Job 28:2 Cross References - LXX2012

2 For iron comes out of the earth, and brass is hewn out like stone.

Genesis 4:22

22 And Sella also bore Thobel; he was a smith, a manufacturer both of brass and iron; and the sister of Thobel was Noema.

Numbers 31:22

22 Beside the gold, and the silver, and the brass, and the iron, and lead, and tin,

Deuteronomy 8:9

9 a land on which you shall not eat your bread with poverty, and you shall not lack any thing upon it; a land whose stones are iron, and out of its mountains you shall dig brass.

1 Chronicles 22:14

14 And, behold, I according to my poverty have prepared for the house of the Lord a hundred thousand talents of gold, and a million talents of silver, and brass and iron without measure; for it is abundant; and I have prepared timber and stones; and do you add to these.

Cross Reference data is from, retrieved June 28, 2010, and licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution License.