17 for the vicious desires are contrary to those of the spirit, and the inclinations of the spirit are contrary to those of the animal part; these are opposite to each other, so that you do not the things that you would.
Galatians 5:17 Cross References - Mace
Matthew 5:6
6 Blessed are they who hunger and thirst after righteousness: for they shall be satisfied.
Matthew 12:30
30 "He that is not for me, is against me: and he that is not active for me, is a Deserter."
Matthew 16:17
17 to whom Jesus reply'd, blessed art thou Simon, son of Jona: for 'tis not man that hath revealed this unto thee, but my father who is in heaven.
Matthew 16:23
23 but he frown'd upon Peter, and said, out of my sight pernicious obstacle to my designs; your views are all worldly, regardless of what is divine.
Matthew 26:41
41 watch and pray that ye may not sink under the trial: the mind indeed is vigorous, but the flesh is weak.
Luke 22:33
33 Peter answer'd, Lord, I am ready to accompany you both to prison, and to death.
Luke 22:46
46 said he, rise, and pray that you may withstand the trial.
Luke 22:54-61
54 Then they seized him and carried him away to the high priest's house, and Peter followed at a distance.
55 now as they had made a fire in the middle of the hall, and people were sitting all round it, Peter too sat down among them.
56 but one of the servants seeing him by the fire, star'd him in the face, and said, this man was with him too.
57 but he renounc'd Jesus, saying, woman, I don't know him.
58 a little while after another seeing him, said, you are even one of them. but Peter said to him, man, I am not.
59 about an hour after another confidently affirm'd, saying, this fellow was certainly with him; for he too is a Galilean.
60 Peter reply'd, man, I don't know what you would say, and immediately while he was yet speaking, the cock crew.
61 whereupon the Lord turned about, and look'd upon Peter. then Peter remembred what the Lord had said to him, "before the cock-crowing you shall deny me thrice."
John 3:6
6 the cleansing of the body is only external, but the purification of the spirit is spiritual.
Romans 7:7-8
7 Do we then conclude, that the law is the cause of sin? by no means; but I should not have had such a notion of sin, had it not been for the law: for I should not have known concupiscence was a sin, unless the law had said, "thou shalt not covet."
8 but sin receiving strength by the commandment, wrought in me all manner of concupiscence. for before the law sin appear'd dead.
Romans 7:10-25
10 and the commandment which leads to life was instrumental to my ruin.
11 for sin getting power by the commandment, deceived me, and by it slew me.
12 wherefore the law is holy; and the commandment holy, and just, and good.
13 was it then good that brought death upon me? no, but it was sin, that sin might show it self by being able to bring death upon me by means of that which is good; that sin, I say, by the commandment might appear to be exceedingly destructive.
14 for we know that the law is spiritual: but I am carnal, sold a slave to sin.
15 what I do I allow not: for what my mind leads me to, that do I not; but what I have an aversion to, that I do.
16 if then I do what I in my mind am against, the consent of my mind is, that the law is right.
17 now then, it is not wholly I that do it, but the sinful passions that dwell in me.
18 for I experience, that in the carnal part of me dwells no good: for it is familiar to me, to will, but not to execute that which is good.
19 for the good that I purpose to do, I do not: but the evil which I resolve against, that I do.
20 now if I do that which my mind is against, it is not meerly I that do it, but sin that dwells in me.
21 I find then a settled custom, that evil is objected in my way whenever I have a mind to act well:
22 for my mind takes delight in the law of God,
23 but I perceive in the animal part of me another law warring against the law of my mind, and bringing me into captivity to the law of sin, which is in my animal part.
24 O wretched man that I am, what shall deliver me from this body of death?
25 the divine grace thro' Jesus Christ our Lord. so then, with the mind I my self am devoted to the law of God; tho' my carnal inclinations are enslaved to the law of sin.
Romans 8:5-8
5 for they that are sensually affected, abandon themselves to sensuality, but the spiritual pursue their spiritual entertainments.
6 now sensual inclinations lead to death; but spiritual affections to a life of tranquillity.
7 because a sensual disposition of mind is averse to God: for it is not subject to the divine law, nor indeed can it be.
8 so that they who are in a carnal state, cannot be acceptable to the divine being. as for you,
Romans 8:13
13 for if you lead a sensual life, you will be miserable: but if through the spirit you mortify the affections of corrupted nature, you will be happy.
Galatians 3:21
21 Is the law then opposite to the promises? by no means. for if there had been a law given, which could have given life, certainly justification should have been by the law.
Philippians 3:12-16
12 for I am not yet secure of the prize, I have not yet finish'd my course: but I press to obtain the reward, which Jesus Christ invited me to.
13 I don't imagine, my brethren, that I am arriv'd at the goal; but this I do, unmindful of what is pass'd, I stretch towards that which is in view,
14 I press towards the mark for the prize to which God has called me from above by Jesus Christ.
15 Let us therefore, who have been instructed, have this in view: and if you are sollicitous about any thing else, God will reveal even that unto you.
16 in the mean while, as we are already advanc'd so far, pursue your course, and keep it still in view:
James 3:2
2 for we are all liable to frequent mistakes. he that does not give too great a loose to his tongue, is an accomplish'd person and fit to moderate the whole church.