1 And as Dauid dwelt in his house he sayde to Nathan the prophete: Lo, I dwell in an house of Cedar tree, and the Arcke of the Lordes couenaunt dwelleth vnder curtaynes.
2 And Nathan sayde to Dauid: do all that is in thyne hert, for God is wt the.
3 But the same nyghte the worde of God came to Nathan sayinge:
4 go & tel Dauid my seruaunte, thus saith the Lorde: thou shalt not buylde me an house to dwell in.
5 For I haue dwelt in no house, sence I brought out the children of Israel vnto this daye: But haue gone from tent to tent, & from one tabernacle to another. Neyther in anye place wheresoeuer
6 I haue walked thorowe oute all Israel, spake I euer one worde to any of the iudges of Israel, whyche I commaunded to fede my people sayinge: why buyld ye me not an house of Cedar tree?
7 Nowe therfore thus saye vnto my seruaunt Dauid: thus sayth the Lorde of Hostes: I toke the oute of the pasture from after shepe, that thou shouldest be captain ouer my people Israel.
8 And I haue bene with the in al thou tokest in hande, and haue weded oute al thyne enemies oute of thy syghte, and haue made the a name like the name of the greatest men of the earthe.
9 And I wil ordeyne a place for my people Israell, and wyll make it fast, & they shall dwell vnder it, & shall moue no more. Neither shal the children of wickednesse vexe them any more as at the begynuynge,
10 & sence the tyme I commaunded Iudges to be ouer my people Israel, & wyl brynge vnder all thyne enemies (for I tolde the that the lord woulde buylde the an house.)
11 But when thy dayes be exspyred, that thou must go after thy fathers, I wyll set vp thy seade after the, whiche shalbe of thy sonnes & wyl setle hys kyngedom.
12 He shall buyld my an house, and I wyll stablyshe hys seate for euer.
13 I wylbe hys father and he shalbe me sonne, and I wyll not put my mercy awaye from him, as I did from him that was before the.
14 But I wyl set him in myne house, and in my kyngdome for euer, and hys seate shalbe sure for euer.
15 When Nathan hath tolde Dauid according to all these wordes, & to al this vision,
16 kynge Dauid went & sate him before the lord & said: what am I O Lorde God and what is mine housholde, that thou hast promoted me thus ferre.
17 And yet this semed littell in thyne eyes O god. But that thou shouldest speake of thy seruauntes house for a great whyle to come: and hast loked vpon my as vpon a man of hye degre O Lorde God.
18 What can Dauid desire more of the, wherin thou shouldest make thy seruaunt more gloriouse? Thou knowest thy seruaunt:
19 & lord for thy seruauntes sake, euen accordyng to thyne own hert thou hast done all this magnificence, to shewe al bounteousnesse
20 Lorde, there is none lyke the, nor any God saue thou, accordyng to all that we haue hearde with our eares.
21 Moreouer what nacyon on the earth is lyke thy people Israel, which God went and redemed to be his own people, & to make the a name of excellencye & terriblenesse, with castyinge out nacyons from before thy people,
22 for euer, and thou Lord art become their God.
23 And now Lorde the thynge thou hast spoken concernynge thy seruaunt & his house be true for euer, and do as thou hast sayde.
24 And thy name continue & waxe great for euer, that it be sayde: the lorde of hostes, the God of Israel is God in Israel, and the house of Dauid thy seruaunt be stable before the.
25 For thou lord hast tolde thy seruaunte, that thou wilt build him an house. And therfore thy seruaunt hath founde in his herte to praye before the.
26 And now Lorde thou arte the very God, and hast promised this goodnesse vnto thy seruaunte.
27 Now therfore go to and blesse the house of thy seruaunte, that it may continue before the for euer. For what thou blessest O Lorde that is blessed for euer.
1 Chronicles 17 Cross References - Matthew
Genesis 15:15
15 Neuerthelesse, thou shalt go vnto thy fathers in peace, & shalt be buryed when thou arte of a good age:
Genesis 17:7
7 Moreouer I wyl make my bonde betwene me & the, and thy seed after the, in their times to be an euerlastyng testament, So that I wyl be god vnto the & to thy seed after the.
Genesis 27:33
33 And Isaac was greatly astonied oute of measure, & sayed. Where is he then that hath hunted venison and brought it me, & I haue eaten of all before thou camest, & haue blessed hym, & he shall be blessed styll.
Genesis 28:15
15 And se I am wyth the, and wyll be thy keper in all places whyther thou goest, and wyll brynge the agayne into thys land: neither wyll I leaue the vntyll I haue made good all that I haue promised the.
Genesis 32:10
10 I am not worthy of the leaste of all the mercies & trueth whyche thou hast shewed vnto thy seruaunt. For wyth my stafe came I ouer thys Iordane, & now haue I goten two droues.
Genesis 32:12
12 Thou saydest that thou wouldest surely do me good, and wouldest make my sede as the sande of the sea, whyche canne not be numbred for multitude.
Genesis 48:15-16
15 And he blessed Ioseph saying: God before whome my fathers Abraham and Isaac dyd walke, and the god whyche had fedde me all my lyfe longe vnto thys day,
16 And the augell which hath delyuered me from al euyll, blesse these laddes: that they may be called after my name, and after my father Abraham and Isaac, and that they may growe & multiplye vpon the erth.
Exodus 1:13-14
Exodus 1:21
21 And bycause the mydwyues feared God, he made them houses.
Exodus 2:23
23 And she bare yet an other sonne, whom he called Elieser, sayinge: the God of my father is myne helper, and hath ryd me out of the handes of Pharao. And it chaunced in processe of tyme, that the kynge of Egypt dyed, and the chyldren of Israel syghed by the reason of labour and cried.
Exodus 3:1-10
1 Moyses kepte the sheepe of Iethro hys father in lawe prieste of Madian, and he droue the flocke to the backesyde of the deserte, and came to the mountayne of God, Horeb.
2 And the Angell of the Lorde appeared vnto hym in a flame of fyre oute of a bushe. And he perceyued that the bush burned wyth fyre, and consumed not.
3 Then Moyses sayed: I wyll go hence, and se thys greate syghte howe it commeth that the bush burneth not.
4 And when the Lord sawe that he came for to see, he called to hym out of the bushe, and sayed: Moyses, Moyses. And he answered: here am I.
5 And he sayed: Come not hyther, but put thy shooes of thy fete: for the place wheron thou standest is holy ground.
6 And he sayed: I am the God of thy father, the God of Abraham, the God of Isaac, and the God of Iacob. And Moses hyd hys face for he was afrayed to loke vpon God.
7 Then the Lorde sayed: I haue surelye sene the trouble of mi people which ar in Egipt, and haue heard their cry whyche they haue of their taskemasters. For I know theyr sorow,
Exodus 3:7-8
7 Then the Lorde sayed: I haue surelye sene the trouble of mi people which ar in Egipt, and haue heard their cry whyche they haue of their taskemasters. For I know theyr sorow,
8 and am come downe to deliuer them out of the handes of the Egyptians, & to bringe them out of that land vnto a good lande & a large, & vnto a land that floweth with milke & hony: euen vnto the place of the Cananites Hethites, Amorites, Pherezites, Heuites, & of the Iebusites.
Exodus 3:8-8
8 and am come downe to deliuer them out of the handes of the Egyptians, & to bringe them out of that land vnto a good lande & a large, & vnto a land that floweth with milke & hony: euen vnto the place of the Cananites Hethites, Amorites, Pherezites, Heuites, & of the Iebusites.
9 Nowe therfore behold, the complaynt of the chyldren of Israel is come vnto me, and I haue also sene the oppression wherwyth the Egyptians oppresse them.
10 But come, I wyl sende vnto Pharao, that thou maist bring my people, the children of Israel out of Egypt.
Exodus 15:11
11 Who is lyke vnto the O Lorde amonge goddes: who is lyke the so gloryous in holynes, fearfull, laudable & that shewest wondres?
Exodus 18:11
11 Now I knowe that the Lord is greater then al Gods, for bicause that they dealt proudly with them.
Exodus 19:4-6
4 ye haue sene what I dyd vnto the Egipcians & how I toke you vp vpon Egles wynges, & haue brought you vnto my self.
5 Now therefore if ye will heare my voyce & kepe myne apoyntement: ye shall be myne owne aboue al nacions, for all the erth is myne.
6 Ye shalbe vnto me a kyngdome of priestes & an holy people: these are the wordes which thou shalt say vnto the children of Israel.
Exodus 33:14-15
Exodus 34:6-7
6 And when the Lord walked before him, he cried: Lord Lord God full of compassion and mercy, which are not lightly angry but abundaunt in mercy and truth,
7 and kepest mercye in store for thousandes, & forgeueste wyckednes, trespace, and synne (for there is no man innocent before the) and vysitest the wyckednes of the father vpon the chyldren and vpon chyldrens chyldren, euen vnto the thyrd and fourth generation.
Exodus 40:2-3
Exodus 40:19-21
19 & spred abrod the tent ouer the habitation, and put the coueringe of the tente an hye aboue it: as the lord commaunded Moses.
20 And he toke and put the testimony in the arcke, and set the staues to the arcke, & putte the mercy seate an hye vppon the arcke,
21 and brought the arcke into the habitation, & hanged vp the vayle, & couered the arcke of witnes as the Lord commanded Moses.
Exodus 40:35-38
35 so that Moses coulde not enter into the Tabernacle of wytnesse bycause the cloude abode therin, and the glory of the Lord filled the habitation.
36 When the cloude was taken vp from of the habitation the children of Israel toke their iourneys as oft as they had iourneyed.
