Acts 16:34 Cross References - MKJV

34 And bringing them up to the house, he set a table before them and rejoiced, believing in God with all his household.

Isaiah 12:1-3

1 And in that day you shall say, O Jehovah, I will praise You; though You were angry with me, turn away Your anger, and You shall comfort me. 2 Behold, God is my salvation; I will trust and not be afraid for the LORD JEHOVAH is my strength and my song; He also has become my salvation. 3 And with joy you shall draw water out of the wells of salvation.

Isaiah 55:12

12 For you shall go out with joy, and be led out with peace; the mountains and the hills shall break out before you into singing, and all the trees of the field shall clap their hands.

Isaiah 57:17-18

17 For the iniquity of his covetousness I was angry and struck him; I hid Myself, and was angry, and he went on turning away in the way of his heart. 18 I have seen his ways, and will heal him. I will also lead him, and restore comforts to him and to his mourners.

Isaiah 58:7-11

7 Is it not to break your bread to the hungry, and that you should bring home the wandering poor? When will you see the naked and cover him; and you will not hide yourself from your own flesh? 8 Then shall your light break out as the dawn, and your health shall spring out quickly; and your righteousness shall go before you; the glory of Jehovah shall gather you. 9 Then you shall call, and Jehovah shall answer; you shall cry, and He shall say, Here I am. If you take the yoke away from among you, the pointing of the finger, and speaking vanity; 10 and if you draw out your soul to the hungry, and satisfy the afflicted soul; then shall your light rise in darkness, and your darkness shall be as the noonday. 11 And Jehovah shall always guide you and satisfy your soul in dry places, and make your bones fat; and you shall be like a watered garden, and like a spring of water whose waters fail not.

Isaiah 61:10

10 I will greatly rejoice in Jehovah, my soul will be joyful in my God; for He has clothed me with the robes of salvation, He covered me with the robe of righteousness like a bridegroom adorns himself with ornaments, and like a bride adorns herself with her jewels.

Luke 5:29

29 And Levi made a great feast in his own house for Him. And there was a great company of tax-collectors and of others who were reclining with them.

Luke 15:22-25

22 But the father said to his servants, Bring the best robe and put it on him. And put a ring on his hand and shoes on his feet. 23 And bring the fattened calf here and kill it. And let us eat and be merry, 24 for this my son was dead and is alive again, he was lost and is found. And they began to be merry. 25 And his elder son was in the field. And as he came and drew near the house, he heard music and dancing.

Luke 15:32

32 It was right that we should make merry and be glad, for this brother of yours was dead and is alive again; and was lost, and is found.

Luke 19:6

6 And hurrying he came down, and received Him joyfully.

Acts 2:46

46 And continuing with one accord in the temple, and breaking bread from house to house, they shared food with gladness and simplicity of heart,

Acts 8:39

39 And when they had come up out of the water, the Spirit of the Lord caught Philip away, so that the eunuch saw him no more. And he went on his way rejoicing.

Acts 11:14

14 who will tell you words by which you and all your house shall be saved.

Acts 16:27-29

27 And being awakened, and seeing the doors of the prison being open, drawing a sword, the jailer was about to kill himself, supposing that the prisoners had escaped. 28 But Paul called out with a loud voice, saying, Do yourself no harm, for we are all here. 29 Then asking for a light he rushed in and fell trembling before Paul and Silas.

Romans 5:2

2 Through Him we also have access by faith into this grace in which we stand, and we rejoice on the hope of the glory of God.

Romans 5:11

11 And not only so, but we also rejoice in God through our Lord Jesus Christ, by whom we have now received the reconciliation.

Romans 15:13

13 And may the God of hope fill you with all joy and peace in believing, that you may abound in hope through the power of the Holy Spirit.

Galatians 5:22

22 But the fruit of the Spirit is: love, joy, peace, long-suffering, kindness, goodness, faith,

Philippians 4:4

4 Rejoice in the Lord always. Again I say, Rejoice!

Philippians 4:17

17 I do not say this because I desire a gift, but I desire fruit that may abound to your account.

1 Thessalonians 4:9-10

9 But regarding brotherly love, you do not need that I write to you, for you yourselves are taught by God to love one another. 10 And indeed you do it toward all the brothers who are in all Macedonia. But we beseech you, brothers, that you abound more and more,

Philemon 1:7

7 For we have great joy and consolation over your love, because the hearts of the saints have been refreshed by you, brother.

James 2:14-17

14 My brothers, what profit is it if a man says he has faith and does not have works? Can faith save him? 15 If a brother or sister is naked and destitute of daily food, 16 and if one of you says to them, Go in peace, be warmed and filled, but you do not give them those things which are needful to the body, what good is it? 17 Even so, if it does not have works, faith is dead, being by itself.

1 Peter 1:6-8

6 in which you greatly rejoice, yet a little while, if need be, grieving in manifold temptations; 7 so that the trial of your faith (being much more precious than that of gold that perishes, but being proven through fire) might be found to praise and honor and glory at the revelation of Jesus Christ, 8 whom having not seen, you love; in whom not yet seeing, but believing in Him you exult with unspeakable joy, and having been glorified,

1 John 3:18

18 My children, let us not love in word or in tongue, but in deed and in truth.

Cross Reference data is from, retrieved June 28, 2010, and licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution License.