26 I, therefore, so run, as not out of view. So I fight, not as beating the air:
1 Corinthians 9:26 Cross References - Living_Oracles
Matthew 11:12
12 From the first appearing of John the Immerser until now, the kingdom of heaven is invaded, and invaders take possession by force.
1 Peter 5:1
1 The seniors who are among you, I exhort, who am also a senior, and a witness of the sufferings of Christ, and also a partaker of the glory which is to be revealed.
Luke 13:24
24 Force your entrance through the straight gate; for many, I assure you, will request to be admitted, who shall not prevail.
1 Corinthians 14:9
9 So, also, you, unless with the tongue you give intelligible speech, how shall it be known what is spoken? Therefore, you will be speaking to the air.
2 Corinthians 5:1
1 For we know that if the earthy house of this our tabernacle were dissolved, we have a building of God, a house not made with hands, everlasting, in the heavens.
2 Corinthians 5:8
8 We are courageous, indeed, and desirous rather to be absent from the body, and to be present with the Lord.
Ephesians 6:12
12 For we wrestle not with flesh and blood, but with governments, with powers, with the rulers of this darkness: with spiritual wickedness in the heavenly regions.
Philippians 1:21
21 For to me to live is Christ, and to die is gain.
Colossians 1:29
29 For which I also labor, combating vigorously, according to the effectual working of him who works effectually in me with power.
2 Timothy 1:12
12 for which cause I also suffer these things. Nevertheless, I am not ashamed; for I know in whom I have believed, and I am persuaded that he is able to preserve what I have committed in trust to him, till that day.
2 Timothy 2:5
5 And also if one contend in the games, he is not crowned unless he contend according to the laws.
Hebrews 4:1
1 Wherefore, let us be afraid, lest a promise of entrance into the rest, being left, any of you should seem to fall short of it.
2 Peter 1:10
10 Wherefore, the rather, brethren, earnestly endeavor to make your calling and election sure; for doing these things, you shall never fall;