37 And if the cloude departed not, they iourneyed not tyll it departed:
38 for the cloud of the Lord was vpon the habitation by daye, and fyre by nyght: in the syght of all the house of Israell in all theyr iourneys.
Leviticus 26:11-12
Numbers 10:33-36
33 And they departed from the mounte of the Lord .iij. dayes iourney, and the arcke of the testament of the Lorde went before them in the .iij. dayes iourney to serche out a resting place for them.
34 And the cloude of the Lorde was ouer them by day, when they went out of the tentes.
35 And when the arcke went forth, Moses sayde: Ryse vp Lorde and let thyne enemies be scatered, and let them that hate the flee before the.
36 And when the arcke rested, he sayde retourne Lorde vnto the many thousandes of Israell.
Numbers 12:6
6 And he sayed heare my wordes If there be a prophet of the Lordes among you, I wyl shewe my selfe vnto him in a visyon & wyll speake vnto hym in a dreame.
Deuteronomy 3:24
24 O Lorde GOD thou hast begonne to shewe thy seruaunte thy greatnesse & thy myghty hande, for there is no God in heauen nor in erth that can do after thy workes & after thy power:
Deuteronomy 4:7
7 For what nation is so great that hath Goddes so nye vnto him as the Lorde oure God is nye vnto vs, in all thynges, when we cal vnto him?
Deuteronomy 4:32-34
32 For aske I pray the for the dayes that are past which were before the, sence the day that God created man vpon the earth and from the one syde of heauen vnto the other whether any thynge hath bene lyke vnto thys greate thyng or whether any suche thyng hath bene heard as it is,
33 that a nation hath heard the voice of God speaking out of fire as thou hast herde and yet lyued?
34 eyther whether God assaied to go & take him a people from amonge nations, thorowe temptations and sygnes and wonders & thorow warre & wyth a myghty hand and a streatched oute arme and with myghtye terryble syghtes, accordynge vnto all that the Lord your God dyd vnto you in Egypt before your eyes.
35 Vnto the it was shewed, that thou mightest know, howe that the lorde he is God & that there is none but he.
Deuteronomy 4:39
39 Vnderstand therefore thys daye & turne it to thyne herte, that the Lord he is God in heauen aboue, & vpon the earth beneth there is no mo:
Deuteronomy 7:1-2
1 When the Lorde thy God hathe brought the into the land whither thou goest to possesse it, & hast coste out manye nations before the: the Hethytes, the Gergesites, the Amorites, the Cananites, the Pheresites, the Heuites, and the Iebusites .vij. nacions moo in numbre & mightier then thou:
2 and when the Lord thy God hath sett them before the that thou shouldest smyt them se that thou vtterly destroye them and make no couenaunt with theym nor haue compassyon vppon theym. Also thou shalte make no maryages wyth theim,
Deuteronomy 7:6-8
6 For thou art an holy nacion vnto the Lorde thy God, the Lorde thy God hath chosen the to be a seuerall people vnto hym selfe of al nations that are vpon the erth.
7 It was not bicause of the multitude of you aboue al nations, that the Lord had lust vnto you and chose you. For ye were fewest of all nations.
8 But bycause the Lord loued you & bicause he would kepe the oth whych he hadde sworne vnto your fathers, therfore he brought you out of Egypt with a mighty hande and deliuered you out of the house of bondage: euen from the hande of Pharao, kynge of Egypt.
Deuteronomy 15:15
15 And remembre that thou waste a seruaunt in the lande of Egypte, and the Lord thy God delyuered the thence: wherfore I commaunde the thys thyng to daye.
Deuteronomy 23:14
14 For the Lorde thy god walketh in thyne host, to ryd the and to set thyne enemyes before the. Let thyne host be pure, that he se no vncleane thyng among you and turne from you.
Deuteronomy 26:18-19
18 And the Lord hath sett the vp thys daye, to be a seuerall people vnto him (as he hath promysed the) & that thou kepe his commaundementes,
19 & to make the hye aboue al nacions which he hath made, in prayse, in name and honoure: that thou mayst be an holy people vnto the Lord thy God, as he hath sayde.
Deuteronomy 31:16
16 And the Lord sayed vnto Moses: beholde, thou must slepe wyth thy fathers, and thys people wyll go a whoring after straunge Goddes of the land whither they go, and wyl forsake me and breake the appoyntment which I haue made with them.
Deuteronomy 33:26
26 There is none lyke vnto the God of Israell: he that sytteth vpon heauen shall be thyne helpe, whose glorye is in the cloudes,
Deuteronomy 33:26-29
26 There is none lyke vnto the God of Israell: he that sytteth vpon heauen shall be thyne helpe, whose glorye is in the cloudes,
27 that is the dwellyng place of God from the begynnynge, and from vnder the armes of the worlde: he hath caste out thyne enemyes before the and sayed destroy.
28 And Israell shal dwel in safety alone. And the eyes of Iacob shall loke vpon a lande of corne & wyne moreouer his heauen shal droppe with dewe.
29 Happye arte thou Israell, who is lyke vnto the? A people that arte saued by the Lord thy shyeld and helper & swerd of thy glory. And thyne enemyes shal hyde theym selues from the, and thou shalt walke vppon theyr hye hylles.
Joshua 9:14
14 And the men toke of their vitayles, and conceled not wyth the mouth of the Lorde.
Joshua 10:42
42 And all those kynges and their lande, Iosua toke at one tyme, because the Lorde God of Israell fought for Israel.
Joshua 21:43-45
43 And the Lorde gaue vnto Israell all the lande, whiche he sware to geue vnto their fathers. And they conquered it, and dwelt therin.
44 And the Lorde gaue them rest roundabout accordyng to all that he sware vnto their fathers. So that there stode not a man of all theyr enemyes before them. But the Lorde delyuered all their enemyes into theyr handes.
45 There skaped nothynge of all the good thinges, whyche the Lorde had sayde vnto the house of Israell. But all came to passe.
Joshua 24:11-12
11 And when ye went ouer Iordan, and came vnto Iericho, the cytezens of Iericho foughte against you: the Amorytes, Pheresytes, Canaanytes, Hethytes, Girgosites, Heuites, Iebusites whiche I delyuered into youre handes.
12 And I sent hornettes before you and ye cast out before you euen the two Kynges of the Amorites: but not with youre owne swerd or wyth your owne bowe.
Judges 2:14-18
14 Wherfore the Lorde waxed angry with Israel, & delyuered them into the handes of raueners to spoyle them, and solde them into the handes of theyr enemyes rounde about them, so that they had no power any longer to stande before theyr enemyes.
15 But vnto whatsoeuer thynge they went, the hand of the Lorde was vpon them wyth euyl lucke, euen as the Lord promysed them, and as he sware vnto them. And they were sore vexed.
16 Neuerthelesse the Lord raysed vp Iudges which delyuered them oute of the handes of theyr oppressers,
17 and yet for al that they wold not harken vnto theyr iudges: But wente a whorynge after straunge Goddes & bowed them selues vnto them, and turned quicklye oute of the waye which theyr fathers walked in obeyinge the commaundementes of the Lord and dyd not so.
18 And when the Lorde raysed them vp Iudges, he was wyth the Iudge, and delyuered them out of the handes of theyr enemyes al the dayes of the Iudge: for the Lorde had compassyon ouer theyr sorowynges whiche they had by the reason of them that oppressed them and vexed them:
Judges 3:8
8 Therfore the Lorde was angrye wyth Israel, and deliuered them into the handes of Chusan Rasathaim Kynge of Mesopotamia. So that the chyldren of Israel serued Chusan Rasathaim .viij. yeares.
Judges 4:3
3 And the chyldren of Israel cryed vnto the Lorde: for he had nyne hundred charettes of yron, he oppressed the chyldren of Israel wyth power .xx. yeares.
Judges 6:3-6
3 For when Israel had sowen, then came the Madianites the Amalechites, & they of the east contreye vpon them & pitched their tentes agaynste them
4 & destroyed the encrease of the earth euen vnto Azah, & left no sustinaunce in Israel, neyther shepe, oxe or asse,
5 for they came wyth theyr cattell & housholdes euen as greshopers in multitude: so that both they & also theyr camels were wythoute nombre. And they entrede the land to destroy it.
6 And so was Israel excedyngly impoueresshed by the Madianites & cryed vnto the Lord.
Judges 6:15
15 And he aunswered hym: Oh Lord wherewith shuld I saue Israel? Behold my kynred is the poorest in Manasses, & am the least in my fathers house.
1 Samuel 2:2
2 There is none so holye as the Lorde: no there is none saue thou. Neyther is there any strength like vnto our God.
1 Samuel 2:30
30 Wherfore the Lorde God of Israel sayth: I sayde that thyne house and the house of thy father shulde haue walked before me for euer. But now the Lorde sayth: that be farre from me: for them that worshyppe me, I wyll worshyp, & they that despyse me, shalbe despised.
1 Samuel 7:12
12 And then Samuel toke a stone, & pitched it betwene Mazphah & Sen, & called the name therof the stone of help, saying: thus farre hath the Lorde holp vs.
1 Samuel 9:15
15 But the Lorde had tolde Samuel a daye before Saul came, sayinge:
1 Samuel 9:21
21 But Saul answered, & sayde: am not I the sonne of a Ieminite of the smallest trybe of Israel, and my kinred the least of al the kynredes of the trybe of Beniamin, wherfore then speakest thou so to me?
