Job 1:22 Cross References - LXX2012

22 In all these events that befell him Job sinned not at all before the Lord, and did not impute folly to God.

Job 2:10

10 But he looked on her, and said to her, You have spoken like one of the foolish women. If we have received good things of the hand of the Lord, shall we not endure evil things? In all these things that happened to him, Job sinned not at all with his lips before God.

Job 34:10

10 Therefore hear me, you⌃ that are wise in heart: far be it from me to sin before the Lord, and to pervert righteousness before the almighty.

Job 34:18-19

18 [He is] ungodly that says to a king, You are a transgressor, [that says] to princes, O most ungodly one. 19 [Such a one] as would not reverence the face of an honorable man, neither knows how to give honor to the great, so as that their persons should be respected.

Job 40:4-8

4 Hast you an arm like the Lord's? or do you thunder with a voice like his? 5 Assume now a lofty bearing and power; and clothe yourself with glory and honor. 6 And send forth messengers with wrath; and lay low every haughty one. 7 Bring down also the proud man; and consume at once the ungodly. 8 And hide them together in the earth; and fill their faces with shame.

Cross Reference data is from, retrieved June 28, 2010, and licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution License.