my name.