1 Samuel 10:7
7 And when these sygnes are chaunced the, then do what thou hast to do, for God is wyth the.
1 Samuel 12:11
11 And the Lorde sent Ierobaal Badan. Iephthah & Samuel, & delyuered you out of the handes of youre ennemyes on euery syde, so that ye dwelled with out feare.
1 Samuel 12:22
22 But the Lorde wyl not forsake hys people, because of hys great names sake: because the Lorde had begonne to make you hys people.
1 Samuel 13:5-6
5 Then the Philistines gathered them selues together to fyghte wyth Israel, thyrtie thousand charettes and sixe thousande horse men with the other people lyke the sande by the sea side is in multitude and came vp & pytched in Machmas eastward from Bethauen.
6 And when the men of Israel sawe them selues in a strayte, and that the people were accombred, they hyd themselues in caues, in preuy holes, in rockes dennes & pyttes.
1 Samuel 13:19-20
1 Samuel 15:28
28 Then Samuel saide: the Lorde hath rente the Kyngdome of Israel from the this daye, and hath geuen it to a neyghbour of thyne, that is better then thou.
1 Samuel 16:7
7 But the Lorde sayde vnto Samuel: loke not on his fashion nor on the height of hys stature, for I haue refused hym. Because it is not as man seyth. For man loketh on the outward apperaunce, but the Lorde beholdeth the harte.
1 Samuel 16:11-12
11 Then sayde Samuel to Isai: are here all thy chyldren, and he saide: the youngest is yet behynde: Beholde, he kepeth the shepe. Then Samuel sayd vnto Isai: sende and fet hym for we wyl not sytte doune, til he be come hyther.
12 And he sent and brought hym in. And he was browne wyth goodly eyes, and welfauored in syght. And then the Lord said vp and anoynt hym: for this is he.
1 Samuel 17:15
15 Dauid went and departed from Saul, to fede hys fathers shepe at Bethlehem.
1 Samuel 18:14
14 And Dauid was wyse in al that he toke in hande, and the Lorde was wyth hym.
1 Samuel 18:28
28 And when Saul sawe and vnderstode, how that the Lord was with Dauid, and that Michol hys doughter loued hym,
1 Samuel 26:10
10 And Dauid sayde forthermore: as the Lorde lyueth, the Lord shall smyte hym, or hys daye shal come to dye, or he shall descende into battel and there peryshe:
1 Samuel 31:1-6
1 And as the Philistines fought agaynst Israel, the men of Israell fleed awaye from the Philistines, and fell doune deade in mount Gelboe.
2 And the Philistines folowed after Saul and hys sonnes, and slewe Ionathas, Abinadab and Melchisua Sauls sonnes.
3 And the battel went sore agaynst Saul, in so much that shoters wt bowes had founde hym, & he was sore wounded of the shoters.
4 Then sayde Saul vnto hys harnesbearer: draw out thy swerde and thrust me thorow therwyth lest these vncyrcumcised come thrust me troughe and make me a mockinge stocke of me. But hys harnesbearer woulde not, for he was sore afrayed. Wherfore Saul toke a swerde and fel vpon it.
5 And when hys harnesbearer sawe that Saul was dead, he fell lykewyse vpon hys swerde and dyed wyth hym.
6 And so Saul dyed and hys thre sonnes and hys harnesbearer, and therto all hys men, that same daye together.
2 Samuel 6:17
17 And when they had brought in the arcke of the Lorde, & had set it euen in hys place, euen in the tabernacle that Dauid had prepared for it: Dauid offered burntofferynges and peaceofferynges before the Lorde,
2 Samuel 6:21
21 But Dauid sayd agayne to Michol, I wyll make sporte before the Lorde which chose me before thy father & before all hys kynne, commaundynge me to be ruler ouer al hys people Israel.
2 Samuel 7:1-29
1 And in processe as the king dwelt in hys house after that the Lorde had geuen hym rest round about from all hys enemyes,
2 he sayde vnto Nathan the Prophete: Beholde, I dwell in an house of Cedar trees, but the arcke of God dwelleth in the myddes of curtaynes.
3 Then sayd Nathan vnto the King go and do al that is thyne herte, for the Lord is wyth the.
2 Samuel 7:3
2 Samuel 7:4-5
2 Samuel 7:5-5
2 Samuel 7:6
6 For I haue not dwelt in anye house sence the tyme I brought the chyldren of Israel out of Egypte vnto thys daye: but haue walked in a tent and in a tabernacle.
7 In anye waye where I wente among all the chyldren of Israel, spake I one word wyth any of the trybes of Israel which I commaunded to fede my people Israel saying: why buylde ye not me an house of Cedar tree?
2 Samuel 7:7
7 In anye waye where I wente among all the chyldren of Israel, spake I one word wyth any of the trybes of Israel which I commaunded to fede my people Israel saying: why buylde ye not me an house of Cedar tree?
8 Now therfore so saye vnto my seruaunt Dauid, thus sayth the Lord of Hostes I toke the out of a shepeherdes cote from folowyng shepe to be a ruler ouer my people Israel.
2 Samuel 7:8
8 Now therfore so saye vnto my seruaunt Dauid, thus sayth the Lord of Hostes I toke the out of a shepeherdes cote from folowyng shepe to be a ruler ouer my people Israel.
9 And I was wyth the in all that thou wentest to, & haue destroyed all thyne enemyes out of thy syght, and haue made the a great name, lyke vnto the name of the great men of the world.
2 Samuel 7:9
9 And I was wyth the in all that thou wentest to, & haue destroyed all thyne enemyes out of thy syght, and haue made the a great name, lyke vnto the name of the great men of the world.
10 And I wyl appoynte a place for my people Israel, and wyll plant it and they shall contynue in one place and shall moue no more, neyther shall wycked people trouble them anye more as they dyd at the begynnynge,
11 & sence the tyme I commaunded Iudges to be ouer my people Israel, & I wyll geue the reste from all thyne enemyes. And the Lorde telleth the, that he wyl buylde the an housholde.
2 Samuel 7:11
11 & sence the tyme I commaunded Iudges to be ouer my people Israel, & I wyll geue the reste from all thyne enemyes. And the Lorde telleth the, that he wyl buylde the an housholde.
12 And when thy dayes be fulfilled and thou layde to rest wyth thy fathers, then I wyll set vp thy sede after the, which shall proceade out of thy bodye, and will stablysh his kingdome.
2 Samuel 7:12-13
2 Samuel 7:13-13
2 Samuel 7:14-16
14 I wylbe hys father & he shalbe my sonne: in so muche that yf he synne, I wyl but rebuke hym wyth such a rodde as men be rebuked wyth, and wyth suche plages as the chyldren of men be plaged with.
15 But my mercye wyll I not take awaye from hym, as I toke it from Saule, whome I put doune before the.
2 Samuel 7:15-16
2 Samuel 7:16-16
2 Samuel 7:17
2 Samuel 7:18
18 Then went kynge Dauid & set hym doune before the Lorde, and sayde: What am I Lorde Iehouah, and what is my kynne, that thou shuldest haue broughte me this farre forth?
19 And is thys a small thyng in thy syght Lorde Iehouah, but that thou shuldest speake also of the seruauntes house for a greate while to come? is this a lawe amonge men Lorde Iehouah?
2 Samuel 7:19
2 Samuel 7:20-24
2 Samuel 7:21-24
21 Euen for thy wordes sake & accordynge to thyne owne herte hast thou done all these greate thynges to make them knowen vnto thy seruaunt.
2 Samuel 7:21
2 Samuel 7:22-24
22 Wherfore thou arte great O Lorde God and there is none lyke the, neyther is there any God saue thou accordyng to al that we haue hearde wyth oure eares.
23 And what one people in the earth is like thy people Israel, whiche God went and delyuered to be hys people, and to make him a name, and to shew them great and terryble thynges in the earthe, before thy people whiche thou redemedst to the oute of Egypte, euen from the people & from theyr Goddes.
2 Samuel 7:23-24
23 And what one people in the earth is like thy people Israel, whiche God went and delyuered to be hys people, and to make him a name, and to shew them great and terryble thynges in the earthe, before thy people whiche thou redemedst to the oute of Egypte, euen from the people & from theyr Goddes.
24 And thou haste ordeyned thy people Israel to be thy people for euer. And thou Lorde arte theyr God.
2 Samuel 7:24-24
24 And thou haste ordeyned thy people Israel to be thy people for euer. And thou Lorde arte theyr God.
25 And nowe Lorde God the thyng thou haste sayd of thy seruaunt and of hys house make it good for euer, and do as thou haste sayde.
26 And let thy name be great for euer, that men maye saye, the Lorde of hostes is the God of Israel: and let the house of thy seruaunt Dauid be stablyshed before the.
27 For thou Lorde of Hostes God of Israel haste tolde in the eare of thy seruaunt saying: I wyll buylde the an house. And therfor hath thy seruaunt founde in hys harte to pray this prayer vnto the.
28 And nowe Lorde Iehouah thou arte the God, and thy wordes muste be true: for thou haste tolde thys goodnesse vnto thy seruaunte.
29 And now go to, and blesse the housholde of thy seruaunte, that it maye contynue for euer before the. For thou Lorde Iehouah hast sayd that of thy blessyng the house of thy seruaunt shalbe blessed for euer.
2 Samuel 8:6
6 and put soudyours in Syra Damascon. And the Syryans became seruauntes to Dauid, payeng trybute. And thus the Lord saued Dauid in all that he went to.
2 Samuel 8:8
8 And therto out of Betah & Berathai cyties of Adadezer he broughte excedynge great aboundaunce of brasse.
2 Samuel 8:13-14
2 Samuel 12:1
1 And the Lorde sent Nathan vnto Dauid. And he came vnto hym & sayde vnto hym: there were .ij. men in one cytye, a ryche and a poore.
