2 Samuel 7:9 Cross References - LXX2012

9 And I was with you wherever you went, and I destroyed all your enemies before you, and I made you renowned according to the renown of the great ones on the earth.

Genesis 12:2

2 And I will make you a great nation, and I will bless you and magnify your name, and you shall be blessed.

1 Samuel 2:8

8 He lifts up the poor from the earth, and raises the needy from the dunghill; to seat him with the princes of the people, and causing them to inherit the throne of glory:

1 Samuel 18:14

14 And David was prudent in all his ways, and the Lord was with him.

1 Samuel 31:6

6 So Saul died, and his three sons, and his armor-bearer, in that day together.

2 Samuel 5:10

10 And David advanced and became great, and the Lord Almighty [was] with him.

2 Samuel 8:6

6 And David placed a garrison in Syria near Damascus, and the Syrians became servants and tributaries to David: and the Lord preserved David wherever he went.

2 Samuel 8:14

14 And he set garrisons in Idumea, even in all Idumea: and all the Idumeans were servants to the king. And the Lord preserved David wherever he went.

2 Samuel 22:1

1 And David spoke to the Lord the words of this song, in the day in which the Lord rescued him out of the hand of all his enemies, and out of the hand of Saul.

2 Samuel 22:30

30 For by you shall I run [as] a girded man, and by my God shall I leap over a wall.

2 Samuel 22:34-38

34 He makes my feet like hart's feet, and sets me upon the high places. 35 He teaches my hands to war, and has broken a brazen bow by my arm. 36 And you have given me the shield of my salvation, and your propitious dealing has increased me, 37 so as to make room under me for my going, and my legs did not totter. 38 I will pursue my enemies, and will utterly destroy them; and I will not turn again till I have consumed them.

1 Chronicles 17:8

8 and I was with you in all places whither you went, and I destroyed all your enemies from before you, and I made for you a name according to the name of the great ones that are upon the earth.

Psalms 87:3-6

3 For my soul is filled with troubles, and my life has drawn near to Hades. 4 I have been reckoned with them that go down to the pit; I became as a man without help; 5 free among the dead, as the slain ones cast out, who sleep in the tomb; whom you remember no more; and they are rejected from your hand. 6 They laid me in the lowest pit, in dark [places], and in the shadow of death.

Psalms 113:7-8

7 The earth trembled at the presence of the Lord, at the presence of the God of Jacob; 8 who turned the rock into pools of water, and the flint into fountains of water.

Cross Reference data is from OpenBible.info, retrieved June 28, 2010, and licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution License.