4 & of Cedar trees withoute nombre, For the Zidons and they of Tire brought much Cedar wood to Dauid.
1 Chronicles 22:4 Cross References - Matthew
2 Samuel 5:11
11 And Hiram Kynge of Tyre sent messengers to Dauid wyth Cedar trees and carpenters & Masons, to buyld Dauid an house.
1 Kings 5:6-10
6 Nowe then commaunde that they hewe me Cedar trees in Libanon. And let my seruauntes be with thine, and I will geue the hire of the seruauntes in all soche thinges as thou shalt appoynte, for thou knowest that there are not among vs that can skyll to hewe tymber lyke vnto the Sidones.
7 When Hiram hearde the wordes of Salomon, he reioysed greatlye & sayde: Blessed be the Lorde this daye whiche hath set Dauid a wyse sonne ouer this myghtie people.
8 And Hiram sent agayne to Salomon saying: I haue accept the request whiche thou sentest to me for, & wyll satisfye all thy luste, concernynge tymbre of Cedar trees & fyre.
9 My seruauntes shall brynge them from Lybanon to the sea. And I wyll conueye them by shippe vnto the place that thou shalt sende me worde, & wyll cause them to be discharged there, that thou mayst receyue them. And thou shalt do me this pleasure agayne, to mynistre fode for myne house.
10 And so Hiram gaue Salomon Cedar trees & fyrre trees, as moche as he desyred.
2 Chronicles 2:3
3 And Salomon sent to Hiram kynge of Tyre, saying: As thou diddest deale with Dauid my father, and dyddest sende hym Cedar woode, to buylde hym an house to dwell in, euen so deale wyth me now:
Ezra 3:7
7 Neuertheles they gaue money vnto the masons and carpenters, and meate and dryncke and oyle vnto them of Zidon and of Tire, to brynge them Cedre tymbre from Libanus by Sea vnto Ioppa, accordynge to the commaundement of Cyrus the kynge of Persia.