2 Samuel 12:8
8 And I geue the thy maysters house and thy maysters wyues into thy bosome, and gaue the the house of Israel and of Iuda, and wolde yf that had bene to lytle, haue geuen the twyse so muche more.
2 Samuel 12:24-25
2 Samuel 12:25-25
25 And he sent by the hand of Nathan the Prophete & called his name Iedidiah, of the Lordes behalfe.
2 Samuel 22:1
1 And Dauid spake the wordes of this songe vnto the Lord, what tyme the Lorde delyuered hym out of the handes of al his enemies, & out of the handes of Saul.
2 Samuel 22:38-41
38 I folowed myne enemyes and destroyed them, and turned not agayne vntil I had consumed them.
39 I wasted them and so clouted them, that they coulde not aryse: but fell vnder my fete.
40 And thou compasedest me about wt might to battel, & madest them that rose agaynste me to stoupe vnder me.
41 And thou madest myne enemyes to turne their backes to me, and them that hated me, & I destroyed them.
1 Kings 1:8
8 But Sadock the pryeste, Bahaiah the sonne of Iehoiada, Nathan the prophet, Semei and Rei and the men of myght whyche were with Dauid fauered not Adoniah.
1 Kings 1:21
21 For elles when my Lorde the Kinge is layd to rest with his fathers, I & my sonne Salomon shalbe synners.
1 Kings 1:23
23 And they tolde the kinge sayinge: here cometh Nathan the prophet. And when he was come before the kynge, he made obeysaunce vnto the kynge vpon hys face vnto the grounde,
1 Kings 1:44
44 And the kynge sent with him Sadock the prieste and Nathan the prophet: and Banaiah the sonne of Iehoiada and the Cerethites and the Phelethites, and they haue set hym vpon the kinges Mule.
1 Kings 2:10
10 And so Dauid rested with his fathers, & was buryed in the cytye of Dauid.
1 Kings 3:13
13 And therto I haue geuen the, that thou askedst not, bothe rychesse and honoure: so that there shalbe no kynge lyke the all the dayes.
1 Kings 5:5
5 And therfore I am disposed to buylde an house vnto the name of the Lorde my God, as he promysed Dauid my father, saying: thy sonne which I wyl put vpon thy seate for the, he shal buylde an house vnto my name.
1 Kings 8:4
4 and brought it, & also the tabernacle of witnesse & all the holye vesselles that were therein. And the priestes & the Leuites brought them vp.
1 Kings 8:16
16 from the daye I brought my people Israel out of Egypte, I chose no cytye among any of the trybes of Israel, to buylde an house, that my name myght be there: But I haue chosen Dauid to be ruler ouer my people Israel.
1 Kings 8:19
19 Neuerthelesse thou shalt not buylde the house, but thy sonne that shal come out of thy loynes he shal buylde an house for my name.
20 And the Lorde hath made good hys worde that he spake. For I stode vp in the roume of Dauid my father, and sate on the seate of Israel, as the Lorde promysed, & haue buylt an house for the name of the Lorde God of Israel.
1 Kings 8:27
27 But in deade can God dwell on the earthe? Beholde neyther heauen, nor heauen aboue all heauens are able to contayne the: howe muche lesse then thys house that I haue built?
1 Kings 11:12-13
1 Kings 11:36
36 & wyll geue hys sonne one, that Dauid my seruaunte maye haue a lyght alwaye before me in Ierusalem, the cytye whiche I haue chosen me, to put my name there.
2 Kings 3:18
18 And thys is yet but a small thinge, in the syght of the lorde. But he will geue the Moabites into youre handes also.
2 Kings 19:14
14 When Hezekiah had receyued the letter of the hand of the messengers & had read it, he went into the house of the Lord and layd it abroade before the Lorde.
2 Kings 20:1-5
1 Aboute that tyme Hezekiah was sick vnto the death. And the Prophete Isaiah sonne of Amos came to him & sayde to hym: Thus sayth the Lorde: put thyne houssholde in an ordre, for thou shalt dye and not lyue.
2 And Hezekiah turned his face to the wal & besought the Lorde sayinge:
3 Oh Lorde, remembre yet howe I haue walked before the truly and with a perfect herte, and haue done that whyche is good in thy sighte, and wepte a great pace.
4 And Isaiah was skarce gone oute into the midle of the citie, but that the word of the lord came to him sayinge:
5 turne agayn & tell Hezekiah the captayne of my people. Thus sayth the Lorde God of Dauid thy father: I haue hearde thy prayer & seane thy teares. Behold I wyll heale the, and this daye thre dayes thou shalt go vp into the house of the Lorde.
1 Chronicles 10:14
14 and asked not of the Lorde. And therfore the Lorde killed hym & turned the kyngdome vnto Dauid the sonne of Iesai.
1 Chronicles 11:2
2 And moreouer in tyme past, euen when Saul was kynge, thou leddest Israel out and in. And the Lorde thy God sayde vnto the: thou shalt fede my people Israel, and thou shalt be captayne ouer my people Israel.
1 Chronicles 14:1
1 After that Hiram kynge of Tire sent messengers to Dauid and tymbre of Cedar trees with masons and Carpenters, to buylde hym an house.
1 Chronicles 15:1
1 And Dauid made hym houses in the citie of Dauid, & prepared a place for the Arcke of God, & pitched for yt a tent.
1 Chronicles 16:1
1 When they had brought in the Arcke of God they set in the tente that Dauid had pitched for it. And they brought burnt sacrifyce and peaceofferynges before God.
1 Chronicles 17:2
2 And Nathan sayde to Dauid: do all that is in thyne hert, for God is wt the.
1 Chronicles 17:5
5 For I haue dwelt in no house, sence I brought out the children of Israel vnto this daye: But haue gone from tent to tent, & from one tabernacle to another. Neyther in anye place wheresoeuer
1 Chronicles 17:7-8
7 Nowe therfore thus saye vnto my seruaunt Dauid: thus sayth the Lorde of Hostes: I toke the oute of the pasture from after shepe, that thou shouldest be captain ouer my people Israel.
8 And I haue bene with the in al thou tokest in hande, and haue weded oute al thyne enemies oute of thy syghte, and haue made the a name like the name of the greatest men of the earthe.
1 Chronicles 17:11-15
1 Chronicles 17:12-15
12 He shall buyld my an house, and I wyll stablyshe hys seate for euer.
13 I wylbe hys father and he shalbe me sonne, and I wyll not put my mercy awaye from him, as I did from him that was before the.
14 But I wyl set him in myne house, and in my kyngdome for euer, and hys seate shalbe sure for euer.
15 When Nathan hath tolde Dauid according to all these wordes, & to al this vision,
1 Chronicles 17:17
17 And yet this semed littell in thyne eyes O god. But that thou shouldest speake of thy seruauntes house for a great whyle to come: and hast loked vpon my as vpon a man of hye degre O Lorde God.
1 Chronicles 22:7
7 And Dauid sayd to Salomon: my sonne: I had in myne hert to buylde an house vnto the name of the Lorde my God.
1 Chronicles 22:7-8
7 And Dauid sayd to Salomon: my sonne: I had in myne hert to buylde an house vnto the name of the Lorde my God.
8 But the worde of the Lorde came to me sayinge: thou hast shed muche bloude, and hast made many battelles. Thou shalt not buylt an house for my name, for thou hast shed muche bloude to the earthe in my syght.
9 Behold, a sonne shalbe borne the, whych shalbe a man of reste, for I will geue him reste from al his enemies round aboute. And his name shalbe Salomon: for I wyl sende rest and peace vpon Israel in his dayes.
10 He shall buylde an house for my name & he shalbe my sonne, and I wil be his father, and wyl stablyshe the seate of his kingedom vpon Israel for euer.
1 Chronicles 28:2
2 And kyng Dauid stode vpon hys fete, & sayde. Heare me my brethren and my people: I had in myne herte to buylde an house of reste for the arcke of the couenaunt of the Lorde, & a fotestole for oure God, and had made redye to buyld.
1 Chronicles 28:2-3
2 And kyng Dauid stode vpon hys fete, & sayde. Heare me my brethren and my people: I had in myne herte to buylde an house of reste for the arcke of the couenaunt of the Lorde, & a fotestole for oure God, and had made redye to buyld.
3 But God sayd to me: thou shalt not buylde an house for my name, because thou arte a man of warre, & hast shed bloude.
1 Chronicles 28:5
5 And of all my sonnes (for the Lorde hathe geuen me manye sonnes) he hath chosen Salomon my sonne, to syt in the seate of the kingdom of the Lorde ouer Israel.
6 And he sayde vnto me: Salomon thy sonne, he shall buylde my house and my courtes, for I haue chosen hym to be my sonne, and I wyl be hys father
7 & wyll stablyshe hys kyngedome for euer, If he wyll harden hym selfe to do my commaundementes, and my lawes, as it goeth thys daye.
8 And nowe I saye vnto you before all Israel the congregacyon of the Lorde, and in the audience of oure God: kepe and seke for al the commaundementes of the Lorde your God, that ye maye enioye a good lande, and inheryte youre chyldren after you for euer.
9 And thou Salomon my sonne: knowe God thy father, and serue hym with a pure hert, and lust of soule. For the Lorde searcheth all hertes, and vnderstandeth all the Imaginacyons of thoughtes. If thou shalte seke hym, he wylbe founde of the: But & yf thou forsake hym, he wyll caste the of for euer.
