18 Let our LORD grant to him, that he may find mercy in heaven, where our LORD is, in that day: and of how he ministered to me at EphÆe-sus, you know very well.
2 Timothy 1:18 Cross References - Lamsa
Matthew 25:34-40
34 Then the King will say to those at his right, Come, you blessed of my Father, inherit the kingdom which has been prepared for you from the foundation of the world.
35 For I was hungry, and you gave me to eat; I was thirsty, and you gave me to drink; I was a stranger and you took me in;
36 I was naked, and you covered me; I was sick, and you visited me; I was in prison, and you came to me.
37 Then the righteous will say to him, Our Lord, when did we see you hungry, and feed you? or thirsty and gave you drink?
38 And when did we see you a stranger, and took you in? Or that you were naked, and covered you?
39 And when did we see you sick, or in the prison, and come to you?
40 The king then will answer and say to them, Truly I tell you, Inasmuch as you have done it to one of these least brethren, you did it to me.
Luke 1:72
72 He has shown mercy to our fathers, and he has remembered his holy covenants;
Luke 1:78
78 Through the mercy and kindness of our God; whereby we shall be visited by a ray from above,
Luke 8:3
3 And Joanna, the wife of Chuza the steward of Herod, and Susanna, and many others, who ministered to them of their wealth.
Acts 19:1
1 AND it came to pass, that while ApolÆlos was at CorÆinth, Paul traveled through the northern countries and came to EphÆe-sus, and inquired of the disciples whom he found there,
Romans 3:23-24
Romans 9:15-23
15 For he said to Moses also, I will have mercy on him whom I love, and I will have compassion on him whom I favor.
16 Therefore, it is not within reach of him who wishes, nor within the reach of him who runs, but it is within the reach of the merciful God.
17 For in the scripture, he said to Pharaoh, It was for this purpose that I have appointed you, that I might shew my power in you, so that my name might be preached throughout all the earth.
18 Thus he has mercy on whom he pleases, and he hardens whom he pleases.
19 Perhaps you will say, Why then does he yet find fault? For who can resist his will?
20 However, O man, who are you to question God? Shall the thing formed say to him who formed it, Why have you made me like this?
21 Does not the potter have power over his clay, to make out of the same lump vessels, one to be formed and the other for service?
22 Now then, if God wanted to shew his anger, and make his power known, would he not then, after the abundance of his patience, bring wrath upon the vessels of wrath which were ready for destruction?
23 But he poured his mercy upon the favored vessels, which were prepared for the glory of God.
1 Corinthians 16:8
8 But I will tarry at EphÆe-sus until Pentecost.
2 Corinthians 9:1
1 CONCERNING the ministration to the saints, it is superfluous for me to write to you.
Ephesians 2:4
4 But God, who is rich in mercy, for his great love with which he loved us,
1 Thessalonians 2:19
19 For what is our hope, our joy, or crown of our glorying? Is it not you in the presence of our LORD Jesus when he comes?
1 Timothy 1:3
3 When I went to Mac-e-doÆni-a, I besought you to remain at EphÆe-sus, so that you might charge certain ones not to teach diverse doctrines,
2 Timothy 1:12
12 For this cause I suffer these things: nevertheless I am not ashamed; for I know whom I have trusted, and I am sure he will take care of me until that day.
2 Timothy 1:16
16 Let our LORD grant mercy to the house of On-e-siphÆo-rus; for he has often refreshed me, and he was not ashamed of the chains of my imprisonment:
2 Timothy 4:12
12 I have sent TychÆi-cus to EphÆe-sus.
Hebrews 6:10
10 For God is not unjust to forget your works and your labor of love which you have made known in his name, for you have ministered to the saints and still do minister.
1 Peter 1:10
10 For which very salvation the prophets searched diligently when they prophesied concerning the grace which was to be given to you.
Revelation 2:1
1 TO the angel * of the church of EphÆesus write: These things says the Omnipotent; who holds the seven stars in his right hand, who walks in the midst of the seven golden candlesticks;