Galatians 2:12 Cross References - Living_Oracles

12 For, before certain persons came from James, he did eat with the Gentiles; but when they were come, he withdrew, and separated himself, being afraid of them of the circumcision.

Matthew 26:69-75

69 Now Peter was sitting without in the court, and a maid servant came to him, and said, You also were with Jesus, the Galilean. 70 But he denied before them all, saying, I know nothing of the matter. 71 And as he went out into the porch, another maid observing him, said to them, This man too was there with Jesus the Nazarene. 72 Again he denied, swearing that he knew him not. 73 Soon after some of the bystanders said to Peter, You are certainly one of them, for your speech discovers you. 74 Upon which, with execrations and oaths, he asserted that he did not know him; and immediately the cock crew. 75 Then Peter remembered the word, which Jesus had said to him, Before the cock crow, you will thrice disown me. And he went out an wept bitterly.

Luke 15:2

2 But the Pharisees and the Scribes murmured, saying, This man admits sinners, and eats with them.

Acts 10:28

28 And he said to them, You know that it is unlawful for a man that is a Jew to join with, or to come into the house of, one of another nation; nevertheless, God has shown me that I am to call no man common or unclean.

Acts 11:2-3

2 And when Peter was come up to Jerusalem, they who were of the circumcision contended with him, 3 saying, You did go in to men who were uncircumcised, and did eat with them.

Acts 21:18-25

18 And the next day Paul entered in with us to James; and all the elders were present. 19 And having embraced them, he gave them a particular account of those things which God had done among the Gentiles by his ministry. 20 And when they heard it, they glorified God, and said to him, Brother, you see how many myriads of believing Jews there are: and they are all zealous for the law. 21 Now, they have been informed of you, that you teach all the Jews, which are among the Gentiles, to apostatize from Moses, saying, that they ought not to circumcise their children, nor to walk according to the customs. 22 What is it then? The multitude must, by all means, come together; for they will hear that you are come. 23 Therefore, do this that we say to you: there are with us four men who have a vow upon them; 24 take them, and purify yourself with them, and be at charges for them, that they may shave their heads: and all will know that there is nothing in those things which they have heard of you; but that you yourself walk regularly, keeping the law. 25 As for the believing Gentiles, we have written, determining that they should observe none of these things; except it be to keep themselves from what is offered to idols, and from blood, and from that which is strangled, and from fornication.

Galatians 2:9

9 even James, and Cephas, and John, who seemed to be pillars, having perceived the favor granted to me, gave to me and Barnabas the right hands of fellowship; that we, indeed, should go to the Gentiles, and they to the circumcision;

Ephesians 2:15

15 having abolished, by his flesh, the enmity, (the law of the commandments concerning ordinances,) that he might make the two into one new man, under himself, making peace:

Ephesians 2:19-22

19 Now, then, you are no longer strangers and sojourners; but fellow-citizens with the saints, and of the household of God: 20 having been built upon the foundation of the Apostles and prophets, Jesus Christ himself being the foundation corner stone; 21 by which the whole building, being fitly compacted together, rises into a holy temple of the Lord; 22 in which you, also, are builded together, for a habitation of God by the Spirit.

Ephesians 3:6

6 that the Gentiles should be fellow-heirs, and of the same body, and joint partakers of his promise in Christ by the gospel;

1 Thessalonians 5:22

22 Abstain from all appearance of evil.

Cross Reference data is from, retrieved June 28, 2010, and licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution License.