10 Take hede now, for the Lord hath chosen the, to buylde an house of thy sanctuarye. Be stronge, and do it.
1 Chronicles 29:11-12
11 Thyne (O Lorde) is greatenesse, power glorye, vyctorye and prayse: for all that is in heauen and in earthe is thyne, and thyne is the kyngedome (O Lorde) and thou arte lyfte vp an head aboue all.
12 And rychesse and honoure come of the, and thou raygnest ouer all, and in thyne hande is power and strengthe, and in thyne hande it is to make greate, and to geue strengthe vnto all.
1 Chronicles 29:15
15 For we be but straungers before the and tenauntes, as were all oure fathers. Oure dayes on the earth is but a shadowe, and there is none abydynge.
1 Chronicles 29:28
2 Chronicles 1:4
4 But the arcke of God had Dauid brought from Kariath Iarim, into the place he had prepared therfore. For he had pytched a tente for it at Ierusalem.
2 Chronicles 2:6
6 So that wo can be able to buylde hym an house: when that heauen, neyther heauen aboue all heauens is able to receyue hym, what am I then that I shulde buylde hym an house? nay, but to burne sacryfyce before hym:
2 Chronicles 3:1-4
1 And Salomon beganne to build the house of the Lorde at Ierusalem in mount Moriah, whiche was shewed Dauid hys father when he prepared a place in the treshyng floure of Ornan the Iebusite.
2 And he began to buylde the seconde daye of the seconde moneth the fourth yeare of hys raigne.
3 And thys is the foundacyon of Salomon in buyldyng the house of God. The lenght was thre skore cubytes after the olde cubyte, and the bredeth .xx.
4 And the porche at the end was as large as the house bredeth .xx. cubytes: and the heyght was an hundred & .xx. cubites. And he ouerlayd it on the ynner syde wt pure gold.
2 Chronicles 6:7-9
7 And it was in the herte of Dauid my father to buylde an house for the name of the Lorde God of Israel:
8 But the Lorde sayde to Dauid my father: for as muche as it was in thyne herte, to buylde an house for my name, thou dyddest well that thou haddest it in thine herte.
9 Notwithstandyng thou shalt not build the house, but thy sonne whiche shall Issue oute of thy loynes, he shall buyld an house for my name.
2 Chronicles 6:18
18 How be it in very dede, can God dwel wt man on earth? Behold, nether heauen or heauen aboue all heauens is able to containe the: howe shuld the house then which I haue built for the do it?
2 Chronicles 6:33
33 thou shalte heare hym from heauen thy dwellyng place, & shalt do accordyng to all that the straunger calleth to the for. That all the nacyons of the earthe maye knowe thy name, and feare the, as doth thy people Israell: and that it maye be knowen how that this house which I haue buylt, is called after thy name.
Ezra 4:20
20 There haue ben myghty kinges also at Ierusalem, whiche haue raigned ouer all that is beyonde the water, & tolle, tribute & yearly custome was geuen vnto them.
Ezra 5:11
11 But they answered vs with these wordes, and sayd: We are the seruauntes of the God of heauen and earth, & buylde the house that was buylded many yeares a go whyche a greate kynge of Israel buylded and set vp.
Nehemiah 9:10
10 & shewed tokens and wonders vpon Pharao, & on all hys seruauntes, and on al the people of his land: for thou knewest that they were presumptuous & cruell agaynst them, & so madest thou the a name as it is this daye.
Psalms 2:6
Psalms 2:12
12 Kysse the sonne, lest the Lorde be angrye and so ye peryshe from the ryght way. For his wrath shalbe kindled shortly: blessed are all they that put their trust in hym.
Psalms 10:17
17 Lord, thou hearest the desyrous longing of the poore: theyr hert is sure, that thine eare herkeneth therto.
Psalms 18:1
1 To the chaunter of Dauid, seruaunt of the Lorde, whiche sayde vnto the Lorde the woordes of thys songe, on the daye in which the Lorde delyuered hym from the hande of all hys enemyes, and from the hande of Saul, and sayde. I wyll loue the (O Lorde) my strength.
Psalms 18:40-50
40 Thou hast made myne enemyes to turne heir backes vpon me, thou haste destroyed them: that hated me.
41 They cryed, but there was none to helpe them: yea euen vnto the Lorde, but he heard them not.
42 I wyll beate them as smalle as the duste claye in the wynde, I wyll cast them out as the clay in the stretes.
43 Thou shalt delyuer me from the striuynges of the people, thou shalt make me the head of the Heathen. A people whom I haue not knowne shal serue me.
44 As soone as they heare of me, they shall obey me, but the straung chyldren dyssemble with me.
45 The straunge chyldren are waxen olde, and go haltynge out of their pathes.
46 The Lorde lyueth: and blessed be, my helper, praysed be the God of my health.
47 Euen the God which seyth that I be auenged, and subdueth the people vnto me.
48 It is he that delyuereth me from my cruell enemyes: thou shalt lyfte me vp from them that ryse against me, thou shalt rid me from the wycked man.
49 For this cause I wyll geue thankes vnto the (O lorde) among the gentiles, and synge prayses vnto thy name.
50 Greate prosperitye geueth he vnto hys Kynge: and sheweth louynge kyndnesse vnto Dauyd hys anoynted yea & vnto his sede for euermore.
Psalms 20:4
4 Graunte the thy hertes desyre, and fulfill all thy mynde.
Psalms 21:8-9
Psalms 21:13
13 Be thou exalted, Lorde in thyne owne strength, so wyll we synge and prayse thy power.
Psalms 44:1
Psalms 44:2-3
2 Howe thou hast dryuen out the Heythen wyth thy hand, and planted them in: how thou hast destroyed the nacions and cast them out.
3 For they gat not the lande in possessyon thorowe their owne swearde, neyther was it their owne arme that helped them. But thy ryght hande, thyne arme and the lyght of thy countenaunce, because thou haddest a fauoure vnto them.
Psalms 46:7
7 The Lord of hoostes is with vs, the God of Iacob is oure defence. Selah.
Psalms 46:11
11 The Lord of hostes is with vs, the God of Iacob is our defence. Selah.
Psalms 65:5
5 Heare vs, according vnto thy wonderfull rightuousnesse, O God oure saluation: thou that art the hope of all the endes of the earth, and of the broade sea.
Psalms 66:3-7
3 Saye vnto God: O howe wonderful are thy worckes? thorowe the greatenesse of thy power shall thine enemyes be confounded.
4 O that all the worlde woulde worshippe the, synge of the, and prayse thy name. Selah
5 O come hyther and beholde the worckes of God, which is so wonderful in his doinges amonge the chyldren of men.
6 He turned the sea into drye lande, so that they wente thorow the water on fote: therefore wyll we reioyse in him.
7 He ruleth wyth hys power for euer, hys eyes beholde the people: the rennagates shall not be able to exalte them selues. Selah.
Psalms 71:21
21 Thou hast brought me to great honoure, and comforted me on euery syde.
Psalms 72:17
17 Hys name shal endure for euer, his name shall remayne vnder the sunne amonge the posterites, which shalbe blessed thorow him and all the Heathen shall prayse hym.
Psalms 72:19
19 And blessed be the name of his maiesty for euer, and al landes be fulfilled with his glory. Amen, Amen.
Psalms 75:7
7 And why? God is the Iudge: he putteth downe one, and setteth vp another.
Psalms 77:15
15 Thou wyth thyne arme hast delyuered thy people, euen the sonnes of Iacob and Ioseph. Selah.
Psalms 78:3-4
Psalms 78:70-71
70 He chose Dauid also hys seruaunte, and toke hym away from the shepe foldes.
Psalms 78:70-72
Psalms 78:71-71
Psalms 86:8
8 Amonge the Goddes ther is none like vnto the, O Lorde, there is not one that can do as thou doest.
Psalms 89:4
4 Thy sede wyll I stablyshe for euer, and set vp thy trone from one generacyon to another Selah.
Psalms 89:6
6 For who is he amonge the cloudes, that may be compared vnto the Lord. Yea, what is he among the Gods that is like vnto the lord?
Psalms 89:8
8 O Lorde God of Hostes who is lyke vnto the in power? thy trueth is round about the
Psalms 89:19-37
19 Thou spakest sometyme in visions vnto thy saynctes, and saydest: I haue layed helpe vpon one that is mighty, I haue exalted one chosen out of the people.
20 I haue founde Dauid my seruaunt, with my holy oyle haue I anoynted hym.
21 My hande shal holde him fast, and myne arme shall strengthen hym.
22 The enemye shall not ouercome hym, & the sonne of wyckednesse shall not hurte hym.
Psalms 89:22-37
Psalms 89:23-37
23 I shall smyte doune hys foes before hys face, and plage them that hate hym.
24 My trueth also & my mercy shalbe wyth hym, and in my name shall hys horne be exalted.
25 I will set hys hande in the sea, & his right hande in the floudes.
26 He shall call me, thou art my father, my God, and the strength of my saluacion.
27 And I will make hym my fyrste borne, hyer then the kynges of the earth.
28 My mercy wyll I kepe for hym for euermore, and my couenaunte shall stande faste with hym.
29 Hys sede wyll I make to endure for euer, yea, and his trone as the dayes of heauen.
Psalms 89:29-37
29 Hys sede wyll I make to endure for euer, yea, and his trone as the dayes of heauen.
30 But if hys chyldren forsake my law, and walke not in my iudgementes.
31 If they breake myne ordynaunces, & kepe not my commaundementes.
32 I will vyset their offences wyth the rodde, and their synnes wit scourges.
33 Neuerthelesse, my louinge kyndnesse wil I not vtterly take from hym, nor suffre my trueth to fayle.
34 My couenaunt wyl I not breake, nor disanulle the thynge that is gone out of my lippes.
35 I haue sworne once by my holinesse, that I will not fayle Dauid.
36 Hys sede shall endure for euer, and hys seate also lyke as the sunne before me.
Psalms 89:36
Psalms 90:17
17 And the glorious maiesty of the Lord our God be vpon vs: O prospere thou the worke of our handes vpon vs, O prospere thou our handy worke.
