31 and the man shall be guiltless, and the wife shall bear her sin."
Numbers 5:31 Cross References - MSTC
Leviticus 20:10
10 He that breaketh wedlock with another man's wife shall die for it, because he hath broke wedlock with his neighbour's wife, and so shall she likewise.
Leviticus 20:17-20
17 "'If a man take his sister, his father's daughter or his mother's daughter, and see her privities, and she see his privities also: it is a wicked thing. Therefore let them perish in the sight of their people; he hath seen his sister's secretness, he shall therefore bear his sin.
18 If a man lie with a woman in time of her natural disease and uncover her privities and open her fountain, and she also open the fountain of her blood, they shall both perish from among their people.
19 Thou shalt not uncover the privities of thy mother's sister nor of thy father's sisters, for he that doth so, uncovereth his next kin: and they shall bear their misdoing.
20 If a man lie with his uncle's wife, he hath uncovered his uncle's privities: they shall bear their sin, and shall die childless.
Numbers 9:13
13 But if a man be clean and not let in a journey, and yet was negligent to offer Passover, the same soul shall perish from his people, because he brought not an offering unto the LORD in his due season: and he shall bear his sin.
Psalms 37:6
6 He shall make thy righteousness as clear as the light, and thy just dealing as the noonday.
Ezekiel 18:4
4 Behold, all souls are mine. Like as the father is mine, so is the son mine also. The soul that sinneth, shall die.