Psalms 92:13
13 Suche as be planted in the house of the Lorde, be frutefull,
Psalms 107:2
2 Let them geue thankes whome the Lord hath redemed, & deliuered from the hande of the enemye.
Psalms 110:1
1 A Psalme of Dauyd. The Lorde sayde vnto my Lord: Syt thou on my ryght hande, vntyll I make thyne enemies thy fotestole.
Psalms 111:3
3 Hys worcke is worthy to be praysed and had in honoure, and his rightuousnes endureth for euer.
Psalms 111:6
6 He sheweth hys people the power of hys worckes, that he may geue them the herytage of the Heathen.
Psalms 111:9
9 He sent redempcyon vnto hys people, he hath commaunded his couenaunte for euer, holy and reuerente is his name
Psalms 113:7-8
Psalms 114:3-8
3 The sea saw that & fled, Iordan turned backe.
4 The mountaynes skipped like rammes, and the lytle hylles like yong shepe.
5 What ayled the, O thou sea, that thou fleddest so thou Iordan, that thou turnedest backe?
6 Ye mountaynes that ye skypped lyke rammes: and ye litle hilles, like yong shepe?
7 The earth trembled at the presence of the Lorde, at the presence of the God of Iacob.
8 Whyche turned the harde rocke into a staudynge water, and the flynte stone into a spryngyng well.
Psalms 119:49
49 Zain. O thyncke vpon thy seruaunt as concernynge thy worde, wherin thou haste caused me to put my trust.
Psalms 127:1
1 The song of the steares. Except the Lord buylde the house, their laboure is but loste that buylde it. Except the Lord kepe the cytye, the watchman waketh but in vayne.
Psalms 132:5
5 Vntill I fynde out a place for the Lorde, an habitacion for the mightye one of Iacob.
Psalms 132:11
11 The Lord hath made a faythful ooth vnto Dauyd, and he shall not shrynke from it Of the frute of thy body shal I set vpon thy seate.
Psalms 139:1
1 To the chaunter, a Psalme of Dauid. O Lorde, thou searchest me out, and knowest me.
Psalms 144:3
3 Lorde what is man, that thou hast suche respect vnto hym? Or the sonne of man, that thou so regardest hym?
Psalms 147:20
20 He hath not dealte so with all the Heathen, neither haue they knowlege of hys lawes. Prayse the euerlastyng.
Isaiah 9:7
7 he shall make no ende to encrease the kyngedome and peace, and shall sytte vpon the seate of Dauid, and in his kyngedome, to set vp the same, to stablyshe it wyth equyte and ryghteousnesse, from thence forth for euermore. This shall the gelousy of the Lorde of hostes brynge to paste.
Isaiah 30:21
21 and thyne eares harken to his worde, that cryeth after the, and sayeth: thys is the waye, go thys, and turne neyther to the right hande nor to the lefte.
Isaiah 37:35
35 And I wyll kepe and saue the cytie (sayeth he) for myne owne, and for my seruaunte Dauyds sake.
Isaiah 40:18
18 To whom then will ye liken God? or what simylitude wyll ye set vp vnto hym?
Isaiah 40:25
25 To whom now will ye lyken me, & whom shall I be lyke, sayeth the holy one?
Isaiah 42:1
1 Beholde now therfore, thys is my seruaunte whom I wyll kepe to my selfe: myne electe, In whom my soule shalbe pacified. I wyll geue hym my sprete, that he may shewe forth iudgement & equyte amonge the Gentyles.
Isaiah 43:10
10 But I bring you wytnesses (sayth the Lorde) euen those that are my seruauntes, whom I haue chosen: to the intent that ye myght be certyfyed and geue me faythfull credence: yee & to consydre, that I am he, before whom there was neuer any God, and that there shalbe none after me.
Isaiah 44:6
6 Moreouer, thus hath the Lorde spoken: euen the Kynge of Israel, and his auenger, the Lorde of Hostes: I am the fyrst & the last, and with out me is there no God.
Isaiah 45:5
5 Euen I the Lorde, before whom there is none other: for without me, tere is no God. I haue prepared the or euer thou knewest me
Isaiah 45:22
22 And therfore turne you vnto me (all ye endes of the earth) so shall ye be saued, for I am God, and there is els none.
Isaiah 48:9
9 Neuertheles for my names sake, I haue withdrawen my wrath, and for myne honours sake I haue ouersene the, so that I haue not roted the oute.
Isaiah 49:3
3 and sayde vnto me: Thou arte my seruaunt Israel, I wylbe honoured in the.
Isaiah 49:5-6
5 And now sayth the Lord euen he that fashioned me from my mothers wombe to be his seruaunte, that I may bring Iacob agayne vnto him: howbe it, Israel wil not be gathered vnto hym agayne. In whose syght I am greate; whiche also is my Lorde my God and my strength.
6 Let it be but a smal thynge, that thou arte my seruaunte, to set vp the kynredes of Iacob, & to restore the destruccyon of Israel: yf I make the not also the light of the Gentiles. that thou mayest be my helthe vnto the ende of the worlde.
Isaiah 49:6-6
6 Let it be but a smal thynge, that thou arte my seruaunte, to set vp the kynredes of Iacob, & to restore the destruccyon of Israel: yf I make the not also the light of the Gentiles. that thou mayest be my helthe vnto the ende of the worlde.
Isaiah 49:17
17 They that haue broken the doune, shall make haste to build the vp agayne: and they that made the waste, shall dwell in the.
Isaiah 55:3
3 Encline youre eares, & come vnto me, take hede, & your soule shall lyue. For I wyll make an euerlastynge couenaunt wyth you, euen the sure mercyes of Dauid.
Isaiah 55:8-9
Isaiah 60:18
18 Violence and robbery shall neuer be heard of in thy land, neither harme and destruccyon within thy borders. The walles shalbe calleth healthe, and thy gate the prayse of God.
Isaiah 61:3
3 that I might geue vnto them that mourne in Sion bewtye in the steade of ashes, ioyful oyntment for syghing, pleasaunt rayment for an heauy mynde: That they might be called excellente in ryghteousnesse, a plantinge of the Lord for hym to reioyce in.
Isaiah 63:9
9 In their troubles he forsoke them not, but the aungel that went forthe from his presence delyuered them. Of very loue & kindnesse that he had vnto them, redemed he them. He hath borne them, and caryed them vp euer, sence the worlde beganne.
Isaiah 63:12
12 howe he had led Moses by the ryght hande with hys glorious arme: how he had deuided the water before them (wherby he gat him selfe an euerlasting name)
Isaiah 64:3
3 That thou mightest come doune, with thy wonderous straung workes, then shoulde the hilles melt at thy presence.
Isaiah 66:1-2
1 Thus sayeth the Lorde: Heauen is my seat, and the earth is my fote stole Where shal nowe the house stande, that ye wyll buylde vnto me. And where shalbe the place, that I dwell in?
2 As for these thynges, my hande had made them all, and they are all created, sayeth the Lorde. Whyche of them shall I then regarde? Euen hym, that is of a lowly troubled spyryte, and standeth in awe of my wordes.
Jeremiah 10:6-7
Jeremiah 11:5
5 and will kepe my promyse, that I haue sworne vnto youre fathers: Namelye, that I wolde geue them a lande which floweth with mylcke and hony, as ye se, it is come to passe vnto this daye. Then aunswered I, and sayd: Amen. It is euen so Lorde, as thou sayest.
Jeremiah 22:15
15 Thinckest thou to raigne, now that thou prouokest me to wrath wyth the Cedre trees? Dyd not thy father eate and drincke, and prospere well, as longe as he dealt wt equite and ryghtuousnesse?
Jeremiah 23:4
4 I wyll sett shepherdes also ouer them whiche shall fede them. They shall no more feare and drede, for there shall none of them be loste, sayeth the Lorde.
5 Beholde, the tyme commeth, sayeth the Lorde, that I will rayse vp the ryghtuous braunche of Dauid, which shall beare rule, and discusse matters wyth wysdome, & shall sett vp equyte & rightuousnes agayne in the earth.
6 In hys tyme shall Iuda be saued and Israell shall dwell without feare. And thys is the name that they shall call hym: euen the Lorde oure ryghtuous maker.
Jeremiah 23:28
28 The prophet that hath a dreame, let hym tell it: and he that vnderstandeth my worde, lett hym shewe it faythfully. For what hath chaffe and wheate to do together? sayeth the Lorde.
Jeremiah 24:6
6 and I wyll set myne eyes vpon them for the best, for I will brynge them agayne in to this lande: I wyll buylde them vp, and not breake them downe: I will plante them, and not rote them out.
Jeremiah 31:1
1 At the same tyme (sayeth the Lorde) shall I be the God of all the generacions of Israel, and they shalbe my people.
Jeremiah 31:3-12
3 Euen so shall the Lorde nowe also apeare vnto me from farre, & saye: I loue the with an euerlasting loue, therfore do I sprede my mercye before the.
4 I will repayre the agayne (O thou doughter of Israel) that thou mayest be faste and sure. Thou shalt take thy tabrettes againe, and go forth with them, that lede the daunce.
5 Thou shalte plante vynes agayne vpon the hylles of Samaria, and the grape gatherers shall plante, and synge.
6 And when it is tyme, the watche men vpon the mounte of Ephraim shall crye: Aryse, let vs go vp vnto Syon to oure Lorde God,
7 for thus sayeth the Lorde: Reioyce wyth gladnes because of Iacob, crye vnto the heade of the Gentyles: speake oute, synge, and saye: The Lorde shall delyuer hys people, the remnaunte of Israell, and make them whol
8 Beholde, I wyll brynge them agayne from oute of the north lande, and gather them from the endes of the worlde, wyth the blynde and lame that are amonge them, wyth the wemen that be greate wyth chylde, and suche as be also delyuered: and the companye of them that come agayne, shall be greate.
9 They departed from hence in heuynes, but wyth ioye wyll I brynge them hyther agayne. I wyl lede them by the ryuers of water in a straighte waye, where they shall not stomble: For I wyll be Israels father, and Ephraim shalbe my fyrstborne.
10 Heare the worde of the Lorde, O ye Gentyles, preache in the Iles that lye farre of, & saye: he that hath scatred Israell, shall gather hym together agayne, and shall kepe hym as a shepeherde doth hys flocke.
11 For the Lorde shall redeme Iacob, and ryde hym from the hand of the vyolente.
12 And they shal come, & reioyce vpon the hyll of Syon, and shall haue plenteousnes of goodes, whiche the Lorde shall geue them: Namely, wheate, wyne, oyle yonge shepe & calues. And theyr concyence shalbe as well watred garden, for they shal no more be hongrye.
Jeremiah 31:31-34
31 Beholde, the dayes come (sayeth the Lord) that I wil make a newe couenaunt with the house of Israell & with the house of Iuda:
32 not after the couenaunte that I made wyth theyr fathers, when I toke them by the hande, and led them oute of the lande of Egypte: whiche couenaunte they brake, wherfore I punyshed them sore, sayeth the Lorde:
33 But thys shall be the couenaunte that I wyll make with the house of Israel after those dayes, sayeth the Lorde: I wyll plante my lawe in the inwarde partes of them, & wryte it in theyr hertes, and wilbe theyr God, and they shalbe my people.
34 And from thence forth shall no man teache his neyghboure or his brother, and say know the Lorde: But they shall all knowe me, from the loweste vnto the hyeste, sayeth the Lorde. For I wyll forgeue theyr mysdedes, and wil neuer remembre theyr sinnes any more.
Jeremiah 32:41
41 Yea I wyll haue a lust and pleasure to do them good, and faythfully to plante them in this lande, with my whole herte, and with al my soule.
Ezekiel 20:9-10
9 But I woulde not do it, for my names sake, that it shoulde not be vnhalowed before the Heathen, amonge whom they dwelt, and among whom I shewed my selfe vnto them, that it woulde brynge them out of the lande of Egipte.
10 Now when I had caried them out of the lande of Egipte, and brought them into the wildernesse:
Ezekiel 28:4
4 With thy wysedome and thy vnderstanding, thou hast gotten the great welthinesse, and gathered treasure of syluer and goulde.
Ezekiel 34:2
2 Thou sonne of man, prophecy against the shepeherdes of Israel, prophecye and speake vnto them: Thus sayeth the Lorde God: Wo be vnto the shepeherdes of Israel, that fede them selues. Shulde not the shepeherdes fede the flockes?
Ezekiel 34:13
13 I wyll brynge them oute from all people, and gather them together oute of all landes. I wyll brynge them into theyr owne land, and fede them vpon the mountaynes of Israel, by the ryuers, and in all the places of the countre.
Ezekiel 36:14-15
14 therfore thou shalt eate no mo men, nether destroye thy people eny more, sayeth the Lorde God.
15 And I wyll not suffre the, for to heare thyne owne confusyon amonge the Gentiles from henceforth. Thou shalt not beare the reprofe of the nacions, ner cast out thyne owne people enymore, sayeth the Lorde God.
Ezekiel 36:37
37 Thus sayeth the Lorde God: I wyll yet ones be found agayne of the house of Israel & do this for them: I shall increase them as a flocke of men.
Ezekiel 37:25
25 They shal dwel in the lande, that I gaue vnto Iacob my seruaunt, where as youre fathers also haue dwelt. Yea, euen in the same lande shall they, their chyldren, & their childers chyldren dwell for euermore: and my seruaunt Dauid shalbe their euerlastinge prince.
Daniel 2:44
44 In the dayes of these kinges shall the God of heauen set vp an euerlastynge kyngdome whiche shall not peryshe, and hys kyngdome shall not be geuen ouer to another people: yea the same shal breake and destroy al these kingdomes, but it shall endure foreuer.
Daniel 4:4
4 I Nabuchodonosor beynge at rest in minehouse, and floryshynge in my palace,
Daniel 4:29-30
Daniel 9:17
17 Now therefore, O oure God, heare the prayer of thy seruaunte, and his intercession. O let not thy face shyne ouer thy Sanctuary that lyeth waste.
Amos 3:7
7 Nowe doth the Lorde God no maner of thynge, but he telleth hys secrete before vnto hys seruauntes the Prophetes.
Amos 7:14-15
Amos 9:15
15 And I wyll plante them vpon their owne grounde, so that I wyll neuer rote them out agayne from their lande which I haue geuen them sayeth the Lorde thy God.
Micah 5:4
4 He shall stande fast, and geue fode in the strength of the Lorde, and in the vyctorye of the name of the Lorde hys God: and when they be conuerted, he shal be magnifyed vnto the farthest partes of the worlde.
Haggai 1:4
4 Ye your selues can fynde tyme to dwell in syled houses, and shall thys house lye waste?
Haggai 1:9
9 Ye loked for much, and lo, it is come to lytle: & thoughe ye bryng it home, yet do I blowe it awaye. And why so, sayeth the Lorde of hostes? Euen because that my house lyeth so waste, and ye runne euery man vnto hys owne house.
Zechariah 6:12-13
12 and speake vnto hym: Thus sayth the Lorde of hostes: Behold the man whose name is the braunche: and he that shall sprynge vp after hym, shall buylde vp the temple of the Lorde,
13 yea euen he shall buylde vp the temple of the Lord. He shall beare the prayse, he shal syt vpon the Lordes trone, and haue the domynacyon. A Priest shall be also vpon hys trone, & a peaceable councell shalbe betwixte them both.
Zechariah 8:23
23 Thus sayeth the Lorde of Hostes: In that tyme shal ten men (out of al maner of languages of the Gentiles) take one Iew by the hemme of his garment, and saye: we wyl go with you, for we haue hearde, that God is amonge you.
Zechariah 13:9
9 And the same thyrd part wil I bring thorow the fyre, & wil clense them, as the siluer is clensed: yea, & try them like as gold is tryed. Then shall they call vpon my name and I wyll heare them: I wyl saye: it is my people. And they shal say: Lorde my God.
Matthew 2:6
6 And thou Bethleem in the land of Iury, art not the least concerning the Princes of Iuda. For out of the shal come the captaine, that shall gouerne my people Israel.
Matthew 4:18-22
18 As Iesus walked by the sea of Galile, he sawe two brethren: Symon which was called Peter, and Andrew his brother, casting a net into the sea, for they were fysshers,
19 & he sayed vnto them, folowe me, and I wyll make you fysshers of men.
20 And they straight waye left their nettes, and folowed hym.
21 And he went forth from thence, and sawe other two brethren, Iames the sonne of Zebede, and Ihon his brother, in the shippe wyth Zebede their father, mending their nets, and called them.
22 And they without tarringe left the shyp and their father and folowed hym.
Matthew 6:9
9 after this manner therfore pray ye. Our father which art in heauen, halowed be thy name.
Matthew 6:13
13 And lead vs not into temptaciou. But delyuer vs from euyll. For thyne is the kingdome and the power, and the glorye for euer Amen.
Matthew 11:26
26 euen so father, for so it pleased the.
Luke 1:28
28 And the aungel wente in vnto her, & sayde Hayle full of grace, the Lorde is with the: blessed art thou amonge women.
Luke 1:32
32 He shalbe greate, and shalbe called the sonne of the hiest. And the Lorde God shal geue to hym the seat of his father Dauid,
Luke 1:32-33
Luke 1:38
38 And Marye sayde: beholde the hande mayden of the Lord, be it vnto me euen as thou haste said. And the aungel departed from her.
Luke 1:52
52 He putteth doune the mightye from their seates, and exalteth them of low degre.
Luke 5:10
10 and so was Iames and Iohn the sonnes of Zebede, which were parteners with Symon. And Iesus sayed vnto Simon: feare not, from hence forth thou shalt catche men.
Luke 9:35
35 And ther came a voice out of the cloude saiynge. This is my deare sonne, heare hym.
John 2:19-21
John 3:35
35 The father loueth the sonne and hath geuen all thinges into his hand.
John 12:28
28 Father, glorifye thy name. Then came there a voyce from heauen: I haue glorifyed it, and wil glorifye it agayne.
John 17:1
1 These wordes spake Iesus, & lyfte vp hys eyes to heauen, and said: father the houre is come: glorify thy sonne, that thy sonne maye glorifye the:
John 21:17
17 He saied vnto him the thyrde tyme: Simon Ioanna, louest thou me? And Peter sorowed, because he saied to him the thirde time, louest thou me, and said vnto him: Lord, thou knowest all thinge: thou knowest that I loue the. Iesus sayd vnto him: fede me shepe.
Acts 2:29
29 Men and brethren, let me frely speake vnto you of the patriarche Dauid: For he is both dead and buryed, and hys sepulchre remaineth wyth vs vnto this daye.
Acts 7:44-50
44 Our fathers had the tabernacle of witnes in the wildernes, as he had apoynted them speaking vnto Moyses, that he shoulde make it accordynge to the fashyon that he had sene,
45 Whiche tabernacle our fathers receiued, and brought it in with Iosue into the possession of the Gentils, whiche God draue out before the face of our fathers vnto the tyme of Dauid.
46 Which found fauour before God, and desired that he myght fynde a tabernacle for the God of Iacob.
Acts 7:46-50
Acts 7:47-48
Acts 7:48-48
Acts 13:20
20 And afterwarde he gaue vnto them iudges about the space of .iiij.C. and .l. yeares vnto the tyme of Samuel the prophet.
Acts 13:36
36 Howbeit Dauid after he had in hys tyme fulfylled the wyll of God, he slepte, and was layde with hys fathers, and sawe corrupcyon.
Acts 20:27
27 For I haue kept nothynge backe, but haue shewed you all the counsell of God.
Acts 26:22
22 Neuerthelesse I obtained helpe of God, and continue vnto this daye wytnessinge both to smal and to great, saiyng none other thinges, then those which the prophetes and Moyses dyd saye shoulde come
Romans 1:3-4
Romans 9:4-6
4 whiche are the Israelites. To whom pertayneth the adoption, and the glory, and the couenauntes, & the lawe that was geuen, & the seruice of God, & the promises:
5 whose also are the fathers & they of whom (as concerninge the flesh) Christe came, whiche is God ouer al thynges blessed for euer. Amen.
6 I speake not these thinges as though the wordes of God had taken none effect. For they are not al Israelites whiche came of Israell,
Romans 9:25-26
Romans 11:1-12
1 I saye then: hath God cast away hys people? God forbyd. For euen I verelye am an Israelite, of the sede of Abraham, and of the trybe of Beniamin,
2 GOD hath not caste awaye hys people whiche he knewe before. Eyther wote ye not what the scripture sayth by the mouth of Helyas, how he maketh intercessyon to God agaynst Israel, saiynge:
3 Lorde they haue killed thy prophetes and dygged downe thyne alters: and I am lefte onelye, and they seke my lyfe?
4 But what sayth the aunswere of God to hym agayne? I haue reserued vnto me seuen thousande men whiche haue not bowed the knee to Baal.
5 Euen so at thys tyme is there a remnaunte left thorow the election of grace.
6 Yf it be of grace, then is it not of workes. For then were grace no more grace. Yf it be of workes, then is it no more grace. For then were deseruynge no lenger deseruynge.
7 What then? Israell hath not obtayned that, that he soughte. No but the electyon hath obtayned it. The remnaunte are blynded,
8 accordynge as it is wrytten. God hath geuen them the spirite of vnquyetnes: eyes that they should not se, and eares that they shoulde not heare euen vnto thys daye.
9 And Dauyd sayth: Let theyr table be made a snare to take them wyth all, and an occasyon to fall, and a reward vnto them.
10 Let theyr eyes be blynded that they se not: and euer bowe doune theyr backes.
11 I saye then: Haue they therfore stombled, that they shoulde but falle onelye? God forbyd: but thorowe theyr fall is saluacyon happened vnto the gentyles for to prouoke them withall.
12 Wherfore yf the fall of them, be the ryches of the worlde: and the minyshynge of them the ryches of the gentyles: Howe much more shoulde it be so, yf they all beleued?
Romans 11:29
29 For verelye the giftes and callyng of god are suche, that it cannot repente hym of them,
Romans 11:33-34
1 Corinthians 13:9
9 For oure knowledge is vnperfect, & oure prophesiynge is vnperfecte.
1 Corinthians 15:25
25 For he muste reigne tyll he haue put all hys enemies vnder his fete.
2 Corinthians 1:10
10 & which delyuered vs from so greate a death, and doth delyuer. On whom we truste that yet here after he will delyuer,
2 Corinthians 6:16
16 Howe agreeth the temple of God with Images. And ye are the temple of that lyuynge God, as sayed God. I wyll dwell amonge them, and walke among them, and wyll be theyr God, and they shall be my people.
2 Corinthians 6:18
18 and wyll be a father vnto you, and ye shall be vnto me sonnes and doughters, sayth the Lorde almyghtye.
Ephesians 1:3
3 Blessed be God the father of oure Lorde Iesus Christe, which hath blessed vs wyth all maner of spyrytuall blessynges in heauenlye thynges by Christe,
Ephesians 1:9-11
9 And hath opened vnto vs the misterye of hys wyll accordyng to hys pleasure and purposed the same in hym selfe
10 to haue it declared, when the tyme were full come, that all thynges, bothe the thynges whiche are in heauen, & also thynges whiche are in earth shoulde be gathered together euen in Christ:
11 that is to saye in hym in whome we are made heyres, and were thereto predestinate accordynge to the purpose of hym which worketh all thynges after the purpose of hys owne wyll,
Ephesians 2:2-3
2 in the whiche in time passed, yet walked accordynge to the course of thys worlde, & after the gouerner that ruleth in the ayer, the spyrite that nowe worketh in the chyldren of vnbelefe,
3 amonge whiche we also had our conuersation in tyme paste, in the lustes of oure fleshe, and fulfylled the wyll of the fleshe and of the mynde, and were naturallye the chyldren of wrath, euen as well as other.
Ephesians 3:8
8 Vnto me the leaste of all sainctes is this grace geuen, that I shoulde preache amonge the Gentyls the vnsearcheable ryches of Christe,
Ephesians 3:11
11 accordinge to the eternal purpose, whiche he purposed in Christe Iesu our Lorde,
Ephesians 3:20
20 Vnto hym that is able to do excedinge aboundantly aboue all that we are or thinke, accordinge to the power that worketh in vs,
Ephesians 5:6
6 Let no man deceiue you with vayne wordes. For thorowe suche thinges commeth the wrath of God vpon the children of vnbelefe.
Philippians 2:8-11
8 and was founde in hys aparell as a man. He humbled hym selfe, and became obediente vnto the death euen the death of the crosse.
9 Wherfore God hath exalted hym, and geuen hym a name aboue al names,
10 that in the name of Iesus should euerye knee bowe, both of thinges in heauen and thinges in earth, and thinges vnder the earth,
11 and that al tounges should confesse that Iesus Christ is the Lorde vnto the prayse of God the father.
Philippians 2:11
11 and that al tounges should confesse that Iesus Christ is the Lorde vnto the prayse of God the father.
Colossians 2:9
9 For in him dwelleth al the fulnes of the Godhead bodely,
Titus 1:2
2 vpon the hope, of eternall lyfe, whiche lyfe God that can not lye, hath promysed before the worlde beganne:
Titus 2:14
14 whiche gaue hym selfe for vs, to redeme vs from al vnryghtuousnes and to pourge vs a peculyar people vnto him selfe, feruently geuen vnto good workes.
Hebrews 1:5
5 For vnto whyche of the Angelles sayed he anye tyme: Thou arte my sonne, thys day begat I the? And agayne: I wyll be hys father, and he shall be my sonne.
Hebrews 3:6
6 But Chryste as a sonne hath rule ouer the house, whose house are we, so that we holde faste the confidence and the reioysynge of that hope, vnto the ende.
Hebrews 6:18
18 that by two immutable thynges (in which it was vnpossyble that GOD shaulde lye) we myghte haue perfecte consolacyon, whiche haue fled, for to holde faste the hope that is set before vs,
Hebrews 8:10
10 For thys is the testament that I will make wyth the house of Israel: After those dayes sayth the Lorde: I wyl put my lawes in their myndes, and in theyr hertes I wyl wryte them and I wyll be theyr God, and they shall be my people.
Hebrews 11:16
16 But nowe they desyre a better, that is to saye an heauenlye. Wherfor God is not ashamed of them euen to be called theyr God: for he hath prepared for them a cytye.
1 Peter 2:9
9 But ye are a chosen generacyon, a royall priesthode, an holye nacyon and a peculyar people that ye shoulde shewe the vertues of hym that called you oute of darkenes into his marueylous lyght,
1 Peter 4:11
11 Yf anye man speake let hym talke as though he spake the wordes of God. If any man mynistre, let hym do it as of the habilitie, whyche God ministreth vnto hym. That God in all thinges may be glorifyed thorowe IESUS Christ, to whom be prayse and domynyon for euer, and whyle the worlde standeth. Amen.
1 John 5:14-15
Revelation 2:1
1 Vnto the messenger of the congregacion of Ephesus writte, these thinges, sayeth he that holdeth the .vij. starres in his right hand, and walketh in the middes of the seuen golden candelstickes:
Revelation 2:23
23 And I will kyl her chyldren wyth death. And all the congregacions shal know, that I am he, whiche searched the reynes and hertes. And I will geue vnto euery one of you according vnto youre workes.
Revelation 11:15
15 And the seuenth angell blewe, and there were made greate voyces in heauen, sayinge: the kyngdomes of thys worlde are oure Lordes and hys Christes, & he shall raygne for euer more.
Revelation 21:3
3 And I heard a great voyce out of heauen saying: beholde, the tabernacle of God is wt men, and he wyll dwell with them. And they shal be his people, & God hym selfe shalbe with them & be theyr God.
4 And god shal wipe away al teares from their eyes. And there shalbe no more death, neyther sorow neither criyng, neither shal there be any more paine, for the olde thinges are gone.